How Does Le Chatelier's Principle Explain a Soft Drink Going Flat?

In summary, Le Chatelier's principle says that when a reaction equilibrium shifts, it does so in a direction that is to maintain equilibrium. This is due to the presence of a gas in the system which affects the composition of air. Adding an inert gas, such as noble gas, does not change the partial pressures of the reactants and products.
  • #1

Homework Statement

1) Use Le Chatelier's prinicile to explain how a shift in the equilibrium H2CO3(aq) ⇌ H2O(l) + CO2(g) causes a soft drink to go flat when its container is left open to the atmosphere.

2) How might the addition of a noble gas to the reaction vessel affect this equilibrium?
2N2H4(g) + 2NO2(g) ⇌ 3N2(g) + 4H2O(g)
Assume that the volume of the reaction vessel does not change.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

1) My answer is: The more air that the soft drink comes into contact with the atmosphere the equilibrium will shift to the side where H2O and CO2 are because of the CO2 turning into a gas.

2) My answer is: It may cause the reactions equilibrium to shift towards the products.

This maybe easy for some people, but it's hard for me to understand this concept and I really need a good grade on my tomorrows test.

Thank you.
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  • #2
iRaid said:

Homework Statement

1) Use Le Chatelier's prinicile to explain how a shift in the equilibrium H2CO3(aq) ⇌ H2O(l) + CO2(g) causes a soft drink to go flat when its container is left open to the atmosphere.

2) How might the addition of a noble gas to the reaction vessel affect this equilibrium?
2N2H4(g) + 2NO2(g) ⇌ 3N2(g) + 4H2O(g)
Assume that the volume of the reaction vessel does not change.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

1) My answer is: The more air that the soft drink comes into contact with the atmosphere the equilibrium will shift to the side where H2O and CO2 are because of the CO2 turning into a gas.

2) My answer is: It may cause the reactions equilibrium to shift towards the products.

This maybe easy for some people, but it's hard for me to understand this concept and I really need a good grade on my tomorrows test.

Thank you.

I'm assuming that your answers need to be purely of the qualitative nature.

1) Le Chatelier's priniciple basically says that a reversilble reaction will shift in the forward or reverse direction to maintain the equilibrium of the reaction. Think about the composition of air, it contains a small amount of water and carbon dioxide. Adding a component to one side of a reaction generally shifts the reaction to the opposite side, while taking away a component generally shifts the reaction to the side where the component was removed. These things happen to maintain the eqiulibrium of the reaction. It is of course more complicated than this in your question because you have pressure change in the reaction due to the presence of a gas which will also affect the equilibrium shift. The volume of solids and liquids have minor changes which are generally so small to the overall contribution that they are ignored.

2) In this reaction you have 2 reactive gases, hydrazine and nitrogen dioxide, forming two products that are more stable at STP. Adding a noble gas, which are usually unreactive except to the fluoride ion, will increase the pressure of the vessel. The important thing is that the volume does not chage (ΔV = 0). Think about what this will do to your reactans and products, will this affect their overall pressures by adding something non-reactive. Are any of your reagents or products noble gases?
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  • #3
I understand 1, but for 2 it's weird because we never went over that in class. I understand it, just not how I will know they're reactive :s Well it's too late now, thanks anyway :)
  • #4
1 - air contains so low amounts of carbon dioxide and water it can be treated as not containing these, hence equilbrium shifts far to the right.

2 - I have posted it long ago at CF, but I think it is worth of repeating. Introduction of the inert gas doesn't shift equilibrium of the gaseous reaction.

What counts here are partial pressures, not the total system pressure. Let's assume we have a system of reacting gases A & B, and we will add inert gas C.

A <-> 2B

K = pB2/pA

pX - X partial pressure
nX - number of moles of X
P - total pressure
' marks pressures after C has been added

Before C addition:

pB = P nB/(nB+nA)
pA = P nA/(nB+nA)

after C addition

p'B = P' nB/(nB+nA+nC)
p'A = P' nA/(nB+nA+nC)

in general

p = n RT/V


P' = (nB+nA+nC)/(nB+nA) P

substituting P' into p' equations:

p'B = (nB+nA+nC)/(nB+nA) P nB/(nB+nA+nC)
p'A = (nB+nA+nC)/(nB+nA) P nA/(nB+nA+nC)


p'B = P nB/(nB+nA) = pB
p'A = P nA/(nB+nA) = pA

Partial pressures were not changed, equilibrium is not moving.

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  • #5
That's a good answer and makes sense, thanks borek :)

FAQ: How Does Le Chatelier's Principle Explain a Soft Drink Going Flat?

1. What is chemical equilibrium?

Chemical equilibrium is a state in which the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction, resulting in no overall change in the concentration of reactants and products.

2. How is chemical equilibrium achieved?

Chemical equilibrium is achieved when a reversible reaction occurs in a closed system and the concentration of reactants and products reach a steady state.

3. What factors affect chemical equilibrium?

The factors that affect chemical equilibrium include temperature, pressure, and the concentrations of reactants and products. Changing any of these factors can shift the equilibrium in one direction or the other.

4. How is chemical equilibrium represented?

Chemical equilibrium is typically represented using a chemical equation with a double arrow pointing in opposite directions to show that the reaction is reversible.

5. What happens when a system is at chemical equilibrium and a stress is applied?

If a stress is applied to a system at chemical equilibrium, such as changing the temperature or pressure, the equilibrium will shift in the direction that will help alleviate the stress and restore the system to a state of equilibrium.
