How Does Gravity Affect the Trajectory of an Artillery Shell?

In summary, the conversation discusses determining the flight path of an artillery shell after it leaves the barrel. Factors such as gravity, initial propulsion force, angle of the shot, and wind can all affect the trajectory of the shell. The flight path is estimated to be a stretched out parabola, but there is uncertainty about how to calculate these factors. A resource for more information on projectile motion is provided.
  • #1
Hey, I'm doing a math project on projectiles (I think) and I was wondering how to determine how let's say... an artillery shell would act after it leaves the barrel. I was wondering when the forces of gravity would overcome the initial propulsion force and begin to bring the shell down. I know that the angle of the shot, wind etc. would effect this, but just like a rough estimate.

I'm guessing the flight path would look something like a stretched out parabola, but I'm unsure about how to determine those factors.
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  • #2
See for more information on projectile motion:
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  • #3


Thank you for reaching out regarding your math project on projectiles. I can provide some insights on how to determine the trajectory of an artillery shell.

Firstly, it is important to understand that the motion of a projectile is influenced by both its initial velocity and the forces acting upon it, such as gravity and air resistance. The initial velocity of the shell can be calculated using the formula v = u + at, where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration (in this case, due to the force of the explosion), and t is the time.

To determine when the forces of gravity will overcome the initial propulsion force, you can use the formula s = ut + (1/2)at^2, where s is the distance traveled, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration (in this case, due to gravity), and t is the time. This will give you an estimate of the distance the shell will travel before gravity begins to significantly affect its trajectory.

The angle of the shot and wind can also affect the trajectory of the shell. To account for these factors, you can use mathematical models such as the parametric equations for projectile motion, which take into consideration the initial velocity, angle of the shot, and any external forces acting on the projectile.

In terms of the flight path, as you mentioned, it will indeed follow a parabolic path. The exact shape of the path will depend on the initial velocity, angle of the shot, and external forces.

I hope this helps guide you in your project. It is important to note that these calculations are simplified and do not take into account factors such as air resistance and the rotation of the Earth, which can also affect the trajectory of a projectile. For a more accurate estimation, you may need to use more complex mathematical models or perform experiments. Good luck with your project!

Related to How Does Gravity Affect the Trajectory of an Artillery Shell?

1. What is a projectile?

A projectile is any object that is thrown or launched into the air and moves along a curved path due to the force of gravity. Examples of projectiles include a baseball being thrown, a bullet being shot from a gun, or a rocket being launched into space.

2. What is the purpose of a math project on projectiles?

The purpose of a math project on projectiles is to understand and apply the mathematical principles and equations that govern the motion of objects in flight. This project can also help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

3. What are some key concepts to consider when working on a math project on projectiles?

Some key concepts to consider when working on a math project on projectiles include velocity, acceleration, angle of launch, initial height, and air resistance. These factors affect the trajectory and landing point of a projectile.

4. How can real-life examples of projectiles be incorporated into a math project?

Real-life examples of projectiles, such as sports balls or rockets, can be used to collect data and analyze their motion using mathematical equations. Students can also research and present the history and applications of projectile motion in various fields, such as physics, engineering, and sports.

5. What are some possible extensions or variations of a math project on projectiles?

Possible extensions or variations of a math project on projectiles could include studying the effects of different launch angles or initial velocities on the trajectory of a projectile, exploring the impact of air resistance on the motion of a projectile, or designing and building a device that can launch a projectile to hit a specific target. Students can also compare and contrast the motion of projectiles on different planets with varying gravitational forces.

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