How Does Initial Displacement Affect Different Damped Harmonic Oscillators?

In summary, the problem involves finding the motion of a damped harmonic oscillator under different conditions - underdamped, critically damped, and overdamped. Each case has two arbitrary constants that can be determined using the initial conditions. For the overdamped case, the solution involves using two real roots of the characteristic equation and plugging them into the general solution equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A damped harmonic oscillator is displaced a distance xo from equilibrium and released with zero initial velocity. Find the motion in the underdamped, critically damped, and overdamped case.

Homework Equations

d2x/dt2 + 2K dx/dt + ω2x = 0

Underdamped: x = C*e-Ktcos(ωt-[itex]\gamma[/itex])

Overdamped: x = A*e-K-t+B*e-K+t

Critically Damped: a*e-Kt*(1+bKt)

The Attempt at a Solution

I haven't attempted the solution because I'm not sure how to incorporate xo into the equations. I understand that at time t=0, x=xo, but how do I use this fact? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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  • #2
Each of the solutions has two arbitrary constants. You need to determine those using the initial conditions. In the critically damped case, for example, when t=0, you have x(0)=a; therefore, you know that a=x0. By using the fact that the oscillator starts at rest, you can similarly solve for b.
  • #3
vela said:
Each of the solutions has two arbitrary constants. You need to determine those using the initial conditions. In the critically damped case, for example, when t=0, you have x(0)=a; therefore, you know that a=x0. By using the fact that the oscillator starts at rest, you can similarly solve for b.

Hmm, is the equation I have for under damped correct then, since there is only one constant?
  • #4
I solved the equations of motion for the Under-Damped and Critical-Damped conditions, but I'm having trouble finding the Over-Damped constants.. Any advice?
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  • #5
If I write the equation for over-damping using the initial conditions for t=0, I get: Xo=Ae^(-K) + Be^(-K)... which just gives me e^(-K)*(A+B). I'm not sure how to solve for A and B given this.. Any help before class would be greatly appreciated.. again thanks in advance.
  • #6
Your solution for the overdamped case is incorrect.
  • #7
vela said:
Your solution for the overdamped case is incorrect.

I believe that is just the solution for the real part? I'll have to look for the general solution..
  • #8
Your "underdamped" solution does have two constants, C and [itex]\gamma[/itex]

Your "overdamped" solution, [itex]x= Ae^{-K-t}+Be^{-K+t}[/itex] should be [itex]x= Ae^{Kt}+ Be^{-Kt}[/itex].
  • #9
HallsofIvy has uncharacteristically made a mistake regarding the overdamped solution. In the overdamped case, the characteristic equation, [itex]r^2+2Kr+\omega^2=0[/itex], has two real roots
r_+ &= {-K}+\sqrt{K^2-\omega^2} \\
r_- &= {-K}-\sqrt{K^2-\omega^2}
\end{align*}so the solution is
x(t) &= Ae^{r_+ t}+Be^{r_- t} \\
&= Ae^{(-K+\sqrt{K^2-\omega^2})t}+Be^{(-K-\sqrt{K^2-\omega^2})t}
\end{align*}So when t=0, you get x(0) = A+B.

FAQ: How Does Initial Displacement Affect Different Damped Harmonic Oscillators?

1. What is a damped harmonic oscillator?

A damped harmonic oscillator is a system that experiences a restoring force, such as a spring, and a damping force, such as friction, that causes it to gradually lose energy and eventually come to rest.

2. How does a damped harmonic oscillator differ from an undamped harmonic oscillator?

An undamped harmonic oscillator has no damping force acting on it, so it will continue to oscillate indefinitely with a constant amplitude. A damped harmonic oscillator, on the other hand, will eventually come to rest due to the presence of a damping force.

3. What factors affect the behavior of a damped harmonic oscillator?

The behavior of a damped harmonic oscillator is affected by the amplitude of the oscillation, the damping coefficient, and the natural frequency of the system. Additionally, external forces can also impact the oscillator's behavior.

4. What is the equation of motion for a damped harmonic oscillator?

The equation of motion for a damped harmonic oscillator is given by: mx'' + bx' + kx = F(t), where m is the mass of the oscillator, b is the damping coefficient, k is the spring constant, and F(t) is the external force acting on the oscillator.

5. How can the behavior of a damped harmonic oscillator be visualized?

The behavior of a damped harmonic oscillator can be visualized through a position vs. time graph, a velocity vs. time graph, or a phase space plot. These visualizations can help us understand how the amplitude and frequency of the oscillation change over time as the damping force acts on the oscillator.
