How Does Launch Angle Affect the Horizontal Distance in Shot Put?

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In summary: It must be greater than the horizontal speed. So, the vertical speed must be (1 + θ0)v0, where θ0 is the launch angle. Now, what is the horizontal distance travelled when the launch angle is 45°?The horizontal distance travelled is 14.385 m.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose that a shot putter can put a shot at the worldclass speed v0 = 14.00 m/s and at a height of 2.160 m. What horizontal distance would the shot travel if the launch angle θ0 is (a) 45.00° and (b) 41.00°? The answers indicate that the angle of 45°, which maximizes the range of projectile motion, does not maximize the horizontal distance when the launch and landing are at different heights.

Homework Equations

Horizontal distance = 14 * cos θ * [(14 * sin θ ÷ 9.8) + (2.106 ÷ 4.9)^0.5]

The Attempt at a Solution

so i have been using the formula above and am not getting the right answer. I don't know what to do. wrong formula maybe?
Physics news on
  • #2
Rather than just trying to blindly apply formulae, let's think through the problem. In order to figure out the horizontal distance travelled, you need to figure out how much time the projectile spends in the air (so that you can multiply the horizontal speed by this time to get the distance).

So, how much time does the projectile spend in the air? It is the sum of two different times: 1) The time required to go up to the maximum height, and , 2) the time required to come back down to the ground from this maximum height.

How would you go about finding 1 and 2, knowing that the vertical acceleration is constant (it is due to gravity)?

As hinted at in the problem, the slightly tricky part here is that the starting height is 2.106 m, whereas the final height reached (upon hitting the ground on the way back down) is 0.00 m.
  • #3
so i tried to use d=1/2gt^2 and got .664 seconds for time up but when i time required to come back down d for final height is 0 so how can i do 0=1/2gt^2 without getting 0?
  • #4
You can't use d = 1/2gt^2 on the way up, because you don't know what d is. I.e. you don't know what maximum height above 2.106 m it reaches.

What you can do is to use what you know about speed vs time for constant acceleration. What *must* be true about the vertical speed of the object at the instant that it reaches its max height?
  • #5

I can provide some guidance on how to approach this problem. First, it is important to understand the physical principles behind the motion of a projectile. The horizontal distance traveled by a projectile is dependent on its initial velocity, launch angle, and the height at which it is launched. In this case, we are given the initial velocity and launch height, but we also need to consider the height at which the shot lands.

To determine the horizontal distance traveled, we can use the formula for range of projectile motion: R = v0^2 * sin 2θ / g, where R is the horizontal distance, v0 is the initial velocity, θ is the launch angle, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. However, this formula assumes that the launch and landing heights are the same. Since they are not in this problem, we need to modify the formula.

One approach is to break the motion into two parts - the horizontal motion and the vertical motion. We can use the formula for horizontal distance traveled, which is R = v0 * cos θ * t, where t is the time of flight. To find the time of flight, we can use the formula for vertical displacement, which is h = v0 * sin θ * t - (1/2)gt^2, where h is the vertical displacement.

Using these equations, we can solve for the time of flight for each launch angle and then plug that into the formula for horizontal distance to determine the final answer. It is important to note that the launch angle that maximizes the horizontal distance may not be the same as the angle that maximizes the range of the projectile.

In conclusion, it is important to carefully consider all the factors at play in a physics problem and use the appropriate equations to find the solution. It is also important to double-check calculations and make sure the units are consistent throughout the problem. I hope this helps guide you in finding the correct solution.

FAQ: How Does Launch Angle Affect the Horizontal Distance in Shot Put?

1. What are the key physical factors that affect a shot putter's performance?

The key physical factors that affect a shot putter's performance include their strength, speed, technique, and body composition. These factors all contribute to the amount of force that can be applied to the shot put, as well as the angle and trajectory of the throw.

2. How do the laws of physics apply to shot put?

The laws of physics, specifically Newton's Laws of Motion, apply to shot put in several ways. The first law states that an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an external force. In shot put, the athlete must use their own force to overcome the inertia of the shot put and set it in motion. The second law states that the force applied to an object is equal to its mass multiplied by its acceleration. In shot put, the athlete's force must be greater than the mass of the shot put to accelerate it. The third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In shot put, the athlete's force on the shot put causes an equal and opposite reaction force on their body, helping them to generate more power.

3. How does the weight of the shot put affect the distance of the throw?

The weight of the shot put directly affects the distance of the throw. According to the laws of physics, the greater the mass of an object, the more force is needed to move it. Therefore, a heavier shot put requires more force to be thrown the same distance as a lighter shot put. However, there is a limit to how heavy a shot put can be for competition, as it must be able to be thrown safely without causing injury to the athlete.

4. What role does the angle of release play in shot put?

The angle of release is a crucial factor in shot put as it determines the trajectory and distance of the throw. The ideal angle of release for a shot put is between 38-40 degrees. This angle allows for maximum distance while also minimizing the effects of air resistance on the shot put. A release angle that is too high or too low can result in a shorter throw.

5. How does rotational motion affect shot put performance?

Rotational motion, also known as the spin technique, is a popular throwing technique used in shot put. This technique involves the athlete spinning in a circular motion before releasing the shot put. This motion allows the athlete to generate more force and momentum, resulting in a longer throw. However, rotational motion also requires precise timing and coordination, and not all athletes may be able to effectively utilize this technique.
