How Does Complex Function Behavior Constrain Within and Outside the Unit Disk?

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  • Thread starter Markov2
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In summary, the Denote $D=\{z\in\mathbb C:|z|<1\}.$1) Let $a\in\mathbb C$ with $|a|<1$ and $p(z)=\dfrac a2+(1-|a|^2)z-\dfrac{\overline a}2z^2.$For all $z\in D$ is $|p(z)|\le1.$
  • #1
Denote $D=\{z\in\mathbb C:|z|<1\}.$

1) Let $a\in\mathbb C$ with $|a|<1$ and $p(z)=\dfrac a2+(1-|a|^2)z-\dfrac{\overline a}2z^2.$ Show that for all $z\in D$ is $|p(z)|\le1.$

2) Characterize all the $f$ entire functions so that for each $z\in\overline D^c$ satisfy $\left| {f(z)} \right| \le {\left| z \right|^5} + \dfrac{1}{{{{\left| z \right|}^5}}} + \dfrac{1}{{{{\left| {z - 1} \right|}^3}}}.$

3) Let $w_1,w_2\in\mathbb C$ two $\mathbb R-$linearly independent numbers. Show that if $f\in\mathcal H(\mathbb C)$ is so that for each $z\in\mathbb C$ and $f(z+w_1)=f(z)=f(z+w_2),$ then $f$ is constant.

4) Let $\mathcal U\subset\mathbb C$ open and $z_0\in\mathcal U.$ Suppose that $f$ is continuous on $\mathcal U$ and analytic on $\mathcal U-\{z_0\}.$ Show that $f$ is analytic on $\mathcal U.$


1) I think I need to use the Maximum Modulus Principle, but I don't see how.

2) If I let $|z|=R$ then $\left| {f(z)} \right| \le {\left| R \right|^5} + \dfrac{1}{{{{\left| R \right|}^5}}} + \dfrac{1}{{{{\left| {R - 1} \right|}^3}}},$ but $f$ was given entire so it has convergent Taylor series and by using Cauchy's integral formula I can conclude that $f^{(k)}(0)=0$ for some $k\ge n,$ and then functions $f$ are polynomials of degree $n-1,$ does this make sense?

3) I think I could use Liouville here, but I don't have that $f$ is entire, but $f$ is periodic, right?, and a periodic entire function is bounded so I could conclude by using Liouville, but I don't have that $f$ is entire. Perhaps there's another way on doing this.

4) I think I should use a remarkable theorem here but I don't remember, it looks hard.
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  • #2
3) Indeed, Liouville is the key. First we solve the case $\omega_1\in\mathbb R$. Show that the range of $f$ is the same as $f(Q)$, where $Q$ is diamond-shaped.
  • #3
girdav said:
Show that the range of $f$ is the same as $f(Q)$, where $Q$ is diamond-shaped.
How would you do it? I don't see how, and what is "diamond-shaped?" I was looking at it but I didn't find the definition.

Can you help me with other problems please?
  • #4
I need help for 1), am I on the right track? But I can't continue. Can anybody check my work for 2). Is 4) bad written? Because I see it contradicts itself.
  • #5
I can't edit now but on problem 4) it's actually $\mathcal U\backslash\{z_0\}.$

I think we can apply Morera's Theorem here, but I don't know how.
  • #6
For problem 1) mostly you're given with an inequality so that could apply the maximum modulus principle, but in this case I have $p(z)$ equal to something, so I don't see how to apply the MMP here, any help?

