How Does Decreased Amplitude Compensate for Field Line Spread in Gauss's Law?

In summary: Yes, you got it right.In summary, the physical significance of divergence is not just spreading out, but also the increase or decrease in magnitude of vectors along a particular direction. In the case of an electric field originating from a point charge, the divergence is zero due to the inverse square field and the compensation of field line amplitude with increasing radial distance. Divergence is calculated as the net flux through a unit volume, and for any point that is not exactly at the point charge position, the net flux is zero due to the cancellation of incoming and outgoing flux.
  • #1
Has anyone read the book by Daniel Fleisch, 'A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations'? I'm having some trouble with Chapter 1, page 36.

He's talking about the divergence of an electric field originating from a point charge. Apparently, the divergence of the vector electric field is zero, because the spreading out of the field lines (as they get further away from the origin) is compensated for by the 1/R^2 reduction in the amplitude of the field. I don't really understand this?

When I picture it, the field lines spread out so it must be diverging? How does the decreased amplitude help here?
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  • #2
Also, if someone could tell me how to make LaTeX code work in these posts, I'd love you forever :rolleyes:
  • #3
First of all, the physical significance of divergence is not just spreading out. Refer the following pictures:-
The above picture has 2 parts.
In (b) part, the vectors are not spreading out from a point but as they approach more their magnitude increases (length of the arrow). Divergence is not just spreading, a vector space is said to be divergent if the vectors on average have an increase or decrease in magnitude along a particular direction. In (a) part, the vectors have 0 divergence thus.
for the second pic,
Interpret based on the above principle.

Now, coming back to electric field, it is an inverse square field, by plotting we find that the vectors spread out, but notice that their magnitude too decreases proportionally with increasing radial distance, that's why, there is 0 divergence.

divergence is non-zero when magnitude of vectors increase/decrease without proportion to decreasing/increasing distance respectively. Otherwise, it is 0.
Divergence is far more from just spreading.
  • #4
EnchantedEggs said:
When I picture it, the field lines spread out so it must be diverging?
It's a misleading name. Divergence at some point basically tells you if there are field lines stating/ending at that point.

Think in terms of sink/source of flux. If you consider a infinitesimal volume around a point, then divergence at that point is the net flux into/out of that volume. For the electric field near a point charge this is zero. Only at the point charge position there is a non-zero flux into/out of the infinitesimal volume around it.

EnchantedEggs said:
the spreading out of the field lines (as they get further away from the origin) is compensated for by the 1/R^2 reduction in the amplitude of the field. I don't really understand this?
It means that the density of the field lines is higher on one side of the infinitesimal volume, but the amount of field lines going in still equals the amount going out. They are just spread over different areas.
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  • #5
Maharshi Roy said:
Divergence is not just spreading, a vector space is said to be divergent if the vectors on average have an increase or decrease in magnitude along a particular direction.

Now, coming back to electric field, it is an inverse square field, by plotting we find that the vectors spread out, but notice that their magnitude too decreases proportionally with increasing radial distance, that's why, there is 0 divergence.

divergence is non-zero when magnitude of vectors increase/decrease without proportion to decreasing/increasing distance respectively. Otherwise, it is 0.
Divergence is far more from just spreading.

So, even though for a radial field the vectors are spreading out spatially (getting wider and wider apart), because they are also decreasing in magnitude this is effectively 'cancelled out' and so the divergence is zero? Because the overall vector field through an area further away from the origin will be the same because it's spread over a larger area?
  • #6
A.T. said:
Think in terms of sink/source of flux. If you consider a infinitesimal volume around a point, then divergence at that point is the net flux into/out of that volume. For the electric field near a point charge this is zero. Only at the point charge position there is a non-zero flux into/out of the infinitesimal volume around it.

The net flux around a point charge is zero? I thought it was nonzero (depending on the sign of the charge, positive or negative flux)?
  • #7
EnchantedEggs said:
The net flux around a point charge is zero?
Not "around a point charge", but "around a point near a point charge". If your infinitesimal volume includes the point charge, the net flux it's not zero. But for any point that isn't exactly the point charge position, a infinitesimal volume around it doesn't contain any charge, so the incoming flux equals the outgoing flux.
  • #8
A.T. said:
Not "around a point charge", but "around a point near a point charge". If your infinitesimal volume includes the point charge, the net flux it's not zero. But for any point that isn't exactly the point charge position, a infinitesimal volume around it doesn't contain any charge, so the incoming flux equals the outgoing flux.

