How Does Gauss' Law Ensure E-field Perpendicularity on Irregular Conductors?

In summary, for an infinite plane sheet of charge, the electric field points directly perpendicular to the sheet. This also holds true for conductors of irregular shape, such as wires or sheets with imperfections, as long as the distance from where the field is calculated to the surface is small compared to the size of the irregularities. This is because the surface of a conductor must be a surface of constant potential, meaning the electric field is perpendicular to any tangent vector along the surface.
  • #1
For an infinite plane sheet of charge it is obvious that the E-field points directly perpendicular to the sheet. but for conductors of irregular shape. say, a wire, or even a sheet with imperfections in it, what guarantees that the E-field will point directly perpendicular from the emanating surfaces?
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  • #2
iScience said:
For an infinite plane sheet of charge it is obvious that the E-field points directly perpendicular to the sheet. but for conductors of irregular shape. say, a wire, or even a sheet with imperfections in it, what guarantees that the E-field will point directly perpendicular from the emanating surfaces?

Focus down on a small enough region of the surface and it will be flat (if it's not, just go for an even smaller region). Then evaluate the direction of the force at the center of that region, at a distance that is small compared with the size of that region... and you're right back to something that looks like the infinite plane case.

If the object is irregularly shaped, the field may change direction not far from the surface, but as long as the distance from where you're calculating the force to the surface is very small compared with the size of the irregularities, the field will be perpendicular to the surface.
  • #3
Suppose at some point on the surface, the electric field is not perpendicular to the surface. That means that there is a component of the electric field that is parallel to the surface. That means that a freely moving charge at that point would have a force on it causing it to move in a direction that partially cancels the electric field. So if there are plenty of freely moving charges, they would tend to move to cancel the electric field in the direction perpendicular to the surface.
  • #4
First of all, this is about electrostatics. Then the electric field is a potential field, i.e., it exists a scalar field such that
[tex]\vec{E}=-\vec{\nabla} \Phi.[/tex]
Now, inside a conductor the electric field must vanish, because otherwise one had a current due to Ohm's Law, and electrostatics is about the electric field for charges at rest and no currents.

This implies that for electrostatics the [itex]\Phi[/itex] is constant inside a conductor and particularly along its surface. Thus the surface of a conductor is a surface of constant potential. Any curve [itex]\vec{x}(\lambda)[/itex] (where [itex]\lambda[/itex] is an arbitrary parameter for the curve) within the surface is thus an equipotential line, i.e., we have
Taking the derivative with respect to [itex]\lambda[/itex] implies
[tex]\frac{\mathrm{d} \vec{x}}{\mathrm{d} \lambda} \cdot \vec{\nabla} \Phi=-\frac{\mathrm{d} \vec{x}}{\mathrm{d} \lambda} \cdot \vec{E}=0.[/tex]
This means the electric field at the surface of the conductor is necessarily perpendicular to any tangent vector along the surface, QED.
  • #5

Gauss' Law is a fundamental principle in electromagnetism that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed within that surface. This law is essential in understanding the behavior of electric fields in different situations, including those involving conductors.

For an infinite plane sheet of charge, it is indeed evident that the electric field will point directly perpendicular to the sheet. This is because the charge distribution on the sheet is uniform, and the electric field lines will be symmetrically distributed around the sheet.

However, for conductors with irregular shapes, such as a wire or a sheet with imperfections, the electric field may not always point directly perpendicular from the emanating surfaces. This is because the charge distribution on these conductors is not uniform, and the electric field lines will be distorted as they interact with the uneven surface.

In these cases, what guarantees that the electric field will still point perpendicular to the surface is the fact that conductors, by definition, have free electrons that can move within the material. When an external electric field is applied, these free electrons will redistribute themselves on the surface of the conductor in a way that cancels out any external electric field inside the material. This is known as the "shielding effect" of conductors.

As a result, the electric field inside a conductor will always be zero, and the field lines will be perpendicular to the surface. This is because any electric field that penetrates the conductor will induce a movement of free electrons that will create an opposing field, canceling it out.

In conclusion, while the electric field may not always point directly perpendicular from the surfaces of conductors with irregular shapes, the presence of free electrons guarantees that the electric field inside the material will be zero and the field lines will be perpendicular to the surface. This is an important concept to keep in mind when studying the behavior of electric fields in different situations involving conductors.

FAQ: How Does Gauss' Law Ensure E-field Perpendicularity on Irregular Conductors?

What is Gauss' Law?

Gauss' Law is a fundamental law in physics that describes the relationship between electric fields and electric charges. It states that the electric flux through a closed surface is directly proportional to the net electric charge enclosed by that surface.

What is a conductor?

A conductor is a material that allows electric charges to flow through it easily. These materials have a high number of free electrons, which are able to move in response to an electric field.

How does Gauss' Law apply to conductors?

Gauss' Law applies to conductors because it helps us understand how electric charges behave on the surface of a conductor. It tells us that the electric field inside a conductor will always be zero, and any excess charge will reside on the surface of the conductor.

Why does the electric field inside a conductor have to be zero?

The electric field inside a conductor must be zero because if it were not, the free electrons in the conductor would experience a force and move to cancel out the field. This process would continue until the field is zero.

What are some real-life applications of Gauss' Law and conductors?

Gauss' Law and conductors have many practical applications, including the design of electronic circuits, the operation of lightning rods, and the functioning of capacitors and Faraday cages.

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