How Does Bose-Einstein Condensation Affect Pressure in an Ideal Bose Gas?

In summary, the Bose gas condensate does not contribute to pressure in the thermodynamic limit for an ideal Bose gas with N particles in a volume V. This can be physically explained by the fact that in this limit, the particles are considered to be in a single quantum state, leading to a lack of contribution to pressure. To calculate the ground state contribution to pressure, we use the formula p=kT ln(N+1), which shows that the ground state pressure is directly proportional to the temperature and the number of particles. This can also explain why the pressure can be regarded as zero and why it is independent of volume for temperatures below the critical temperature.
  • #1
tayyaba aftab
show that in the thermodynamic limit the bose gas condensate does not contribute to pressure for ideal bose gas in volume V with N particles.and physically explain.
how to get it start?and what will b its physicsl explanation?
kindly reply soooooooooooon
Physics news on
  • #2
question number 6.38 of statistical physics by tobochnik(2004)
show that the ground state contribution to the pressure is given by
p=kT ln(N +1)
explain why p can b regarded as zero and why the pressure of an bose gas for Tless than critical temp is independent of volume?

no body is answering my uestion:(
pleasezzzzzzzzzzzzzz answer
how to calculate ground state pressure for bose gas?

FAQ: How Does Bose-Einstein Condensation Affect Pressure in an Ideal Bose Gas?

What is Bose Einstein Condensation?

Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC) is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of bosons, which are a type of subatomic particle, are cooled to a temperature very close to absolute zero. This causes them to all occupy the same quantum state, forming a superatom with unique properties.

What is the significance of Bose Einstein Condensation?

BEC has been an important area of study in physics because it allows for the observation and study of quantum effects on a macroscopic scale. It has also led to developments in fields such as superconductivity and superfluidity.

What are the requirements for Bose Einstein Condensation to occur?

In order for BEC to occur, the particles must be bosons, they must be cooled to a temperature close to absolute zero, and they must be confined in a trap with low density. Additionally, interactions between the particles must be weak.

What are some real-world applications of Bose Einstein Condensation?

BEC has been used in the development of atomic clocks, high precision sensors, and quantum computers. It has also been studied in the context of creating new states of matter and understanding the behavior of matter at extremely low temperatures.

Can Bose Einstein Condensation occur with other types of particles besides bosons?

No, BEC is a phenomenon that is specific to bosons due to their unique quantum properties. However, similar behaviors have been observed in other systems, such as exciton-polariton condensates in semiconductor materials.
