How Does Gravitational Acceleration Affect a Helicopter's Upward Motion?

In summary, the helicopter in the given kinematics problem accelerates uniformly upward at 1m/s^2 and reaches a height of 300m in 24.5 seconds. This is due to the air exerting an upward force that balances the weight of the helicopter. The book may not mention this as it is outside the scope of the problem, which asks for the time required for the motion. However, in freefall, an object would accelerate downward at 9.8m/s^2 due to gravity being the only force acting on it. In the case of the helicopter, the upward acceleration is greater due to the force of the air acting on it.
  • #1
I am confuse with the following Kinematics problem

A helicopter accelerates uniformly upward at 1m/s^2 to a height of 300 m. Determine the time required for this motion.


s = 300 m
v0 = 0
a = 1 m/s^2
v = v2

s = (v0) (t) + (1/2) (a) (t^2)
300 m = 0 + (1/2) (1m/s^2) (t^2)
t = 24.5 s

As the Helicopter move upward, there should exist any Gravitational Acceleration downward.

But as you can see on the Solution the only available acceleration is the helicopter acceleration.

Can anyone here tell me what’s wrong with the Gravitational Acceleration?

Please advance

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  • #2
The acceleration due to gravity--9.8 m/s^2 downward--would apply if gravity were the only force acting on the helicopter. But that's not the case here--the air is exerting an upward force that more than balances the weight of the helicopter.
  • #3
I don’t know that…

The book doesn’t say anything about that…

We are student forced to understand but we aren’t understood.
  • #4
I'm sure the book tells you how to solve the problem of finding how long it takes for something under constant acceleration to travel a certain distance, which is what is asked here, nothing more

An object in freefall will accelerate downward at 9.8 m/s^2

Helicopter rides would be less popular if the helicopter were in freefall :)

What Doc Al was pointing out is an extension of that, if you've studied forces yet(if not just ignore this)then what you can say is that an object will accelerate at 9.8m/s^2 if gravity is the only force acting on it. If the helicopter were hovering there'd be a force acting upwards to cancel it, and if the helicopter were accelerating upwards(as it is here)there's a force acting upwards greater in magnitude than the gravitational force

FAQ: How Does Gravitational Acceleration Affect a Helicopter's Upward Motion?

1. What is basic rectilinear motion?

Basic rectilinear motion is the motion of an object in a straight line with constant velocity, meaning the speed and direction do not change.

2. What are some real-life examples of basic rectilinear motion?

Some examples of basic rectilinear motion include a car driving on a straight road, a ball rolling on a flat surface, and a rocket moving in a straight path.

3. How is basic rectilinear motion different from other types of motion?

Basic rectilinear motion is different from other types of motion, such as circular or projectile motion, because it only occurs in a straight line with constant velocity.

4. What is the equation for calculating the distance traveled in basic rectilinear motion?

The equation for calculating distance in basic rectilinear motion is d = vt, where d is the distance, v is the velocity, and t is the time.

5. How can basic rectilinear motion be represented graphically?

In basic rectilinear motion, the distance traveled can be represented on a distance-time graph, while the velocity can be represented on a velocity-time graph.
