- #36
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Actually many of us do recognize that but it has been the subject of unresolvable debate and so that topic is not anymore appreciated on this forum, just as it has been secretly banned from many physics journals. Not because it's overlooked / unimportant / censored, but because more discussion about it seems useless and counterproductive for this forum.Rising Eagle said:[..]
The rules (i.e., postulates of SR) that I have to believe in are not themselves explained physically, and I guess this is what hangs me up. The postulates are a distillation of our understanding, in the form of presumptions (axioms?) or rules, about the behavior of light and physical systems in different reference frames (and of course the constant speed of light common to all inertial frames) that imply equations (e.g., lorentz transform) that in turn lead to accurate analytical predictions of scenarios and thought experiments. The recipes for analysis, however, are not themselves an explanation of the physics of systems, only an extension of the presumptions used in making specific case by case predictions and for formulating rules of thumb.
Our understanding is phenomenological, though it has been refined by nuanced experimentation and empirical evidence over the years. I see SR as more of a mathematical theory than a physical one, because it doesn't really explain, it only describes what is. I was hoping there would be something deeper we might stumble onto so I could see SR as a physical theory that explains at a deeper level (not necessarily all the way down to the deepest secrets of nature, but deeper than just an accurate prediction of the physical measurements) what the mechanisms that lie beneath the physical behavior of the systems in our scenarios and thought experiments. I cannot help but think there is something deeper going on implied by the scenarios we have discussed here that we are not recognizing. [..].
In a nutshell, historically the following three interpretations have been given (at risk of oversimplification):
1. stationary ether (Lorentz)
2. all motion is truly relative in a Machian sense (Einstein)
3. block universe (Minkowski)
Einstein's idea that all motion is truly relative led to GR, but in-depth analysis of his 1918 defense of that idea showed that it leads to inconsistencies - and nowadays very few physicists adhere to it. As Einstein's thinking and the issues with it are hardly known, I wrote a short overview here: https://www.physicsforums.com/threa...paradox-as-paradox.780185/page-7#post-4921049
You can read up about the two main other interpretations by searching this forum for "block universe".
And a short summary of those discussions with elaboration of the reason to ban debates on that topic can be found in this forum's relativity FAQ, here: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/what-is-the-pfs-policy-on-lorentz-ether-theory-and-block-universe.772224/#post-4859428
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