How Does Distance from Infrared Source Affect Photocell Output?

In summary, the conversation discusses the design of a laboratory experiment to investigate how the output from a photocell changes based on its distance from a point source of infrared radiation. The proposed experiment involves connecting a photocell in series with an ammeter and a voltage meter, and varying the distance to observe changes in resistance and signal strength. There is a question about the possibility of calculating the number of photons hitting the photocell, as well as a discussion about the photoelectric effect and the sensitivity of the photocell. Safety measures and potential sources of error are also mentioned.
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Homework Statement

investigate how output from photocell depends on distance from infrared point source
am required to design a labratory experiment to investigate how the output from a photocell depends on its distance from a point source of infrared radiation.

i am proposing my idea and i want ur comments on it
ermm i wud connect a photocell in series with an ammeter with a voltage meter. The photocell/ LDR/ Photodiode watever u call it, wud be directly pointed toward my light source. Therefore my circuit wud have a change in resistance wen my light source hit the LDR or a photocell. Using that information i cud vary the distance and obsevre the difference in resistance and therefore the strenght of my signal. i wonder if it s possible to calculate number of photons hitting my LDR?
The experiment wud be performed in a dark room and with safety google due to the dange of infrared light.
my thought on this experiment wud be since light diffract sometimes therefore the amount of photons hitting my LDR wud varied with the distances. Yet the question said how the output from a photo cell depends on its distance from a POINT SOUCE of infre-red radiation, so i have doubt whether it wud diffract a substantial amount or not due the confusion caused by the wording of the question. Nevertheless, that s my simple plan at the moment and i wud be really gratefull if some1 cud spot any wrong doing in my ignorant planning
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Physics news on
  • #2
'A photoresistor is made of a high resistance semiconductor. If light falling on the device is of high enough frequency, photons absorbed by the semiconductor give bound electrons enough energy to jump into the conduction band. The resulting free electron (and its hole partner) conduct electricity, thereby lowering resistance.'
therefore does that mean wen more photon hitting the LDR then the Amp increase since it allowed more charged particle to go around the circuit? it sound like photo electric effect??
THEREFORE, since amp is number of charged particle per second or something. the current of an infrared hitting my resistor and the current of my resistor without any light, the differences is the number of electrons released by the infrared. and since according to photoelectric effect each electron cud only be released by one photon then the number of electrons= the number photon hitting my LDR?assuming each photon has archeieved the threshold frequency or something? but i think that wud depend on the sensitivity of my LDR right? so really i don't have to go through all those confusing intensity equation and stuff
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FAQ: How Does Distance from Infrared Source Affect Photocell Output?

1. How does the output from a photocell change with distance from an infrared point source?

The output from a photocell is directly proportional to the distance from an infrared point source. As the distance increases, the output decreases. This is because the intensity of the infrared light decreases with distance due to the inverse square law.

2. What is the relationship between the output from a photocell and the intensity of the infrared light?

The output from a photocell is directly proportional to the intensity of the infrared light. This means that as the intensity of the light increases, the output from the photocell also increases. This relationship can be described by a linear equation.

3. How does the sensitivity of the photocell affect the output?

The sensitivity of the photocell refers to how responsive it is to changes in light intensity. A more sensitive photocell will produce a larger output for the same intensity of light compared to a less sensitive photocell. Therefore, the sensitivity of the photocell can affect the output and should be taken into consideration when analyzing the data.

4. Can other factors besides distance affect the output from a photocell?

Yes, there are other factors that can affect the output from a photocell, such as ambient light, temperature, and the surface material of the object being measured. These factors should be controlled or accounted for in the experiment to ensure accurate results.

5. How can the data be used to determine the relationship between distance and output?

The data collected from the experiment can be plotted on a graph with distance on the x-axis and output on the y-axis. The resulting graph should show a negative linear relationship, indicating that the output decreases as the distance increases. The slope of the line can also be calculated to determine the exact relationship between distance and output.
