How Does Fluid Mechanics Explain the Sinking Treasure Box Scenario?

In summary: The work done by the buoyant force is 294N x 12 meters = 3528 J.The work done by the drag force is 138.88N x 12 meters = 1666.56 J.The work done by the weight is 882N x 12 meters = 10584 J.The net work done on the box is the sum of these values: 3528 J + 1666.56 J + 10584 J = 15678.56 J.d) The change in the box's gravitational potential energy is the negative of the work done by the weight, since the weight is acting in the opposite direction of the box's motion: -10584 J.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Spanish galleon is about to be boarded by bloodthirsty pirates in the
shallows of a Caribbean island. To save a box of treasure on board, the
captain orders his crew to secretly toss the box overboard, planning to come
back for it later. The rectangular box is waterproof and measures 40.0 cm by
25.0 cm by 30.0 cm. It is made of wood and has mostly gold pieces inside,
resulting in an average box density three times that of seawater.

Sinking below the surface, the box moves at constant vertical velocity of 1.15
m/s for 12.0 m before hitting the bottom. (a) Draw the free-body diagram for
the box, (b) determine the magnitudes of the forces on the box, and (c)
calculate the work done by each force and the net work done on the box. (d)
Calculate the change in the box’s gravitational potential energy. (e) What is
the change in the box’s total energy ?

Homework Equations

V= lwh
P= M/V
Buoyant force= pgV for floating
completely submerged buoyant force= (P of fluid/P of object)weight of object
W= Fd
PE= mgh
E= PE + KE
Drag force= .5pCAv^2

The Attempt at a Solution

i don't need help with part a.

part b) i got the buoyant force to be 908.46 when it is floating. for submerged, it is 294 N
Drag force= 138.88 (not sure, because i couldn't find the coefficient in my textbook)
weight= 908.46

for part c) i just multiplied y= -12 to each of the forces to find the work

for part d) i just did PE= mg(deltah) and got -10901.5 J

for part e i know how to do it (E= PE + KE) but I'm not getting the correct answer. I think I'm doing something wrong in either part b or part c.
I used the buoyant force when it submerged.

the correct answer for part e is -10901.5 J
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  • #2
litheira said:

Homework Statement

Spanish galleon is about to be boarded by bloodthirsty pirates in the
shallows of a Caribbean island. To save a box of treasure on board, the
captain orders his crew to secretly toss the box overboard, planning to come
back for it later. The rectangular box is waterproof and measures 40.0 cm by
25.0 cm by 30.0 cm. It is made of wood and has mostly gold pieces inside,
resulting in an average box density three times that of seawater.

Sinking below the surface, the box moves at constant vertical velocity of 1.15
m/s for 12.0 m before hitting the bottom. (a) Draw the free-body diagram for
the box, (b) determine the magnitudes of the forces on the box, and (c)
calculate the work done by each force and the net work done on the box. (d)
Calculate the change in the box’s gravitational potential energy. (e) What is
the change in the box’s total energy ?

Homework Equations

V= lwh
P= M/V
Buoyant force= pgV for floating
completely submerged buoyant force= (P of fluid/P of object)weight of object
W= Fd
PE= mgh
E= PE + KE
Drag force= .5pCAv^2

The Attempt at a Solution

i don't need help with part a.

part b) i got the buoyant force to be 908.46 when it is floating. for submerged, it is 294 N
Drag force= 138.88 (not sure, because i couldn't find the coefficient in my textbook)
weight= 908.46

for part c) i just multiplied y= -12 to each of the forces to find the work

for part d) i just did PE= mg(deltah) and got -10901.5 J

for part e i know how to do it (E= PE + KE) but I'm not getting the correct answer. I think I'm doing something wrong in either part b or part c.
I used the buoyant force when it submerged.

the correct answer for part e is -10901.5 J

There are 3 forces acting on the box: the weight (downward), the upward buoyant force, and drag force (upward). You already calculated the buoyant force (294N) and the weight (908 N... this actually should probably have been 882N =3 x 294N ). The key to solving part b are the words "the box moves at constant vertical velocity of 1.15 m/s." This means that the box is not accelerating, and, thus, that it is in force equilibrium. You now have enough information to calculate the drag force, without needing to estimate the drag coefficient.

Related to How Does Fluid Mechanics Explain the Sinking Treasure Box Scenario?

1. What is fluid mechanics and energy?

Fluid mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of fluids (liquids and gases) and their properties. Energy, on the other hand, is the ability to do work and can exist in different forms such as kinetic, potential, thermal, and chemical. The study of fluid mechanics and energy focuses on the behavior of fluids and their interactions with energy.

2. How does fluid mechanics relate to energy?

Fluid mechanics and energy are closely related as fluids have the ability to store, transfer, and convert energy. The behavior of fluids, such as their flow, pressure, and velocity, is affected by different forms of energy. In turn, the movement and interactions of fluids can also result in the production or consumption of energy.

3. What are some real-life applications of fluid mechanics and energy?

Fluid mechanics and energy have various practical applications in our daily lives. Some examples include the design of pumps, turbines, and other machinery that utilize fluids for energy conversion, the development of efficient transportation systems like airplanes and cars, and the study of weather patterns and ocean currents.

4. How does the study of fluid mechanics and energy benefit society?

The study of fluid mechanics and energy has led to advancements in many fields, such as engineering, medicine, and environmental science. It has also contributed to the development of renewable energy sources, improved transportation systems, and more efficient use of resources. Overall, the understanding of fluid mechanics and energy has greatly benefited society by improving our quality of life and promoting sustainable practices.

5. What are some key principles of fluid mechanics and energy?

Some fundamental principles of fluid mechanics and energy include Bernoulli's principle, which describes the relationship between pressure, velocity, and elevation in a fluid, and the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. These principles are essential in understanding and analyzing the behavior of fluids and their interactions with energy in various systems.

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