How does momentum, inertia and drag affect the motion of an object?

In summary: In this case the drag force would be zero because there is no kinetic energy being added to the system. So the inertia and momentum of the pith ball would have no affect on the drag force.In summary, inertia and momentum affect changes in speed, when considering acceleration from thrust, or from decelleration from drag. However, changing the momentum will not change the air resistance.
  • #1
How does momentum and inertia affect changes in speed, when considering acceleration from thrust, or from decelleration from drag?

Say, for a fixed mass of 100kg, at a velocity of 10m/s, is a force of 10N is applied in the forwards direction, then F = ma -> a = F/m. a = 10/100, a = 0.1 m/s^2. But how does the object's inertia affect this? Or is that dealt with in that equation?

Also, if the same object where no longer being forced forwards, how would the air resistance affect the motion of the object when considering its momentum and inertia?
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  • #2
Inertia is the property of mass that resists acceleration, so it's in the equation. Air resistance is just a force. And momentum doesn't have any impact here.
  • #3
So the momentum has nothing to do with how fast an object slows down due to air resistance?

Also, with inertia, how can you calculate the minimum force required to move a mass? And if you apply a force greater than the minimum, how will it affect the resulting acceleration?

Thankyou for your time.
  • #4
Pharrahnox said:
So the momentum has nothing to do with how fast an object slows down due to air resistance?

Also, with inertia, how can you calculate the minimum force required to move a mass? And if you apply a force greater than the minimum, how will it affect the resulting acceleration?

Well of course momentum being mass×velocity, and air resistance (drag) being a product of velocity2, then yes, changing the momentum will change the air resistance. Mass and/or inertia don't appear in the drag equation, so objects with similar size and shape but different masses will have about the same amount of drag.

As for minimum force - it seems you are asking about our environment here on the surface of a planet, where things are affected by gravity and friction. ANY force will move ANY mass, although perhaps by an imperceptible amount, under the right circumstances - out in deep space, for instance.
  • #5
Ok, so my confusion was from not taking into account friction, when trying to move a mass. So to move it, you must overcome the opposing forces, such as friction. And I see what you mean about momentum and inertia being proportional to mass, but not affect the slowing rate from drag.

Thanks again everyone for their help.
  • #6
Pharrahnox said:
How does momentum and inertia affect changes in speed, when considering acceleration from thrust, or from decelleration from drag?
We can only answer qualitatively since we don’t have a specific problem that we’re working with.

Momentum is the property of a body that is able to impart motion (and hence momentum) into other bodies. Inertia is a measure of the mass of a body and is what gives a body momentum. Drag is a force that is depending on the geometry of the body and acts in the direction opposite to the motion of the body. In general it’s a complicated function of the body’s speed.

Pharrahnox said:
Say, for a fixed mass of 100kg, at a velocity of 10m/s, is a force of 10N is applied in the forwards direction, then F = ma -> a = F/m. a = 10/100, a = 0.1 m/s^2. But how does the object's inertia affect this? Or is that dealt with in that equation?
This statement is not worded precisely enough to answer your question. You didn’t say what the meaning of F is. Is it the total force on the body, i.e. the sum of all forces acting on the body? If so then F = dp/dt = ma. However if this is only the applied force, i.e. the force acting on the body by, say, an electric field E on a charged pith ball, charge q, then ma = qE – s(v) where s(v) is the expression for the drag force. This is an example of damped motion.

FAQ: How does momentum, inertia and drag affect the motion of an object?

1. How does momentum affect the motion of an object?

Momentum is a measure of an object's mass and velocity. It determines how difficult it is to stop or change the direction of an object's motion. The greater the momentum, the harder it is to stop the object or change its direction. This means that an object with more momentum will continue moving at a constant speed and direction unless acted upon by an external force.

2. What is the relationship between inertia and motion?

Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. The greater the inertia, the harder it is to accelerate or decelerate the object. This means that objects with more mass have more inertia and will require more force to change their motion. Inertia is also related to momentum, as an object with more momentum also has more inertia.

3. How does drag affect the motion of an object?

Drag is a force that opposes the motion of an object through a fluid (such as air or water). It is caused by the interaction between the object and the fluid it is moving through. Drag can slow down the motion of an object, as it acts in the opposite direction of the object's motion. The greater the surface area of the object and the faster it moves, the greater the drag force will be.

4. Can momentum and drag cancel each other out?

Yes, momentum and drag can cancel each other out if they are acting in opposite directions with equal magnitude. This is known as a state of equilibrium, where the net force on the object is zero and it will continue to move at a constant speed.

5. How do these factors work together to determine the motion of an object?

Momentum, inertia, and drag all play a role in determining the motion of an object. The object's initial momentum and inertia will determine how difficult it is to change its motion, while drag will act to oppose the motion. The combined effect of these factors will determine the object's final speed and direction of motion.
