How Does Angle of Incidence Affect Deodorant Dispersion in Physics IA?

In summary, the equation that governs how much liquid is dispersed from a rolling deodorant bottle is dependent on the angle of incidence.
  • #1
Vishwa Jad
In about 4 days I have to hand in my final draft for my Physics Internal Assesment and require help in linearising a graph. My research question is : "How do the different angles of incidences (from the vertical) of a roll-on deodorant bottle’s ball that rolls a distance of 20cm on parafilm surface, affect the total liquid mass (g) of the deodorant that is dispersed?"

In my initial hypothesis, I had relied on the equation (Wc=mgcos(theta i)), where Wc is the parallel component of the weight force down the bottle and theta i is the incident angle (independent variable). From the cosine graph, as the x (incident angle) is increased, the Wc decreases at a growing rate of decline. If the Wc is decreasing, I had predicted that liquid deodorant dispersion would be less since there would be a smaller force pushing the liquid into the inside of the ballcap, causing them to be dispersed at a slower rate.

However, according to my results, the opposite happened. Therefore, as the incident angle from the vertical (theta i) was increased, the total liquid mass dispersion increased. Now I think it may have been because I based my hypothesis on the wrong equation and the relevant equation may have been (Wc=mgsin(theta i), which would also explain the results. I just want someone to clarify what equation I am dealing with when trying to find the component of the weight force down the bottle/ parallel to the bottle:

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  • #2
This is an interesting experiment. It looks like you assume that the "normal" force on the liquid has something to do with the amount of liquid that is dispensed. Fair enough. However you do not seem to understand that this force is related to hydrostatic pressure which you will have to model. Hydrostatic pressure depends on depth. When the bottle is upright (θ = 0) the pressure or force per unit area is the same at all points where the liquid wets the back of the ball-cap. When the bottle is tilted, at different points on the back of the ball-cap you have different amounts of pressure because these points are at different depths. How the pressure varies with angle depends on the volume of the liquid and the diameter of the bottle which you don't give.

I hope that after each measurement at a given angle you replenished the fluid that was dispensed. Given that this was the case, it would have been interesting to test the pressure hypothesis by keeping the bottle upright and measuring the amount of dispensed liquid as a function of dispensing distance. If the hypothesis is right, then the amount dispensed over 40 cm would be less than twice the amount dispensed over 20 cm. This situation would be easier to model than the one you chose.

It's a pity this post has been left unanswered for 6 months. I think the choice of title and forum didn't help.
  • #3
I moved the thread to Other Physics Topics hoping to attract other answers.

Related to How Does Angle of Incidence Affect Deodorant Dispersion in Physics IA?

1. What is the purpose of the IB Physics HL IA?

The IB Physics HL IA, or Internal Assessment, is a mandatory component of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. It is designed to allow students to demonstrate their understanding and application of physics concepts through a hands-on investigation.

2. How long should the IB Physics HL IA be?

The IB Physics HL IA should be between 6-12 pages in length, not including any appendices or graphs. It is important to keep the IA concise and focused, as it is meant to showcase the student's ability to communicate their ideas effectively.

3. What is the format of the IB Physics HL IA?

The IA should follow a specific format, including an introduction, research question, hypothesis, methodology, data collection and analysis, conclusion, and evaluation. It is important to follow this format to ensure all necessary components are included and to make it easier for the examiner to assess.

4. Can I choose any topic for my IB Physics HL IA?

Yes, you can choose any topic that falls under the IB Physics HL syllabus. However, it is recommended to choose a topic that interests you and is feasible to investigate within the time and resources available.

5. How is the IB Physics HL IA graded?

The IA is graded by the student's teacher and then moderated by the IB. It is marked using a set of criteria, including personal engagement, exploration, analysis, evaluation, and communication. The final grade is out of 24 points, and it accounts for 20% of the student's overall IB Physics HL grade.

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