How Does Atmospheric Pressure Affect Measurements in a Torricelli Barometer?

In summary, the conversation is about Pascal's law and how it applies to the barometer experiment. The pressure at point A is described as being caused by the fluid above it, but the question is raised about why atmospheric pressure is not also taken into account. The conversation also touches on the misconception that Pascal's law states pressure is transmitted uniformly throughout a fluid, when it actually refers to pressure acting the same in all directions at a given point in a fluid. The correct pressure at point A is a combination of the weight of the liquid and the saturated pressure of mercury at the temperature. The space above the mercury is referred to as a 'torrecelli vacuum'.
  • #1
Peter Dimitrov
I have a question about Pascal law. Recenly I was studying and I found this image in my physics book - a copy of the barometer which Torricelli used in his experiment (this is a redraw):


Where the blue thing is the fluid (mercury), while the black thing is the container.

According to my textbook, the pressure at point A is simply (p*g*h), the preasure caused by the fluid above it. However, why don't we also count the atmospheric pressure? Isn't it supossed to act in the entire fluid according to Pascal's law?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
There are no atmospheric pressure in the tube - it is closed tube and that white area at the top is vacuum. Therefore if you press liquid at the point B (atmospheric pressure), liquid will climb the tube at point A due to Pascal's law, until it counter weights the pressure;( here p*g*h is a weight of liquid in the tube).
  • #3
Hi Peter:

The barometer is giving you information to tell you what the value of the unknown atmospheric pressure P is. See

  • #4
A common misconception is that Pascal's law states that in a fluid at rest, pressure is transmitted throughout the fluid uniformly. This is not correct. Pascal's law actually states that at a particular position within a fluid at rest, the pressure acts the same in all directions (i.e., it is isotropic). This says nothing about how it varies from position to position.
  • #5
Chestemiller, your comment surprises me! It appears my textbook has made a mistake with it's definition of Pascal's law! So, when is pressure transmitted though a fluid uniformly? And does this really have nothing to do with Pascal's law (what I mean is, do the special cases where pressure transmission is uniform follow from Pascal's law)?

(Sorry if some of these questions are unclear. English is a second language for me!)

Thanks for answers!
  • #6
Peter Dimitrov said:
Chestemiller, your comment surprises me! It appears my textbook has made a mistake with it's definition of Pascal's law! So, when is pressure transmitted though a fluid uniformly? And does this really have nothing to do with Pascal's law (what I mean is, do the special cases where pressure transmission is uniform follow from Pascal's law)?

(Sorry if some of these questions are unclear. English is a second language for me!)

Thanks for answers!
In a gravitational field (i.e., with gravity), pressure varies with depth. So it is not uniform throughout the fluid. Pressure is transmitted uniformly throughout a fluid only if the fluid is in static equilibrium and there is no gravity. As I learned it, Pascal's law says only that, at a given spatial location in a fluid, pressure acts identically in all directions. That means that, if I place a tiny surface at an arbitrary location in a fluid that is in static equilibrium, the force per unit area is independent of the orientation of the surface, and acts perpendicular to the surface.
  • #7
Peter Dimitrov said:
I have a question about Pascal law. Recenly I was studying and I found this image in my physics book - a copy of the barometer which Torricelli used in his experiment (this is a redraw):

View attachment 94518

Where the blue thing is the fluid (mercury), while the black thing is the container.

According to my textbook, the pressure at point A is simply (p*g*h), the preasure caused by the fluid above it. However, why don't we also count the atmospheric pressure? Isn't it supossed to act in the entire fluid according to Pascal's law?

Thanks in advance!

there is mercury vapour above the liquid in the tube, the pressure at A is hρg + saturated pressure of mercury at the prevailing temperature.
The space above the mercury is called a 'torrecelli vacuum'

FAQ: How Does Atmospheric Pressure Affect Measurements in a Torricelli Barometer?

1. What is a barometer and how does it work?

A barometer is a scientific instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. It works by using a sealed glass tube filled with mercury or other liquid, which rises or falls based on the pressure of the air pushing down on it. This movement is then calibrated to determine the pressure in units of millibars or inches of mercury.

2. Why is it important to measure atmospheric pressure?

Atmospheric pressure is an important factor in predicting weather patterns and changes. It can also indicate changes in altitude, as pressure decreases with higher elevation. Additionally, accurate measurements of atmospheric pressure are crucial for many scientific and industrial applications, such as weather forecasting, aviation, and diving.

3. Who was Pascal and what is his law?

Blaise Pascal was a French scientist and mathematician who discovered the principle of hydrostatics, which became known as Pascal's law. This law states that pressure applied to a fluid in a closed system will be transmitted equally in all directions, allowing for the creation of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

4. How is Pascal's law applied in everyday life?

Pascal's law is applied in many everyday devices and systems. For example, car brakes and hydraulic lifts use this principle to transfer force from one point to another through a fluid. It is also used in hydraulic presses for compressing materials, and in the design of airplane wings to create lift.

5. Can barometers be used to predict weather changes?

Yes, barometers are commonly used to predict weather changes. A sudden drop in atmospheric pressure often indicates an approaching storm or low-pressure system, while a rise in pressure can indicate clear and fair weather. However, barometer readings should always be interpreted in conjunction with other weather data for accurate predictions.
