How Does Cue Ball Velocity Affect Target Ball Speed in Billiards?

In summary, a pool shark is forced to sink the target ball in the corner pocket at an angle of 30 degrees away from the collision location. If he gives the cue ball a velocity of 1.00 m/s @ ) degrees, the velocity of the target ball after the collision is -45 degrees.
  • #1
63. A pool shark is forced to do a tricky shot in order to win a game. He needs to sink the target ball in the corner pocket at an angle of 30 degrees away from the collision location.

The Cue ball needs to bounce off of the other ball at an angle of 315 degrees with a velocity of of 0.75 m/s. If he gives a cue ball a velocity of 1.00 m/s @ ) degrees what is the velocity of the target ball after the collision?

--I'm just having a hard time visualizing this one, and if someone could help start me off that would be swell.
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  • #2
thinking of 315 degrees as -45 degrees might help some. It's just a simple matter of resolving the momentums in the x and y directions. Let's take the path the cueball takes to the site of collision to be our 0 degrees reference point. Before the collision, it's moving at 1m/s at 0 degrees from the reference angle. After the collision, the cueball is moving at -45 degrees at a velocity of 0.75 m/s. You should have all the information you need to determine the velocity of the other ball given its direction is 30 degrees from the reference angle. Tell me if you'd like to expound or put into equations what I just said.
  • #3
Okay so what I've done so far...

I did the M-V-P for the cue ball before collision

M: x
V: 1 m/s
P: 1x

Then I did the after collision mvp for both cue ball and target ball.

Cue: M:x V:0.75 P: 0.75x
Target: M: x V:? P:?

What should I do next?
I'm stuck again, but I'll continue to work on it. Hopefully you can help me out soon. =p
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  • #4
Anyone? =(
  • #5
(Didn't see the private message, so absent-minded I am) You have to work out the momentums in the x and y directions separately. That's the only way you can resolve this question. Tell me if you need help setting them up but I don't want to tell you more than you'd like to know :)
  • #6
I do I'm completely stumped on this question. If you could maybe write out what your telling me in formula form, that might even help more. Thanks.

FAQ: How Does Cue Ball Velocity Affect Target Ball Speed in Billiards?

1. What is the cue ball collision physics?

The cue ball collision physics refers to the study of the principles and laws governing the motion and interaction of cue balls in the game of billiards or pool. It involves understanding concepts such as momentum, kinetic energy, and angle of impact to accurately predict the movement of cue balls after they collide with other balls or the walls of the table.

2. How does the speed of the cue ball affect its collision with other balls?

The speed of the cue ball greatly influences the outcome of its collision with other balls. According to the law of conservation of momentum, the total momentum of the cue ball and the ball it collides with will remain constant. This means that a faster-moving cue ball will transfer more momentum to the other ball, causing it to move with a higher velocity after the collision.

3. What is the role of friction in cue ball collisions?

Friction plays a significant role in cue ball collisions as it affects the movement and spin of the balls. When a cue ball collides with another ball, friction between the two surfaces will cause the balls to spin, altering their trajectory and velocity. The amount of friction depends on factors such as the type of cloth on the table and the force with which the cue ball was struck.

4. Is the angle of impact important in cue ball collisions?

Yes, the angle of impact is crucial in cue ball collisions. The angle at which the cue ball strikes another ball or the wall of the table will determine the direction and speed at which it bounces off. The angle of impact also affects the amount of spin on the cue ball and the path it takes after the collision.

5. How do cue ball collisions follow the laws of physics?

Cue ball collisions follow the laws of physics, specifically the laws of motion and conservation of energy and momentum. These laws dictate that the total energy and momentum of the cue ball and the ball it collides with will remain constant before and after the collision. The direction and speed of the balls after the collision can be calculated using these laws and other factors such as the angle of impact and friction.