girdav could you please help me more on problem 3), and can anybody help for problem 4)?
  • #7
If $\omega_1\in\mathbb R$ and $\omega_2=a+bi\in \mathbb C$ with $b\neq 0$ hen for $z=x+iy$, write $z=x+iy$, then choose an integer $n$ such that $y=nb+\xi$, where $\xi<|b|$, so $z=x+i(nb+\xi)=x+inb+i\xi+na-na$ and $f(z)=f(x+\xi i-na)$. Now choose an integer $m$ such that $x-na=m\omega_1+\xi'$ with $\xi'<|b|$.
  • #8
Okay but what's the direction you're pointing at? Are you trying to prove that $f$ is bounded? But I don't get the procedure, or trying to prove that $f(\mathbb C)$ equals to $f(A\times A)$ where $A$ is a compact set?
  • #9
Yes that's it. Putting $M:=\max(|b|,|\omega_1|)$, we can show that for each $z\in\mathbb C$, we can find two integers $m$ and $n$ such that $z=m\omega_1+n\omega_2+\xi_1+i\xi_2$ where $\xi_1,\xi_2\in [0,M]$.
  • #10
Okay so since $[0,M]$ is compact and $f$ is entire, we have that $f$ is constant by Liouville's Theorem. Is it okay or do we have to work with the other case? I mean the $w_2$ ?
  • #11
What do you mean by the other case? By commodity, I supposed that $\omega_1$ is a real number. So we just have to show that it's without lose of generality.
  • #12
Oh yes, yes, but is it okay by saying that since $[0,M]$ is compact and $f$ is entire, we have that $f$ is constant by Liouville's Theorem?

girdav, I need help with problem 1, I don't see how to use the maximum modulus principle, can you give me a hand?
  • #13
For the first problem, write $P(z)=\frac a2(1-z^2)+(1-|a|^2)z+\frac{a-\bar a}2z^2$.

In order to clarify the thread, maybe you can edit the first message and write which problems have already been solved.
  • #14
So I have $\displaystyle\left| {p(z)} \right| \le \frac{1}{2}\left| {1 - {z^2}} \right| + \left| {1 - {{\left| a \right|}^2}} \right|z + \frac{1}{2}\left| {a - \overline a } \right|{z^2} \le \frac{1}{2}(1 + 1) + (1 + 1) \cdot 1 + \operatorname{Im} (a) \cdot 1,$ but I don't get yet that $|p(z)|\le1,$ how to finish it?
  • #15
Your bound is too large, you can write $|p(z)|\leq |a|+|1-|a|^2|+|a|=-|a|^2+2|a|+1=-(|a|-1)^2+1\leq 1$.

FAQ: How Does Complex Function Behavior Constrain Within and Outside the Unit Disk?

1. What is complexity theory?

Complexity theory is a scientific framework that studies complex systems, such as biological, social, and technological systems. It aims to understand how these systems behave, how they evolve, and how they can be controlled or predicted. Complexity theory combines concepts from mathematics, physics, biology, computer science, and other disciplines to study systems that have many interconnected components and exhibit emergent properties.

2. How does complexity theory differ from traditional reductionist approaches?

Traditional reductionist approaches aim to break down complex systems into smaller, simpler components to understand how they function. Complexity theory, on the other hand, focuses on the interactions and relationships between the components, rather than isolating them. It recognizes that the whole is more than the sum of its parts, and that complex systems can exhibit emergent properties that cannot be explained by studying individual components in isolation.

3. What are some real-world applications of complexity theory?

Complexity theory has been applied in various fields, such as biology, ecology, economics, sociology, and computer science. Some examples include studying the dynamics of ecosystems, predicting stock market behavior, understanding the spread of diseases, and designing efficient transportation networks. It has also been used in artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop algorithms that can learn and adapt to complex environments.

4. How does complexity theory relate to chaos theory?

Chaos theory is a branch of complexity theory that studies the behavior of nonlinear systems. It focuses on how small changes in initial conditions can lead to drastically different outcomes over time. Complexity theory, on the other hand, studies both linear and nonlinear systems and aims to understand how they behave as a whole. While chaos theory focuses on the behavior of individual systems, complexity theory looks at the interactions between multiple systems.

5. What are some current challenges in complexity theory?

One of the main challenges in complexity theory is developing mathematical models and tools that can accurately describe and predict the behavior of complex systems. Many complex systems are also difficult to study experimentally, which adds to the challenge. Another challenge is the interdisciplinary nature of complexity theory, which requires collaboration and integration of different fields of study. Additionally, there is still much to learn about how complex systems evolve and adapt, and how they can be effectively managed and controlled.
