- #1
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An E baryon, traveling with an energy of 2 GeV, decays electromagnetically into a D baryon and a photon.
Sketch how this decay might appear in the general case
(i) in the lab frame
A. Essentially I assume you will have ----> <
(with the photon and D coming off that with a 90 degree angle between them.
(ii) in the rest frame of the E baryon.
Photon D
------> E <------ The photon approaching each other with equal and opposite momentum.
What conditions are necessary for D to have maximum energy.
A. D must have equal and opposite momenta to the photon.
Sketch how this decay might appear in the general case
(i) in the lab frame
A. Essentially I assume you will have ----> <
(with the photon and D coming off that with a 90 degree angle between them.
(ii) in the rest frame of the E baryon.
Photon D
------> E <------ The photon approaching each other with equal and opposite momentum.
What conditions are necessary for D to have maximum energy.
A. D must have equal and opposite momenta to the photon.