How Does Environmental Interaction Affect Quantum Decoherence and Localization?

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  • Thread starter durant35
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In summary, the author is arguing that the unitary-only decoherence approach is inadequate for accounting for the macroscopic world. He provides an example of how the environment affects a macroscopic particle and argues that there is a more natural alternative that has been overlooked.
  • #1
Can anybody explain this quote from stanford encyclopedia:

Indeed, while it is well-known that localised states of macroscopic objects spread very slowly with time under the free Schrödinger evolution (i.e., if there are no interactions), the situation turns out to be different if they are in interaction with the environment. Although the different components that couple to the environment will be individually incredibly localised, collectively they can have a spread that is many orders of magnitude larger. That is, the state of the object and the environment could be a superposition of zillions of very well localised terms, each with slightly different positions, and that are collectively spread over amacroscopic distance, even in the case of everyday objects
  • #3
durant35 said:
That is, the state of the object and the environment could be a superposition of zillions of very well localised terms, each with slightly different positions, and that are collectively spread over amacroscopic distance, even in the case of everyday objects

Out there in the macro world when we speak of superposition's we mean superposition's of position. Every state is a superposition of many other states and in an infinite number of ways. However in the macro world, due to the general radial nature of interactions objects are in an effective eigenstate of position so are not in superposition.

What prevents the well known spreading issue of localised quantum objects and effectively keeps them in an eigenstate of position is they constantly interact with the environment.

  • #4
The quoted section is actually an argument against the adequacy of the unitary-only decoherence approach for accounting for the macroscopic world of experience. It is clarified in this footnote: "As a numerical example, take a macroscopic particle of radius 1cm (mass 10g) interacting with air under normal conditions. After an hour the overall spread of its state is of the order of 1m. (This estimate uses equations [3.107] and [3.73] in Joos and Zeh (1985).)"

This and other weaknesses in the decoherence/unitary-only account give us reason to consider alternative interpretations. An example is including non-unitary collapse as a real physical process. Most 'mainstream' physicists and philosophers of physics are leery of taking non-unitary collapse seriously because the more known models (GRW collapse) are so ad hoc in character. A more natural alternative is provided in the Transactional Interpretation, which has been generally overlooked because of hesitancy over its use of advanced field solutions. However, there is nothing inconsistent about it, and as Bohr once said, it might be 'crazy enough to be true.' An overview is provided here:

FAQ: How Does Environmental Interaction Affect Quantum Decoherence and Localization?

What is decoherence?

Decoherence is a process in quantum mechanics where the quantum state of a system becomes entangled with its environment, causing it to lose its coherence and behave classically. This can result in the disappearance of quantum effects and the emergence of classical behavior.

How does decoherence occur?

Decoherence occurs when a quantum system interacts with its environment, causing it to become entangled with the environment's degrees of freedom. This interaction causes the quantum state to collapse into a classical state, making it difficult to observe quantum effects.

What is the role of localization in decoherence?

Localization refers to the confinement of a quantum system to a small region of space. This can occur through interactions with the environment, which can lead to decoherence. As a result of localization, the quantum state of the system becomes more well defined and classical behavior emerges.

What are the consequences of decoherence?

The consequences of decoherence include the disappearance of quantum effects, such as superposition and entanglement, and the emergence of classical behavior. This can make it difficult to observe and manipulate quantum systems, which can limit our understanding and control of them.

How can we control or prevent decoherence?

There are several techniques that can be used to control or prevent decoherence, such as quantum error correction, quantum control, and quantum feedback. These methods involve actively manipulating the environment or the quantum system itself to minimize the effects of decoherence and maintain coherence.
