How Does Neutron Population Remain Stable in a Critical Mass Scenario?

In summary, the term critical refers to an equilibrium fission reaction (steady-state or continuous chain reaction), where there is no increase or decrease in power, temperature, or neutron population. This is achieved by having a certain "critical mass" of U-235 to ensure that at least one neutron per fission will be captured and produce a chain reaction. Enriched uranium, which is used as nuclear fuel, should not be touched with bare hands as it can be harmful due to the emission of high energy neutrons. The shape and surroundings of a material also play a role in determining its critical mass.
  • #1
The term critical refers to an equilibrium fission reaction (steady-state or continuous chain reaction); this is where there is no increase or decrease in power, temperature, or neutron population.(Ref:

1. How can be the neutron population stable when every fission in Uranium 235 releases 2 neutrons?
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  • #2
Hi there,

By flying over the wikipedia article you make reference, I believe you did not truly understand the idea behind critical mass.

Let's start from the beginning, when a heavy nucleus (U-235) fissions, it releases many different particles: two new nuclei, two or three neutrons and energy (kinetic or photonic). You probably knew that right!

You probably also know that the neutrons freed from this fission can induce new reactions, in the idea of chain reactions. But the problem is that the growth is exponential.

Ok, but to keep these reactions going, you need a to have a nuclei of U-235 to catch the free neutrons. Otherwise, the reactions will stop. Therefore, you need a certain "critical mass" of U-235 to insure that at least one neutron per fission will be catch and produce a chain reaction.

  • #3
That was great explanation! Thanks alot!
  • #4
But then again, what is the need for a certain mass of fuel when any amount of fuel can trigger a chain reaction, i mean the longer the fuel lasts the more the energy?
  • #5
Sorry that I did not go into more details.

Let's start where I left off, in my last post.

In a block of uranium, you will have desintegration that emits a few neutrons. These neutrons, of high energy, travel a certain distance before being caught by a nucleus. The neutrons emitted near the surface of the block will naturally drift out. Therefore, if you have too much of a small block, most of the neutrons will drift out, before being able to interact with another nucleus. The chain reaction can only be sustained with a block that is big enough to ensure neutron catching.

Hope this clarifies your problem?

  • #6
Thanks for that information!:smile:
  • #7
Also note that the critical mass depends on the SHAPE of the body. For a spehere it is minimal, for a stick it is much much bigger.
  • #8
fatra2 said:
In a block of uranium, you will have desintegration that emits a few neutrons. These neutrons, of high energy, travel a certain distance before being caught by a nucleus. The neutrons emitted near the surface of the block will naturally drift out.


Does that mean enriched uranium should not be touched with bare hands? Sorry if that question is silly!
  • #9
Hi there,

EinsteinII said:
Does that mean enriched uranium should not be touched with bare hands? Sorry if that question is silly!

It depends!

I will call "enriched uranium" = nuclear fuel, since this is the fuel used in many of the NPP in this world.

If the fuel is new (never been inside a reactor core), you can touch it, put it in your pockets and walk around with it. The emission of this type of fuel is practically null. I would strongly suggest not to eat it, but that for other reasons than radioactivity. This is not true for MOX fuel, which is a mix of nuclear fuel containing plutonium.

If your are talking about spent fuel (has been inside a reactor, bombarded by neutrons), then I would turn the other way and run as fast as you can.

Is this clear in anyway?

  • #10
EinsteinII said:
Does that mean enriched uranium should not be touched with bare hands? Sorry if that question is silly!

It does not. Natural radiation level of uranium is very low (on the order of 10 neutrons per kilogram per second, depending on isotopic composition). It is only through exponential multiplication that any significant amounts can be collected. You need to be exposed to 10^15 energetic neutrons in a short period of time to develop radiation sickness symptoms.

Plutonium-239 is thousands of times more radioactive than uranium, and you can be around plutonium relatively safely, as long as you don't consume or inhale plutonium dust (because dust can end up stuck in your lungs and seriously mess them up).

If your are talking about spent fuel (has been inside a reactor, bombarded by neutrons), then I would turn the other way and run as fast as you can.

That is fairly nasty stuff, you can really get radiation burns from handling it. Not to mention that ingestion or inhalation of as little of 10 mg could be fatal. But its intensity declines rapidly over time. By the time it spent a couple of years out of the reactor, all the most radioactive elements have decayed, and its radiation level is down to perhaps 1% of the initial.
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  • #11
Dmitry67 said:
Also note that the critical mass depends on the SHAPE of the body. For a spehere it is minimal, for a stick it is much much bigger.

Not only from the Shape, also from the surroundings. If there in the surroundings there are neutron reflecters or other neutron emitters in change drastically.
In fact the system used to reach the very critical mass back in los-alamos was to surround the ball of plutoniom NEAR to the critical mass with Pb bricks, one by one.

EinsteinII said:
Does that mean enriched uranium should not be touched with bare hands? Sorry if that question is silly!

Questions are never silly.

It better to does not, not for radioactivy (in fact Uranium is less radioactive then many of common-uses materials) but for the same reason is better to not touch lead with bare hands: hands get dirty with Uranium (or Pb) dust, that you will inhalate or eat. The heavy material then get on the lungs or generically in the body and is difficoult for the body to expel it. Then it inflames he cells nearby and increase the probability that these cells will react becoming cancer cells.
Anyway the Uranium the chance is lesser than with the lead because the Pb is softer.
  • #12
EinsteinII said:
The term critical refers to an equilibrium fission reaction (steady-state or continuous chain reaction); this is where there is no increase or decrease in power, temperature, or neutron population.(Ref:

1. How can be the neutron population stable when every fission in Uranium 235 releases 2 neutrons?
On average, at least one of the two neutrons released must be absorbed and cause fission to continue the chain reaction. As soon as the average number falls below 1, the mass becomes subcritical. In actuality, either 2 or 3 neutrons are released during fission, and some fission products also release 'delayed' neutrons, and it is this piece of physics that enables us to more easily control the fission process.

In a nuclear explosion, the mass becomes prompt supercritical for a few microseconds.

FAQ: How Does Neutron Population Remain Stable in a Critical Mass Scenario?

1. What is critical mass?

Critical mass refers to the minimum amount of a substance needed to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. In simpler terms, it is the point at which a reaction becomes self-sustaining and continues to grow exponentially.

2. How is critical mass calculated?

The calculation of critical mass involves a complex formula that takes into account various factors such as the material's density, shape, and enrichment level. It also depends on the type of nuclear reaction and the surrounding environment. It is usually determined through experimentation and computer simulations.

3. What are the applications of critical mass?

Critical mass has significant implications in the field of nuclear energy, as it is crucial in the design and operation of nuclear reactors. It is also used in the development and testing of nuclear weapons. Additionally, critical mass plays a role in nuclear medicine, particularly in the production of medical isotopes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

4. Can critical mass be altered or controlled?

Yes, critical mass can be altered or controlled through various methods such as changing the shape or density of the material, adding or removing materials, or adjusting the amount of surrounding neutron reflectors. This is important in ensuring the safe and efficient operation of nuclear reactors.

5. What are the risks associated with critical mass?

The main risk associated with critical mass is the possibility of a nuclear chain reaction going out of control and resulting in a nuclear explosion. This is why strict safety protocols and regulations are in place for handling and storing materials with critical mass. Other risks include radiation exposure and potential environmental damage if an accident were to occur.

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