How Does Hadlock Prove Every Polynomial of Degree n Has a Symmetric Group Sn?

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In summary, Hadlock's proof shows that there exists a polynomial of degree n, which is irreducible over Q and has a Galois group of Sn. The proof involves constructing a polynomial of degree n! from one of degree n, using symmetric functions and the primitive element theorem. The idea is to find a polynomial with variable coefficients and then carefully specialize the coefficients to maintain irreducibility. Hadlock also uses Hilbert's irreducibility theorem in the proof.
  • #1
Can anyone explain the idea behind Hadlock's proof that there is an Sn for every poly of degree n? Theorem 37 page 217
I can follow how to build up G from F using symmetric functions and the primitive element theorem. A lso I get the idea of constructing a poly of deg n! from one of deg n. But he starts with rationals beta1 etc to make G irreducible and I don't see the connection back down to F.
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  • #2
I'm sorry you are not generating any responses at the moment. Is there any additional information you can share with us? Any new findings?
  • #3
Your question is a little vague to me, especially since I do not have the book, and Amazon does not allow searching Theorem 37 on page 217. They do show p. 216, lemma 37f, where Hadlock proves irreducibility of F however. What is it about F that you want to know?

Your question is also a bit muddled. Hadlock is apparently proving that for every positive integer n, there is a polynomial of degree n, which is irreducible over Q and has Galois group S(n).

The idea is apparently to find such a polynomial with variable coefficients and then specialize the coefficients carefully so the result remains irreducible.
  • #4
Hope I can make my question clearer: Why does the first line of Hadlock's proof begin "By Hilbert's irreducibility theorem..."?

ie Hadlock starts with rationals beta1 etc to make G irreducible and I don't see the connection back down to F.
  • #5

Hadlock's proof is based on the concept of Galois groups, which are groups of automorphisms that preserve the field structure of a given field extension. In this case, the field extension is from the field of rational numbers (F) to the field of symmetric functions (G).

The idea behind Hadlock's proof is to show that for any given polynomial of degree n over F, there exists a corresponding element in G that has a Galois group isomorphic to the symmetric group Sn. This means that the Galois group of G over F is Sn, and thus there is an Sn for every poly of degree n.

To prove this, Hadlock first constructs G from F using symmetric functions and the primitive element theorem. This means that every element in G can be expressed as a polynomial of degree n! over F.

Next, Hadlock introduces the concept of irreducible elements in G. An element in G is irreducible if it cannot be expressed as a product of two non-constant elements in G. Hadlock then shows that by choosing certain rational numbers beta1, beta2, ..., beta(n-1), we can construct an irreducible element in G. This is important because it allows us to create a Galois extension from F to G, with G being an irreducible polynomial over F.

Finally, Hadlock shows that this Galois extension has a Galois group isomorphic to Sn. This is done by showing that the Galois group of G over F is generated by the automorphisms that permute the roots of the irreducible polynomial. Since this polynomial has n! roots, the Galois group must be isomorphic to Sn.

In summary, Hadlock's proof uses the concept of Galois groups to show that for any polynomial of degree n over F, there exists a corresponding element in G with a Galois group isomorphic to Sn. This proves that there is an Sn for every poly of degree n, as stated in Theorem 37 on page 217.

FAQ: How Does Hadlock Prove Every Polynomial of Degree n Has a Symmetric Group Sn?

1. What is Gen Poly?

Gen Poly, short for Generalized Polynomial, is a mathematical concept that involves the manipulation of polynomials with multiple variables.

2. What is Sn group in Gen Poly?

In Gen Poly, Sn group refers to the symmetric group on n letters, which is a mathematical group that includes all possible permutations of n objects.

3. How is Hadlock related to Gen Poly?

Hadlock is a method used in Gen Poly to compute the zeros of a polynomial. It involves using a combination of Newton's method and bisection method to find the roots.

4. What are the applications of Gen Poly?

Gen Poly has various applications in mathematics, computer science, and engineering. It is used in solving systems of equations, curve fitting, image processing, and cryptography, among others.

5. How does Gen Poly differ from regular polynomials?

The main difference between Gen Poly and regular polynomials is the number of variables involved. Regular polynomials only have one variable, while Gen Poly involves multiple variables, making it more complex and versatile in its applications.

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