How Does Fractional Charge in Quarks Relate to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking?

In summary, the fractional charge of a quark suggests that this is actually the smallest (most fundamental) unit of charge, and that an electron has a combined unit charge. As far as I know, there is no rule that imposes the electric charge of a particle to be an integer multiple of a fundamental charge. Furthermore, I think it is a mere coincidence that the charge of a proton is the same magnitude, but opposite sign of the charge of the electron.
  • #1
Feeble Wonk
Please help me understand. It seems to me that the fractional charge of a quark suggests that this is actually the smallest (most fundamental) unit of charge, and that an electron has a combined unit charge.
Physics news on
  • #2
As far as I know, in the standard model, there is no rule that imposes the electric charge of a particle to be an integer multiple of a fundamental charge. Furthermore, I think it is a mere coincidence that the charge of a proton is the same magnitude, but opposite sign of the charge of the electron. By "coincidence", I mean a fact of Nature, that is not explainable within the currently accepted framework of what is known as the Standard Model.
  • #3
Consistency of the Standard Model (anomaly cancellation) requires that the sum of the charges of the particles in each generation must add to zero. Each of the three quark colors must be counted separately. Thus, neutrino + electron + up quark + down quark = 0 + (-1) + 3(2/3) + 3(-1/3) = 0.
A second similar constraint: (0)2 - (-1)2 + 3(2/3)2 - 3(-1/3)2 = 0.
  • #4
Dickfore said:
As far as I know, in the standard model, there is no rule that imposes the electric charge of a particle to be an integer multiple of a fundamental charge. .

But, if we accept that the electromagnetic charge is quantized, shouldn't there be a minimum fundamental unit?
  • #5
I've just pointed out that the charges of all of the particles in the Standard Model are required to bear a simple relationship to each other. Doesn't that answer the question?
  • #6
Well yes, in the sense that it explains the symmetry and the requirement to cancel the anomalies. I suppose what I'm really asking, though, is how there can be a fraction of the charge unit. Please have patience with my ignorance, but my previous understanding was that the fundamental quantum of action with respect to the electromagnetic field was a photon. but this seems to be fractionalized in the quark.
  • #7
I think my error is basic... I shouldn't equate the charge of "1" as indicating anything with respect to a photon. it simply is a reference to the charge exhibited by the electron.
  • #8
So... The designation of "1" as a charge for the electron is simply a matter of convention, as the established reference charge unit. Right? We could just as easily call the 1/3 charge of a quark "1", and the charge of an electron "3". A long as the units balance, that's all that matters.
  • #9
At first, we thought protons were elementary particles, so they gave them an elementary charge of +1, which is 1,6x10^-19 Coulombs. When we discovered that they were in fact composite particles, the electric charge of the elementary particles making up the protons and neutrons then had to be a fraction of the calculated elementary charge.

So the elementary charge isn't so elementary anymore.
  • #10
So it's more a case of convenience vs reassignment of values eh!
  • #11
don't grand unified theories predict quantized electric charge?
  • #12
Going further, the unbroken Standard Model does not feature electric charge. Instead, electric charge emerges from the breaking of electroweak symmetry. Every unbroken-SM multiplet has three gauge-symmetry quantum numbers:
  • The QCD multiplicity (strictly speaking: 2 quantum numbers)
  • The weak isospin I
  • The weak hypercharge Y
WIS behaves like 3D angular momentum, thus the name. Multiplet members have WIS-component value I3 values -I, -I+1, -I+2, ..., I-1, I.

WHC behaves like electric charge - it's the average electric charge of a multiplet.

The members' electric charges are
Q = I3 + Y
Q = -I + Y, -I + 1 + Y, -I + 2 + Y, ..., I - 1 + Y, I + Y

Standard-Model particles: (WIS, WHC) -> Q's
L = left-handed, R = right-handed
  • L quark: (1/2, 1/6) -> -1/3, 2/3
  • R down quark: (0, -1/3) -> -1/3
  • R up quark: (0, 2/3) -> 2/3
  • L lepton: (1/2, -1/2) -> -1, 0
  • R electron: (0, -1) -> -1
  • R neutrino: (0, 0) -> 0
  • QCD particle: gluon: (0, 0) -> 0
  • WIS particle: W: (1, 0) -> -1, 0, 1
  • WHC particle: B: (0, 0) -> 0
  • down Higgs particle: (1/2, -1/2) -> -1, 0
  • up Higgs particle (1/2, 1/2) -> 0, 1 (SM: conjugate of down Higgs, MSSM: separate particle)
Antiparticles: same I, reverse-sign Y, L <-> R

However, that puts the problem back a step, and the weak hypercharges have even more fractional values. But there's a solution. From QCD multiplets' quantum numbers can be deduced "triality", a quantity that adds modulo 3. Gluons and colorless particles have triality 0, quarks triality 1, and antiquarks triality 2. Hadrons have triality 0. From the SM particles, one can deduce this expression for the weak hypercharge:

Y = - (triality)/3 + I + (integer)

For the electric charge, that gives us

Q = - (triality)/3 + (integer)

That Y expression is a consequence of some GUT's, like Georgi-Glashow, Pati-Salam, and their supersets.

FAQ: How Does Fractional Charge in Quarks Relate to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking?

1. What is the fractional charge of quarks?

The fractional charge of quarks refers to the electric charge of these subatomic particles, which is measured in units of elementary charge (e). The three types of quarks (up, down, and strange) have fractional charges of +2/3e, -1/3e, and -1/3e, respectively.

2. How was the concept of fractional charge of quarks discovered?

The concept of fractional charge of quarks was proposed by physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig in the 1960s to explain the behavior of strong nuclear forces. It was later confirmed through experiments using high-energy particle accelerators.

3. Do all quarks have fractional charges?

No, not all quarks have fractional charges. In addition to the three quarks with fractional charges (up, down, and strange), there are also three quarks with integer charges (charm, bottom, and top). These quarks have charges of +2e/3, -1e/3, and +1e/3, respectively.

4. How does the fractional charge of quarks affect their interactions?

The fractional charge of quarks plays a crucial role in determining how they interact with other particles. Quarks with different fractional charges attract each other, while quarks with the same fractional charge repel each other. This is what allows quarks to come together and form protons and neutrons, the building blocks of atomic nuclei.

5. Can the fractional charge of quarks be observed directly?

No, the fractional charge of quarks cannot be observed directly as they are always found bound together in larger particles. However, their effects can be observed through experiments and calculations, providing evidence for their existence and properties.
