How Does Negation and Reciprocal Affect Bounds and Integrability of Functions?

In summary: We want to prove that -m is the greatest upper bound of -f. So let L be another upper bound of -f, this means: L≥-f. Multiplying by -1 yields f≤-L. Now if L\geq -f, then f\geq-m.
  • #36
OK, so you know that f is integrable. So you know that [itex]sup\{s_p\}=inf\{S_p\}[/itex].

For -f, we define



[tex]s_p^\prime=\sum m_i\Delta x_i~\text{and}~S_p^\prime=\sum M_i^\prime \Delta x_i[/tex]

You need to prove that [itex]\sup\{s_p^\prime\}=inf\{S_p^\prime\}[/itex] using the hypothesis [itex]sup\{s_p\}=inf\{S_p\}[/itex].

So, do you know a relation between [itex]m_i^\prime,~M^\prime_i,s_p^\prime,S_p^\prime[/itex] and [itex]m_i,~M_i,~s_p,~S_p[/itex]??
Physics news on
  • #37
micromass said:
OK, so you know that f is integrable. So you know that [itex]sup\{s_p\}=inf\{S_p\}[/itex].

For -f, we define



[tex]s_p^\prime=\sum m_i\Delta x_i~\text{and}~S_p^\prime=\sum M_i^\prime \Delta x_i[/tex]

You need to prove that [itex]\sup\{s_p^\prime\}=inf\{S_p^\prime\}[/itex] using the hypothesis [itex]sup\{s_p\}=inf\{S_p\}[/itex].

So, do you know a relation between [itex]m_i^\prime,~M^\prime_i,s_p^\prime,S_p^\prime[/itex] and [itex]m_i,~M_i,~s_p,~S_p[/itex]??

Indeed I do see a relationship between them.

[itex]m_i ≤ m_{i}^{'} ≤ M_{i}^{'} ≤ M_i[/itex]


[itex]s_p ≤ s_{p'} ≤ S_{p'} ≤ S_p[/itex]
  • #38
Zondrina said:
Indeed I do see a relationship between them.

[itex]m_i ≤ m_{i}^{'} ≤ M_{i}^{'} ≤ M_i[/itex]


[itex]s_p ≤ s_{p'} ≤ S_{p'} ≤ S_p[/itex]

Do you have a proof for this relationship?
  • #39
micromass said:
Do you have a proof for this relationship?

Well, ill start with : [itex]m_i ≤ m_{i}^{'} ≤ M_{i}^{'} ≤ M_i[/itex]

First we start by partitioning [a,b] into sub-intervals where the ith sub interval is [xi-1, xi]. Then we get mi ≤ Mi ( Clearly from how they're defined ).

Now we form a new partition p' from p ( a refinement ) by inserting a point, say x' into (xi-1, xi).

Then we get mi' ≤ Mi'.

Now, mi is the greatest lower bound over the entire interval while mi' is the greatest lower bound on the refinement of the interval, so mi ≤ mi'.

Mi is the least upper bound over the entire interval while Mi' is the least upper bound on the refinement p', so Mi' ≤ Mi

Yielding the inequality. A similar argument will occur for the sums.
  • #40
What do refinements have to do with this?? You seem to define [itex]m_i^\prime[/itex] as the infimum over a refinement. That's not how I defined it in my previous post. I defined it as the infimum of [itex]-f[/itex] over [itex](x_{i-1},x_i)[/itex]. I didn't say anything about refinements.
  • #41
Oh boy, late night sloppiness kicking in here.

So knowing that sup{sp} = inf{Sp}, I want to show that sup{sp'} = inf{Sp'} with how you've defined it.

I know that sp ≤ Sp and sp' ≤ Sp' from the way you've constructed things.

So I want to get to the point that : sp ≤ sp' ≤ Sp' ≤ Sp

Is this what you were getting at?
  • #42
Zondrina said:
So I want to get to the point that : sp ≤ sp' ≤ Sp' ≤ Sp

These inequalities won't even be true, so don't bother with trying to prove them.

Are there other relationships you see?? For example, by using [itex]sup(-f)=-inf(f)[/itex]?
  • #43
micromass said:
These inequalities won't even be true, so don't bother with trying to prove them.

Are there other relationships you see?? For example, by using [itex]sup(-f)=-inf(f)[/itex]?

Yeah of course :

sup(-f) = -inf(f)
inf(-f) = -sup(f)
  • #44
Zondrina said:
Yeah of course :

sup(-f) = -inf(f)
inf(-f) = -sup(f)

What does that imply in terms of the numbers [itex]m_i,m^\prime_i,M_i,M_i^\prime[/itex]??
  • #45
micromass said:
What does that imply in terms of the numbers [itex]m_i,m^\prime_i,M_i,M_i^\prime[/itex]??

[itex]m_i = inf \left\{{f(x)|x_{i-1} ≤ x ≤ x_i}\right\}~\text{and}~M_i = sup \left\{{f(x)|x_{i-1} ≤ x ≤ x_i}\right\}[/itex]


We also have :

sup(-f) = -inf(f)
inf(-f) = -sup(f)

Thus :

Mi' = -mi
mi' = -Mi
  • #46
Right. So what does that imply in terms of [itex]s_p,~s^\prime_p,~S_p,~S^\prime_p[/itex]?
  • #47
micromass said:
Right. So what does that imply in terms of [itex]s_p,~s^\prime_p,~S_p,~S^\prime_p[/itex]?

So :

Sp' = -sp so Sp' + sp = 0
sp' = -Sp so sp' + Sp = 0

Thus :

Sp' + sp = sp' + Sp
Sp' - sp' = Sp - sp
  • #48
Right, so [itex]S_p^\prime=-s_p[/itex] and [itex]s_p^\prime=-S_p[/itex].

Now, try to prove that if [itex]sup\{s_p\}=inf\{S_p\}[/itex], then [itex]sup\{s_p^\prime\}=inf\{S_p^\prime\}[/itex].
  • #49
micromass said:
Right, so [itex]S_p^\prime=-s_p[/itex] and [itex]s_p^\prime=-S_p[/itex].

Now, try to prove that if [itex]sup\{s_p\}=inf\{S_p\}[/itex], then [itex]sup\{s_p^\prime\}=inf\{S_p^\prime\}[/itex].

Well. We know : sup{sp} = inf{Sp}, so :

sup{-Sp'} = inf{-sp'}

So the least upper bound of -Sp' is the same thing as the greatest lower bound of -sp'. So it must be the case that the least upper bound of sp' is the same thing as the greatest lower bound of Sp' hence :

sup{sp'} = inf{Sp'}
  • #51
micromass said:
That's it!

Hence -f is integrable on [a,b] o.o...

You sir have the patience of a saint for helping me with that one. The 1/f case is just a reproduction and I'm pretty sure I can handle it. Thanks so much for your help though.

I'm going to go pass out now lol...
  • #52
Zondrina said:
I'm going to go pass out now lol...

Haha! You deserve some rest!