How Does Altitude Affect Temperature Change?

In summary: If you are having problems doing some of these steps, you should show your work so we can see what is going wrong.In summary, the conversation discusses the use of equations to find the rate of change of temperature with altitude in a vapor column. The equations used include the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and the ideal gas law. The conversation also mentions the given values for the latent heat of vaporization and the density of water vapor. The final equation for the rate of change of temperature with altitude is dT/dz=-μgT/L, which can be used to find the temperature profile of the atmosphere.
  • #1
Help please -- Change in temperature over altitude

Homework Statement

Combine the equations dP/dT=-μgp/RT and the vapor pressure to find the rate dT/dz (use the chain rule).

Homework Equations

dP/dT=-μgp/RT, μ is the molecular weight

The Attempt at a Solution

My textbook says the definition of vapor pressure is p=p0e(-L/RT). However, to get there they used the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and one of the intermediate steps is 1/p(dp/dT)=L/RT2. This is the equation I used. Applying the chain rule, dT/dz=(dp/dz)(dT/dp) I found dT/dz=-μgT/L. However, when asked to find an actual value of dT/dz, I am given the L and Ï (density) to plug into the equation. Does μ have something to with the density? And what would I use for T. I think I may have done something wrong. I tried working out the equation in a different way using the original Clausius-Clapeyron equation for the vapor pressure: dP/dT=L/TΔV and found dT/dz=-μgpΔV/RL, but am not sure how to use density, Ï, and L, latent heat, with this equation either. Am I using the right equation for vapor pressure? Missing a step? How can I account for Ï and L? Thanks for any of your help!
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  • #2
There are some things desperately wrong with this problem statement. For example, the equation dP/dT=-μgp/RT is incorrect. It should read: dP/dz=-μgp/RT. Also, it doesn't seem to make sense to say that you have a purely saturated vapor column whose temperature varies with z, and yet remains under saturation conditions without any liquid water present. This question is out of a math book, and not out of a physical chemistry or thermodynamics book, correct?
  • #3

I apologize! I did mean to write dP/dz=-μgp/RT. This is a thermodynamics problem. The change in the boiling temperature of water is supposed to be represented by dT. Let me write the full problem out:

Combine dP/dz=-μgp/RT and the vapor pressure to find the rate dT/dz for the change in the boiling temperature of water at varying altitude above sea level. After solving it algebraically, assuming that the latent heat of vaporization of water L=2.4x106 J/kg and the density of water vapor Ï~0.6 kg/m3, find the rate of change of T in Kelvin per kilometer. (Hint: apply the chain rule)

When I tried to plug in the numbers into the first equation I found, I got a really weird answer and the unit was way off. Help :??
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  • #4
yo56 said:
I apologize! I did mean to write dP/dz=-μgp/RT. This is a thermodynamics problem. The change in the boiling temperature of water is supposed to be represented by dT. Let me write the full problem out:

Combine dP/dz=-μgp/RT and the vapor pressure to find the rate dT/dz for the change in the boiling temperature of water at varying altitude above sea level. After solving it algebraically, assuming that the latent heat of vaporization of water L=2.4x106 J/kg and the density of water vapor Ï~0.6 kg/m3, find the rate of change of T in Kelvin per kilometer. (Hint: apply the chain rule)

When I tried to plug in the numbers into the first equation I found, I got a really weird answer and the unit was way off. Help :??
Now this makes much more sense now.
In your original post, you said that the equation you had written down was the Clausius Clapeyron equation, but that was not correct. The equation you wrote was the Clausius Equation. Clapeyron's contribution was to replace ΔV with the volume of the ideal gas. This leads to p=p0e(-L/RT), which is equivalent to the Clausius Clapeyron equation. I'm puzzled by the comment about the water vapor density. The density of water vapor is not constant; it decreases with altitude. Furthermore, this fact is already taken into account in your equation for dP/dz. You don't need to explicitly know the density of the water vapor. You need to substitute your Clausius Clapeyron equation p=p0e(-L/RT) into the equation for dP/dz.

  • #5
Thanks, but I am still somewhat confused. If I plug p=p0e(-L/RT) into dP/dz=-μgp/RT, where is the dT in the dT/dz equation I'm told to find?
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  • #6
yo56 said:
Thanks, but I am still somewhat confused. If I plug p=p0e(-L/RT) into dP/dz=-μgp/RT, where is the dT in the dT/dz equation I'm told to find?
If I take dp/dz, I get:
What do you get?

What you are trying to determine is "what would the temperature profile of the atmosphere have to be if liquid water at the local temperature would boil at each altitude?" This may not bear much resemblance to the temperature profile that exists in the actual atmosphere.

  • #7
Ok, I did not differentiate the Clausius-Clapeyron equation last time... However, from there equating the two dp/dz's I got dT/dz=-μgT/L, which is the very first equation I received. I don't see how this can be correct. :// I apologize if I am asking bad questions, but I was given Ï and L. How can I use μ and T to find the value of dT/dz?
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  • #8
What I was thinking is using the equation Ï=pμ/RT. I am not sure if it applies here, but plugging it in yields dT/dz=-gp/RLÏ. The only problem is, I am not sure what p is... wouldn't it vary over time?
  • #9
yo56 said:
Ok, I did not differentiate the Clausius-Clapeyron equation last time... However, from there equating the two dp/dz's I got dT/dz=-μgT/L, which is the very first equation I received. I don't see how this can be correct. :// I apologize if I am asking bad questions, but I was given Ï and L. How can I use μ and T to find the value of dT/dz?
This equation is correct. The value of Ï they appear to be giving you is Ï at the surface of the earth. You can use that to calculate the temperature at the surface of the Earth by applying the ideal gas law. Then you can integrate your differential equation from z = 0 to arbitrary z to obtain the vertical temperature profile. Once you know T vs z from this, you can substitute it into the differential equation again to get dT/dz as a function of z.


FAQ: How Does Altitude Affect Temperature Change?

1. How does temperature change with altitude?

As altitude increases, the temperature decreases. This is because the air becomes less dense at higher altitudes, meaning there are fewer air molecules to absorb and retain heat. Additionally, the sun's rays are less concentrated at higher altitudes, leading to a decrease in temperature.

2. What is the rate of change for temperature with altitude?

The rate of change for temperature with altitude is known as the lapse rate. On average, the lapse rate is around 6.5 degrees Celsius per 1000 meters of altitude. However, this can vary depending on factors such as location, weather patterns, and time of day.

3. How does temperature change in the stratosphere?

In the stratosphere, the temperature actually increases with altitude. This is due to the ozone layer, which absorbs and retains heat from the sun's rays. This temperature increase in the stratosphere is known as a temperature inversion.

4. What impact does altitude have on temperature for living organisms?

As altitude increases, the temperature decreases, making it colder and potentially more difficult for living organisms to survive. This is why many animals and plants are adapted to specific altitudes and struggle to survive outside of their ideal range.

5. How is altitude-related to climate change?

Altitude can play a significant role in climate change. As temperatures increase globally, the rate of change in temperature with altitude may also change, leading to potentially drastic effects on ecosystems and living organisms. Additionally, melting glaciers at high altitudes can contribute to rising sea levels, further impacting global climate patterns.

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