How Does Magnetostatics Explain Zero Divergence and Vector Potentials?

In summary, the two vectors that were determined in part 1 are the magnetic flux density and vector potential. The relationship between the two is that the magnetic flux density is equal to the vector potential times the distance between the two points.
  • #1
Hi :)

this is my first post to this forum. I am doing some study in EM
and I've come across some helpful hints on here, to help me through some problems. However i have come across a couple stumbling blocks.
if anyone could give me a couple clues to go about working these out and give me a direction to go in, it would be much appreciated. cheers in Advance.

1) how that for static fields (no time dependece and only currents of finite extent) the divergence potential is zero, i.e., [tex]\nabla\cdot[/tex]A = 0
(note the A is a vector)

2) We found that for static fields the vector potential obeys
[tex]\nabla^2[/tex] A = - [tex]\mu[/tex] oj . Show that from this equation follows that [tex]\nabla\times[/tex] B = [tex]\mu[/tex] oj

again A, B, and j are vectors.

hope my latex works..

thanks again
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  • #2
What is the relationship between A and B?
  • #3
Hi HallsofIvy

Thanks for your reply.

these two are from a four set of question i had been looking at.
The first asked "to compute the magnetic flux density B for a point P due to the electric current I in a long, straight wire (distance between wire and point p is [tex]\rho[/tex]
Using biot-savart law i came up with the following

[tex]\frac{\mu_o I}{2 \pi\rho}[/tex] a

this may not look exactly as what i got as I am still unsure about using Latex.

The second part, asked, to compute the vector potential and magnetic flux density for a point P located between two parallel (straight) wires (distance between the wires is D) carrying electric currents of the same magnitude I in opposite directions.
I completed this and proceeded onto looking at the two i had asked on here, but wasnt sure what to do with those 2. I've been back over the second part however and I am re-working it, think I've made mistake in it's working out.

i assume you were asking the relationship from therre first two parts that i determined?

FAQ: How Does Magnetostatics Explain Zero Divergence and Vector Potentials?

1. What is magnetostatics?

Magnetostatics is the study of the behavior of electric charges at rest or in constant motion. It focuses on the effects of magnetic fields on charged particles and the forces between them.

2. How is magnetostatics different from electromagnetism?

Magnetostatics deals with the behavior of charged particles when there is no time-varying electric field present, while electromagnetism includes the effects of time-varying electric and magnetic fields.

3. What is the relationship between electric and magnetic fields in magnetostatics?

In magnetostatics, electric and magnetic fields are interrelated through the Maxwell's equations. Changes in one field can induce changes in the other, and they can both exert forces on charged particles.

4. What are some real-world applications of magnetostatics?

Magnetostatics has numerous applications in everyday life, including in electric motors, generators, MRI machines, and particle accelerators. It is also used in the development of magnetic storage devices such as hard drives and credit cards.

5. How do magnetic materials behave in magnetostatics?

Magnetic materials, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt, behave differently in magnetostatics compared to non-magnetic materials. They can be magnetized and have the ability to create and respond to magnetic fields, making them useful in various applications.
