How Does Doubling the Force Affect the Speed of an Arrow?

In summary: The problem is flawed.In summary, the problem presented is about an arrow being released from a bow with a specific initial speed, and if the force exerted on the arrow is doubled while everything else remains the same, what would the final speed of the arrow be. However, the problem is flawed as it is impossible for all other factors to remain unchanged and still have the force doubled.
  • #1
I don't understand how to even begin with this problem.

Here it is: An arrow, starting from rest, leaves the bow with a speed of 26.0 m/s. If the average force exerted on the arrow by the bow were doubled, all else remaining the same, with what speed would the arrow leave the bow?

I do know:

Vo = 0
V = 26.0

That's pretty much it. How do I move on from here?
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  • #2
The force time the distance over which the bow acts on the arrow is the kinetic energy of the arrow when it is released.
  • #3
Tide said:
The force time the distance over which the bow acts on the arrow is the kinetic energy of the arrow when it is released.
This yields a wrong answer.
You should use:
  • #4
arildno said:
This yields a wrong answer.
You should use:

How would you determine the time interval over which to integrate? If you change the force then the time interval of the acceleration necessarily changes too.
  • #5
You've been given that ALL ELSE is unchanged!
(This would be the time&space intervals)
Now, let's look at the kinetic energy equation:
([tex]v_{f}[/tex] final velocity)
By the mean value-theorem, we may rewrite this as:

Rewritting in terms of average force, we get:

Now, you cannot conclude that t* is the same value in the two cases.
(Or for that matter v(t*))
  • #6
BTW, you criticized my use of the same time interval; I might criticize your approach for using the same space interval.
As I look more at it, I think the exercise is decidedly unclear.

Possibly, they think of modeling the instantaneous force as kx (or 2kx in the second case); if that is true your approach is possibly what they're after.
  • #7
arildno said:
BTW, you criticized my use of the same time interval; I might criticize your approach for using the same space interval.
As I look more at it, I think the exercise is decidedly unclear.

Possibly, they think of modeling the instantaneous force as kx (or 2kx in the second case); if that is true your approach is possibly what they're after.

I didn't criticize. I asked a question and noted a property of bows and arrows which, presumably, one would have to know in order to address a problem relating to bows and arrows. Namely, the distance over which the bow accelerates the arrow is fixed. The time is not.

I agree the statement of the problem is somewhat ambiguous but, more than that, it is in error since it is impossible for ALL ELSE to remain unchanged. If both the distance and time interval over which acceleration occurs remain the same then the force cannot be doubled.
  • #8
I agree with you, Tide.
I'd like to apologize for using the word "criticize"; the Norwegian "equivalent" is almost neutral, it seems that it is rather more negatively charged in English than I thought.

As for the problem:
As far as I can see, the only way to put some sense in the wording, is that the bowstring is replaced with a stiffer one

For example, with the same displacement of the string, the potential energy would increase.
However, pulling the (new) string further back might keep the actual time interval constant.

In other words, a poorly stated problem..
  • #9
You're right. In English the verb "to criticize" has a slightly different meaning than the more suitable "to question." I wasn't offended by your use of the the word but I just wanted to clarify.

In any case, we do agree on the ambiguity of the problem! Perhaps the original poster can lend some insight based on his or her familiarity with the textbook of professor.
  • #10
&Newton's\ 2nd\ Law\\
&\sum \vec{F}=m\vec{a}\\
&v'=2*26=52\ m/s \\
  • #11

I don't think you know the times you put in for F and F' are the same.
  • #12
i thought the question said 'all remaining the same' ? can i put this the question this way : if the force is doubled, what is the final velocity of the bow after time t which is the same as the first case ?
  • #13

All else cannot remain the same - either the acceleration time changes or how far back you pull the string changes or a combination of both if the average force is to double. That's why Arildno and I concluded it the problem is flawed.
  • #14
opps, i am wrong !

FAQ: How Does Doubling the Force Affect the Speed of an Arrow?

What is Newton's First Law of Motion?

Newton's First Law of Motion states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.

What is the significance of Newton's First Law of Motion?

Newton's First Law of Motion is significant because it provides the basis for understanding the concept of inertia, which is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion.

How does Newton's First Law of Motion apply to everyday life?

Newton's First Law of Motion can be seen in everyday life, such as when a car continues to move forward even after the brakes are applied, or when an object on a table remains at rest until a force is applied to it.

What is the difference between Newton's First Law of Motion and the Law of Inertia?

Newton's First Law of Motion and the Law of Inertia are essentially the same concept. However, the Law of Inertia was first described by Galileo, while Newton's First Law of Motion was part of Newton's three laws of motion that were published in his book "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in 1687.

How does Newton's First Law of Motion relate to the other two laws of motion?

Newton's First Law of Motion is often referred to as the Law of Inertia, and it provides the basis for understanding the concepts of force, acceleration, and the Second and Third Laws of Motion. The Second Law explains how a force causes an object to accelerate, while the Third Law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
