How Does Free Fall Affect a Ball's Motion and Vector Math?

In summary, the conversation discusses questions related to the motion of a ball in free fall and the effects of multiplying or dividing vectors by scalars. The person speaking is seeking help and guidance with understanding these concepts.
  • #1
I am not very good at this so please help me someone. I am not sure if I am in the right forum or not but i can almost put money on you guys know these simple questions.

1. Which of the following statements applies to the motion of a ball rising and then falling in free fall?
I. The ball has constant acceleration as it moves upward.
II. The ball has constant acceleration at the top of its path.
III. The ball has constant acceleration as it moves downward.
a. I only
b. III only
c. I and III
d. I, II, and III

2. Objects that are falling toward Earth in free fall move
a. Faster and faster
b. slower and slower
c. at a constant rate
d. slower then faster

3. Multiplying or dividing vectors by scalars results in
A. Vectors
B. Scalars
C Vectors if multiplied or scalars if divided
D. Scalars if multiplied or vectors if divided

Please help if you can. I am having a hard time with this class
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm moving this to the Homework Help forum.


Our policy here is that we will help you with this, not do it for you. Please post your own thoughts on these questions, and we will give you a hand from there. Even if you get them all wrong, it is still better to try.
  • #3

1. The correct answer is c. I and III. The ball has constant acceleration as it moves upward and as it moves downward in free fall.

2. The correct answer is a. Faster and faster. Objects in free fall will continue to accelerate due to the force of gravity until they reach terminal velocity or hit the ground.

3. The correct answer is D. Scalars if multiplied or vectors if divided. Multiplying a vector by a scalar will result in a vector with a magnitude that is multiplied by the scalar. Dividing a vector by a scalar will result in a vector with a magnitude that is divided by the scalar.

FAQ: How Does Free Fall Affect a Ball's Motion and Vector Math?

What is free fall motion?

Free fall motion refers to the movement of an object under the sole influence of gravity. This means that the object is not being affected by any other forces, such as air resistance or friction.

What is the acceleration of an object in free fall?

The acceleration of an object in free fall is always constant and equal to the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.8 meters per second squared (m/s^2) near the Earth's surface. This means that the object's velocity increases by 9.8 m/s every second it is in free fall.

How do you calculate the distance traveled by an object in free fall?

The distance traveled by an object in free fall can be calculated using the formula d = 1/2at^2, where d is the distance, a is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time the object has been falling. This formula assumes that the object started at rest and is falling vertically.

What is a vector in physics?

In physics, a vector is a quantity that has both magnitude (size) and direction. This is different from a scalar, which only has magnitude. Examples of vector quantities include velocity, acceleration, and force.

How is vector math used in free fall motion?

Vector math is used in free fall motion to analyze the motion of an object in terms of its velocity and acceleration vectors. This allows scientists to calculate the object's position, velocity, and acceleration at any given time during its free fall.
