How Does Inserting a Dielectric Affect Electric Field in a Charged Capacitor?

In summary, the electric field at a point midway between the plates remains constant when a dielectric is inserted between the plates, even though the charge on the plates increases. This is because the dielectric creates its own electric field that opposes the external one, resulting in a smaller net electric field. This is similar to when a capacitor is disconnected from a battery and then a dielectric is inserted, causing the potential to decrease.
  • #1
Information given:
A parallel-plate capacitor has capacitance C = 12.5pF when the volume between the plates is filled with air. The plates are circular, with radius 3.00cm. The capacitor is connected to a battery and a charge of magnitude 25.0pC goes onto each plate. With the capacitor still connected to the battery, a slab of dielectric is inserted between the plates, completely filling the space between the plates. After the dielectric has been inserted the charge on each plate has magnitude 45.0pC.

1) What is the electric field at a point midway between the plates before the dielectric has been inserted?

2)What is the electric field at a point midway between the plates after the dielectric has been inserted?

Apparently, the correct answer for both questions is 999V/m.
The answer for the first part is calculated with E=Q/Ae

The justification for #2 is that because the plates are still connected to the battery, potential does not change, therefore by E=V/d, the electric field does not change after the dielectric is inserted.

This is where I'm confused. I understand their justification that if potential doesn't change, electric field doesn't change.
However, the given information specifically states that the charge increases from 25pC to 45pC. From what i know, such an increase in charge should increases electric field.

Lets assume that i attempted problem 2 with the same approach i took problem 1.
E=Q/Ae. The increase in Q increases electric field if that equation was used.

Can anyone explain this to me. I'm very confused.

Physics news on
  • #2
i think i can clarify a bit.

you have it right that for electrostatic fields, E=V/d, so since the potential has not changed the (total) E-field must be the same as before.

So, how do we get more charge with the dielectric?

well, the dielectric is an insulator, so it does not have free charges; however, when placed in an electric field, the bound charges in the atoms separate slightly, creating their own electric field, which opposes the external one.

thus the total electric field, if we measured it at the center, would be [itex]E_{capacitor} - E_{dielectric}[/itex]. This is what must equal V/d, which means [itex]E_{capacitor}[/itex] must be bigger than before, and thus more charge is required.

Lets look at a similar situation which might help in understanding. Imagine we charge the capacitor, but then disconnect it from the battery before putting the dielectric in. now, the charge on the plates cannot change, but the potential difference can change. what will happen?

well, since the charge is fixed, and the dielectric sets up an opposite field, the total field inside the capacitor must go down. and indeed it does. this time however, the charge cannot change to pump the E-field back up, so the potential must also go down for E=V/d to hold. and indeed it does too.

FAQ: How Does Inserting a Dielectric Affect Electric Field in a Charged Capacitor?

1. What is an electric field with dielectric?

An electric field with dielectric refers to the electric field that is present in a material or substance that has the ability to store electrical energy, such as an insulator or dielectric material.

2. How does a dielectric affect the electric field?

A dielectric affects the electric field by reducing the strength of the field inside the material, making it easier for charges to move through. This is due to the polarization of the material, where the positive and negative charges of the material align with the external electric field.

3. What is the difference between an electric field with and without a dielectric?

The main difference between an electric field with and without a dielectric is the strength of the field. With a dielectric, the field is weaker due to the presence of the material, while without a dielectric, the field is stronger and can interact more directly with charges.

4. How does the dielectric constant affect the electric field?

The dielectric constant, also known as relative permittivity, is a measure of how easily a material can be polarized. A higher dielectric constant means that the material can store more electrical energy, and therefore, the electric field will be weaker compared to a material with a lower dielectric constant.

5. What are some examples of materials with dielectric properties?

Some examples of materials with dielectric properties include rubber, glass, plastic, and air. These materials are commonly used as insulators in electrical systems and can also be found in capacitors, where they are used to store electrical energy.
