How does an electron in orbit not accelerate towards a proton in an atom?

In summary, the classical mechanics of gravitating bodies cannot be applied to an electron and the nucleus it "orbits" in an atom. This is because an electron does not orbit the nucleus in the traditional sense, and quantum mechanics are required to explain why it doesn't plunge radially into the nucleus. The moon does not collapse onto the Earth because of vectors and the balance between falling toward and away from the Earth. The electron and proton in an atom do not combine due to the uncertainty principle and the difference in their masses. The only known method of combining them is through the massive energy of a super-nova.
  • #1
If the proton in the nucleus of, say a hydrogen atom, exerts an attractive force on an electron that is in orbit, why doesn't the electron move towards the proton? And does this have anything to do with the electric force being the centripetal force?
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  • #2
kshah93 said:
does this have anything to do with the electric force being the centripetal force?

no, it doesn't. that is, you cannot apply the classical mechanics of gravitating bodies to an electron and the nucleus it "orbits"...and i use quotations b/c en electron does not orbit the nucleus of an atom in the traditional sense of a planet orbiting a star for instance. quantum mechanics are required to explain why an electron doesn't plunge radially into the nucleus of an atom, and i do not pretend to know the details myself...i have a very basic understanding of it, and as such could not begin to explain it beyond what I've already said. with that, i did notice another recent thread started by someone who wanted to share what he felt was a very good short video on quantum physics. whether that's true or not, i don't know, but the first few minutes of the video explain (or perhaps under-explains) in layman's terms why an electron does not spiral into the nucleus of an atom via a traditional orbit. here's the thread:"
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  • #3
94JZA80 said:
no, it doesn't. that is, you cannot apply the classical mechanics of gravitating bodies to an electron and the nucleus it "orbits"...

..but classical mechanics can be apllied to earth-monn system, right. Then why doesn't moon collapse on the Earth despite the fact that it is constantly pull by eart diue to its magnetic pull.
  • #4
ank160 said:
94JZA80 said:
no, it doesn't. that is, you cannot apply the classical mechanics of gravitating bodies to an electron and the nucleus it "orbits"...

..but classical mechanics can be apllied to earth-monn system, right. Then why doesn't moon collapse on the Earth despite the fact that it is constantly pull by eart diue to its magnetic pull.

It's vectors.

The moon is actually moving away from the Earth extremely slowly.

An orbit is actually falling toward and away from an object at the same rate. If you are moving away a tiny bit faster then falling toward, you will one day escape, if you move toward a tiny bit faster then away, you will eventually connect.

BTW it has nothing to do with magnetic pull when it comes to the earth-moon orbit, its gravity.

If for example the Earth was positive, and the moon negative in any meaningful way, the two object would collide faster then you can imagine due to electro-magnetism's incredibly stronger nature compared to gravity.

As I understand it, the reason the electron and proton don't combine is quantum related in this way, first the electron is not really in orbit around the proton of an hydrogen atom, or any other atom like we envision the moon around the earth. The electron, or electrons are in a shell of probalistic distribution around the nucleus. Since the uncertainty principle dictates that we can not know both the location and speed of a particle, this is why the electron can never be verifiably positioned around the nucleus.

So, the whole "lose energy and fall upon the proton" isn't as straightforward as that, secondly, the mass of the proton and the electron are less then the neutron. This has for consequence that you would need to supply energy to make both of them collapse together. The electromagnetic force isn't sufficient for that to happen. So an electron that is in an orbital cloud above a nucleus, can not just lose energy and merge with the proton.

The best known method of combining proton and electron is the massive energy of a super-nova that collapses the iron core of a super giant star into a super dense neutron star. When the star goes super-nova, the energy liberated is stupenduous, thus enabling the combination of proton and electron, thus forming a neutron star.

I hope I managed to answer, within my limited ability, your question.
  • #5

An electron in orbit around a proton in an atom does not accelerate towards the proton because of the balance between the attractive force of the proton and the centrifugal force of the electron's orbit. This balance is a result of the electron's angular momentum, which keeps it in a stable orbit around the proton.

The electric force between the proton and electron is indeed the centripetal force that keeps the electron in orbit. This force is directly related to the distance between the two particles, as described by Coulomb's law. As the electron moves closer to the proton, the electric force increases, but so does the centrifugal force due to the electron's increased speed. These two forces become equal and opposite, resulting in a stable orbit.

It is important to note that the electron does not "move towards" the proton in the same way that objects move towards each other due to the force of gravity. In an atom, the electron is confined to a specific energy level and cannot move closer to the proton without gaining more energy. This energy can only be gained through the absorption of photons, which results in the electron moving to a higher energy level or even being completely removed from the atom.

In summary, the electron's stable orbit around the proton is a result of the balance between the attractive electric force and the centrifugal force, which is maintained by the electron's angular momentum. This phenomenon is crucial to the stability and structure of atoms, allowing them to form the basis of all matter in the universe.

FAQ: How does an electron in orbit not accelerate towards a proton in an atom?

1. How does the electron maintain its orbit around the proton without getting pulled towards it?

According to classical physics, an electron in orbit around a proton would experience a centripetal force that would cause it to accelerate towards the proton. However, in quantum mechanics, the electron is described as a wavefunction that exists in a probabilistic cloud around the nucleus. This means that the electron does not have a definite position or trajectory, but rather exists in a range of possible positions. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that the electron is in a specific orbit around the proton and does not experience a centripetal force.

2. What is the role of the electron's charge in preventing it from accelerating towards the proton?

The electron's charge does play a role in preventing it from accelerating towards the proton. The electron has a negative charge, while the proton has a positive charge. According to Coulomb's law, like charges repel each other. Therefore, the electron's negative charge repels the proton's positive charge, keeping the electron from getting pulled towards the nucleus.

3. How does the uncertainty principle relate to the electron's orbit around the proton?

The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and velocity of a particle at the same time. This means that the electron does not have a definite position or trajectory in its orbit around the proton. Its position and velocity are constantly changing due to the probabilistic nature of its wavefunction. Therefore, the electron is not considered to be in a stable orbit like a planet around a star, but rather in a constantly fluctuating state around the proton.

4. Can an electron ever collide with a proton in an atom?

No, an electron cannot collide with a proton in an atom. This is because an atom is mostly empty space, and the electron exists in a cloud around the nucleus. The probability of the electron being in the same position as the proton is extremely low. Additionally, the electron's wavefunction would collapse upon collision with the proton, causing the atom to lose its stability.

5. How does the concept of energy levels explain the stability of the electron's orbit around the proton?

The concept of energy levels explains the stability of the electron's orbit around the proton by showing that the electron can only exist in certain discrete energy states. These energy levels correspond to specific distances from the nucleus, and the electron cannot exist in between these levels. This means that the electron is "locked" in its orbit and cannot spiral towards the nucleus. Additionally, the energy levels are associated with the electron's orbital angular momentum, which also plays a role in its stability.
