How does an em wave propagate at the speed of light?

In summary, an electromagnetic wave propagates through the oscillation of electric and magnetic fields, with a time delay dependent on the distance. This is due to the fact that the fields obey the classical differential wave equation and can be proved from Maxwell's equations. While a visual interpretation may be helpful, it is important to understand the formal mathematical statement and not build incorrect visualizations that may hinder understanding. The radiation from an accelerating charge is not monochromatic and has a superposition of frequencies.
  • #1
How an em wave propogates??

i understand that an em wave can be produced due to an oscillating electric field or oscillating magnetic field... but how does this wave move forward at the speed of light??
Physics news on
  • #2
Loosely speaking, when the electric and magnetic fields at some point change, it causes the fields at nearby points to change also, but with a time delay that depends on the distance. This is like when a point on a stretched string moves, it causes nearby points to move also, but with a time delay.

Mathematically speaking, the electric and magnetic fields each obey the classical differential wave equation,

<oops... see robphy's posting below for the correct equation :blushing: >

where [itex]c = 1 / \sqrt{\epsilon_0 \mu_0}[/itex]

This can be proved from Maxwell's equations for the electric and magnetic fields, as was first done by Maxwell himself.
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  • #3
i Think you wanted a visual interpretation rather than mathematical? I like to this of a photon as a sort of charged particle, which is attracted to its own electromagnetic fields that it generates. The fields induce the creation of another one is front, the photon is attracted and propagates. This helps you remember that light is a particle and a wave, but shouldn't be taken too seriously.
  • #4
I do not think that you analogy is a good one. It simply does not capture the mechanism well at all. Please reread JtBells explanation. It would be difficult to come up with a better one.

When you have acquired a better understanding of Mathematics you will be able to appreciate the formal mathematical statement. Meanwhile be careful about building incorrect visualizations as you will find that they can become a barrier to gaining a correct understanding.
  • #5
[tex] \left( \frac {\partial^2 \vec E}{\partial x^2} + \frac {\partial^2 \vec E}{\partial y^2} + \frac {\partial^2 \vec E}{\partial z^2}\right) = {\color{red} \frac {1}{c^2}} \frac {\partial^{\color{red}2} \vec E}{\partial t^{\color{red}2}}[/tex]
  • #6
the thing is, it doesn't really have to oscillate; electromagnetic wave just have to satisfy the equation robphy posted and the physical situation one is in.

notice that any twice differentiable equation in the form of:
[tex]E_i=f(x_i-ct) + g(x_i+ct)[/tex]
satisfy the wave equation.

the sinusoidal wave is just one simple solution of the wave equation.

[tex]E_y=\cos\left[ \frac{2\pi}{\lambda}(x+ct) \right][/tex]

which satisfy the wave equation. you can visualize the electric field pointing in the y-direction changes as x or time varies.
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  • #7
A somewhat simple minded explanation goes like: Maxwell's equations are not invariant with respect to acceleration of charges. When a charged particle accelerates. the Coloumb (near field in fact) changes. ( We are talking inertial frames here.) The Coloumb does not change instantaneously, rather any change must propagate at c. The accelerative radiation field is just the "delta Coloumb field'. That is, old Coloumb + radiation = new Coloumb. And then, turned around, the radiation field is necessary to keep the Coloumb field as the Coloumb field.

Note, also, that the radiation from an accelerating charge is not generally monochromatic, but rather has a superposition of frequencies, and, probably, does not even look like a wave.

I suspect that all the details of Coloumb + radiative adjustment can be worked out for a charge with uniform rotational mostion.
Reilly Atkinson

FAQ: How does an em wave propagate at the speed of light?

1. How does an em wave propagate through space?

An em wave propagates through space as a self-propagating transverse wave, meaning that the oscillations of the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to the direction of propagation. This allows the wave to travel through a vacuum at the speed of light.

2. What factors affect the propagation of an em wave?

The propagation of an em wave can be affected by factors such as the wavelength, frequency, and amplitude of the wave. The medium through which the wave is traveling can also impact its propagation, as well as any barriers or obstructions in its path.

3. How does the frequency of an em wave affect its propagation?

The frequency of an em wave determines its energy and the distance it can travel before losing intensity. Higher frequency waves have shorter wavelengths and higher energy, allowing them to travel longer distances without losing intensity. Lower frequency waves have longer wavelengths and lower energy, making them more susceptible to absorption and interference.

4. Can an em wave propagate through a medium other than a vacuum?

Yes, an em wave can also propagate through a medium such as air, water, or a solid material. However, the speed of propagation will be slower than in a vacuum, and the wave may be subject to reflection, refraction, or absorption by the medium.

5. How do em waves propagate through different materials?

The propagation of an em wave through a material depends on its dielectric properties, which determine how the electric and magnetic fields interact with the atoms and molecules in the material. The wave can be transmitted, reflected, or absorbed by the material, and the amount of each depends on the material's specific properties.

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