How Does Gauss's Law Affect the Red Dot in This Scenario?

In summary, the conversation discusses Gauss's law and its application in two scenarios involving a conductor and two charges. In the first scenario, the conductor shields the red dot from the effects of the green dot's electric field. In the second scenario, both dots are shielded from each other and do not experience any movement. The discussion also touches on the location of induced charges and suggests further reading on the topic.
  • #1
I had a question regarding how Gauss's law works. I have attached an image that depicts two scenarios.

Basically, if you assume the blue lines are a conductor and the green and red dots both contain an equal amount of charge, what is the expected behavior of the red dot?

As I understand it, in the lower scenario, Gauss's law allows the blue conductor to shield the red dot from the green dot; thus, nothing happens to the red dot. What happens in the second scenario? (The one I drew above) Does the red dot remain where it is or move away -- and please explain why..

- Wired Guy.


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  • #2
What happens is that, the charge distributes in such a way so that the electric field due to the induced charges on the inner surface of the conductor cancels exactly with the field due to the charge inside the cavity, at all points in the conductor.

So, the two charges inside the cavity won't expereince the field of each other and won't move.
  • #3
So in the second case the green dot moves while the red dot remains in the same place?

I was curious if the charges that move to cancel out the effects of the green charge were on the external or internal surface of the cage. Could you also refer me to a place where I can read more about this phenomena?

Thanks in advanced,
- Wired Guy
  • #4
Are there parts of my question that are unclear? or is this the wrong forum to be asking the question on? (Generally I find the feedback to be much more active on this board).
  • #5
In the lower scenario the field from the green dot affects the charge distribution on the outer surface of the conductor, but the conductor itself shields the red dot from being affected by the field of the green dot.

In the upper scenario both dots are shielded from each other. Neither dot is affected by the presence of the other.
  • #6
wiredGuy said:
Are there parts of my question that are unclear? or is this the wrong forum to be asking the question on? (Generally I find the feedback to be much more active on this board).

The feedback is usually more active. I'm sorry I couldn't reply and left this hanging. I was traveling.

In the lower scenario the field from the green dot affects the charge distribution on the outer surface of the conductor, but the conductor itself shields the red dot from being affected by the field of the green dot.

In the upper scenario both dots are shielded from each other. Neither dot is affected by the presence of the other.

Thanks for stepping in Doc Al :smile:
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  • #7
Thanks for the help guys!

FAQ: How Does Gauss's Law Affect the Red Dot in This Scenario?

1. What is Gauss's Law?

Gauss's Law is a fundamental law in electrostatics that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed by that surface. It is named after the German mathematician and physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss.

2. How is Gauss's Law represented mathematically?

Gauss's Law is represented by the equation ΦE = Qenc0, where ΦE is the electric flux, Qenc is the enclosed charge, and ε0 is the permittivity of free space.

3. What is the significance of Gauss's Law?

Gauss's Law is significant because it allows us to calculate the electric field at a point due to a known distribution of charge. It also helps us understand the behavior of electric fields in different scenarios.

4. What is the difference between Gauss's Law and Coulomb's Law?

While Coulomb's Law gives the magnitude and direction of the electric force between two point charges, Gauss's Law relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the enclosed charge. In other words, Gauss's Law is a generalization of Coulomb's Law for a continuous distribution of charge.

5. How is Gauss's Law used in practical applications?

Gauss's Law is used in various practical applications, such as calculating the electric field inside a charged capacitor, analyzing the behavior of electric fields in conductors, and designing electronic circuits. It is also an important concept in understanding the behavior of lightning and the Earth's magnetic field.
