How Does Bohr's Atomic Model Address Electron Energy Loss?

In summary: This is the ground state of the atom, and it is what makes the atom stable. This was a major breakthrough in understanding atomic structure. In summary, Bohr modified the earlier Rutherford atomic model by introducing the concept of fixed orbits for electrons. This allowed for the stability of atoms even though the electromagnetic theory demanded that electrons should continuously lose energy. Bohr's model also explained why certain colors of light were emitted by atoms, and provided a groundbreaking understanding of atomic structure.
  • #1
Ahsan Khan
1[ Now in the 2nd year of I, since was in class 9th not understanding how Bohr modified the earlier Rutherford atomic model.It is known to me that Rutherford atomic model was failed because it could not satisfy the electromegnetic principle,according to which an elecltron continue to lose energy as it revolves around another charge(nucleus).Bhor modified the earlier model by stating each orbit with fixed orbit.I am not understanding when electromagnetic theory demands electron to continously lose energy,how then Bhor let the orbits of moving electron with fixed energy to explain the stability of atom.]

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.I am not understanding when electromagnetic theory demands electron to continously lose energy,how then Bhor let the orbits of moving electron with fixed energy to explain the stability of atom.]
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  • #2
If the electron was assumed to orbit the nucleus, that meant that the electron was experiencing an acceleration (since its velocity would always be changing). Because the electron was viewed as a wave, it had to shoot off waves in order to change direction and conserve momentum, and this means losing energy. In fact, this happens at particle accelerator labs like Fermilab and CERN; the accelerating particles give off X-rays.

This would mean that the electron could emit all sorts of different EM waves (different colors) corresponding to the amount of energy lost. But it was observed that (for example) the Hydrogen atom only emitted certain colors when excited. Bohr explained this by assuming only certain circular orbits were allowed, so that when the electron gained or lost energy it would always be the same energies (colors) being gained or lost.
  • #3
Correcting merryjman: In the classical model of an atom the electron certainly was *not* seen as a wave. But an accelerating charge in classical theory should continuously emit radiation. An atom certainly doesn't do that.

The Bohr model explained that not only is light emitted only at certain frequencies, but there is also a lowest energy state in which the electron is stable and no longer emits any radiation.

FAQ: How Does Bohr's Atomic Model Address Electron Energy Loss?

1. What is the atomic model and how does it relate to conflict?

The atomic model is a scientific theory that describes the structure and behavior of atoms. It explains how atoms are composed of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons in shells. Conflict arises when new evidence or observations challenge the existing understanding of the atomic model.

2. What evidence has caused conflict with the atomic model?

There have been several pieces of evidence that have caused conflict with the atomic model. For example, the discovery of subatomic particles, such as the proton and neutron, challenged the previous understanding of atoms as indivisible particles. Additionally, experiments involving the behavior of electrons and their energy levels have also caused conflicts with the atomic model.

3. How has the atomic model changed over time due to conflicts?

The atomic model has undergone several revisions and changes over time as a result of conflicts. For instance, the classical atomic model proposed by John Dalton in the early 19th century was later modified by J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, and Niels Bohr, among others, as new evidence and theories emerged. Currently, the atomic model is described by quantum mechanics, which incorporates the principles of both classical physics and quantum theory.

4. Can conflicts with the atomic model be resolved?

Yes, conflicts with the atomic model can be resolved through further research, experimentation, and the development of new theories. As our technology and understanding of the fundamental building blocks of matter continue to advance, our understanding of the atomic model will also evolve and improve. However, it is important to note that scientific theories are always subject to change as new evidence is discovered.

5. Why is conflict with the atomic model important in science?

Conflict with the atomic model is important in science because it drives progress and advancement. It challenges scientists to think critically and explore new ideas and theories. Without conflicts, our understanding of the atomic world would remain stagnant, and we would not be able to make breakthroughs in fields such as chemistry, physics, and materials science.