Ohhhhh. Right, got it. That makes more sense!
  • #9
Let me see if I've got this straight in my brain:

Flux is the 'amount' of the vector field flowing though a surface in unit time. (Rate of flow.)
Divergence is the net flux through a unit volume.

The reason that a radial vector field with [itex]\begin{equation} \frac{1}{r^2} \end{equation}[/itex] amplitude reduction is zero is because the net flux per unit volume is not changing. Although the field lines are decreasing in amplitude, the summing over the larger volume compensates for this reduction and so the divergence is zero.

Is that right?
  • #10
First of all, one should define all quantities discussed properly. The flux of a vector field through a closed surface, [itex]\partial V[/itex], which is the boundary of a volume in space, [itex]V[/itex] is given by the surface integral
[tex]\Phi(\vec{E},\partial V)=\int_{\partial V} \mathrm{d}^2 \vec{F} \cdot \vec{E}.[/tex]
By convention, the surface-normal vectors [itex]\mathrm{d}^2 \vec{f}[/itex] are always pointing outwards, way from the volume [itex]V[/itex].

The divergence of a vector field at a point [itex]\vec{r}_0[/itex] is given by the limit
[tex]\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{E}(\vec{r}_0)=\lim_{V(\vec{r}_0) \rightarrow \{\vec{r}_0 \}} \frac{1}{\Delta V(\vec{r}_0)} \int_{\partial V(\vec{r}_0)} \mathrm{d}^2 \vec{F} \cdot \vec{E}.[/tex]
In some sense you can say that the divergence is the local form of the flux per unit volume through a closed surface around the point in question.

For the Coulomb field,
[tex]\vec{E}=\frac{q}{4 \pi r^2} \frac{\vec{r}}{r}[/tex]
you can easily figure out that for any [itex]\vec{r} \neq \vec{0}[/itex]
[tex]\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{E}(\vec{r})=0[/tex]
but that the divergence at the origin (i.e., the place where the point charge sits) it's diverging to infinity.

What you also can easily calculate (at least for spheres around the origin) is that
[tex]\Phi(\vec{E},\partial V)=q,[/tex]
for any volume containing the origin, while this flux vanishes for any volume that does not contain the origin.

For an arbitrary charge distribution this leads to Gauss's Law, which reads in integral form
[tex]\int_{\partial V} \mathrm{d}^2 \vec{F} \cdot \vec{E}=\int_V \mathrm{d}^3 \vec{r} \rho[/tex]
and in local form, by just using the definition of the divergence given above
[tex]\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{E}=\rho.[/tex]

Related to How Does Decreased Amplitude Compensate for Field Line Spread in Gauss's Law?

1. What is Gauss's law and how is it related to electric fields?

Gauss's law is a fundamental law in electromagnetism that relates the electric field flowing out of a closed surface to the charge enclosed within that surface. It states that the electric flux through a closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed divided by the permittivity of free space.

2. How is Gauss's law used to find the electric field of a point charge?

Gauss's law can be used to find the electric field of a point charge by applying it to a spherical surface centered on the charge. The electric flux through this surface is equal to the charge enclosed divided by the permittivity of free space, and this flux can be related to the electric field at any point on the surface. This allows us to solve for the electric field of the point charge.

3. What is divergence and how is it related to Gauss's law?

Divergence is a measure of how much a vector field flows out of a given point. In the context of electromagnetism, divergence is related to Gauss's law because it is the mathematical way of expressing the idea that the electric field flows out of a charge. In other words, Gauss's law can be written in terms of divergence to show the relationship between the two concepts.

4. Can Gauss's law be applied to any closed surface?

Yes, Gauss's law can be applied to any closed surface, as long as the charge enclosed can be calculated. However, for practical purposes, it is often easier to choose a specific type of surface, such as a sphere or a cube, to apply Gauss's law.

5. How does Gauss's law relate to the concept of electric flux?

Gauss's law states that the electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the charge enclosed within that surface. This means that as the charge enclosed increases, the electric flux through the surface also increases, and vice versa. In other words, Gauss's law provides a quantitative relationship between electric flux and charge.

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