How Does Forcing Magnets Together Affect Spatial Energy and Distortion?

In summary: The space between magnets is distorted, depending on how close the magnets are to each other. The distortion is due to the fields in the space.
  • #1
I'm curious to know how the space between two magnets arranged so their like poles are forced to be nearer to one another is distorted. Is the energy in the space between such poles at a higher state than the surroundings, in an amount proportional to the force exerted in bringing the magnets poles together, or is the space un-affected ?

Similarly, is the space between two magnets that are stuck to one another affected when they are withdrawn, out to say 1 mm ?
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  • #2
Your intuition is right on this. To bring two magnets together with like poles facing each other, you have to push them together, doing work. This additional energy is stored in the magnetic field. In terms of lines of force, the B field is being compressed. To bring magnets together with unlike poles facing each other, the magnets exert an inward force on your hands, doing work on you, and the resulting B field has less energy.
  • #3
Bill_K said:
Your intuition is right on this. To bring two magnets together with like poles facing each other, you have to push them together, doing work. This additional energy is stored in the magnetic field. In terms of lines of force, the B field is being compressed. To bring magnets together with unlike poles facing each other, the magnets exert an inward force on your hands, doing work on you, and the resulting B field has less energy.

hooke's law F=kx, can integrate to calculate the work from given displacement limits, but I'm wondering about what, if anything, happens to the space between the magnets.
  • #4
Hooke's law applies in a linear regime. The force between two magnets does not have a linear relationship[ with distance. It will be some sort of inverse law, depending on the actual shape and orientation of the magnets. Between the poles of two very long bar magnets, you will get an approximate inverse square law. Not Hooke's Law trerritory.

The space in between is sort of 'just there' and it's somewhere the fields can be observed in. For EM waves and fields, empty space is linear so the fields will just 'add together'. The mass of your magnets would be doing it's little bit of space distortion to account for the minuscule gravitational force between them.
  • #5
sophiecentaur said:
...empty space is linear ...

sophiecentaur said:
... The mass of your magnets would be doing it's little bit of space distortion...

How can the distortion of linear space be measured ?

FAQ: How Does Forcing Magnets Together Affect Spatial Energy and Distortion?

1. What is magnetic field distortion?

Magnetic field distortion refers to any change or disruption in the normal strength or direction of a magnetic field. This can be caused by various factors such as the presence of magnetic materials, electric currents, or other external forces.

2. How is magnetic field distortion measured?

Magnetic field distortion is typically measured using a device called a magnetometer, which can detect changes in the strength and direction of a magnetic field. Magnetometers can be used to map out areas of distortion and determine the cause of the distortion.

3. What are the effects of magnetic field distortion?

The effects of magnetic field distortion can vary depending on the strength and duration of the distortion. In some cases, it can interfere with electronic devices and disrupt their functioning. In other cases, it can affect the behavior of charged particles, such as electrons, which can impact various natural processes.

4. What causes magnetic field distortion?

Magnetic field distortion can be caused by a variety of factors, including the presence of magnetic materials, electric currents, or other external forces. It can also be influenced by the Earth's magnetic field, which can vary in strength and direction due to natural processes.

5. How can magnetic field distortion be mitigated?

The best way to mitigate magnetic field distortion depends on the cause and the specific situation. In some cases, it may be possible to shield sensitive devices or materials from the magnetic field. In other cases, it may be necessary to adjust the source of the distortion, such as by reducing the strength of an electric current.

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