How Does Particle Size Affect Gas Laws in Hard Sphere Models?

In summary, when considering a classical gas of hard spheres, the spatial distribution of particles is no longer uncorrelated. The volume available for the (n + 1)th particle is (V - nv_0), where v_0 is proportional to D^3. When assuming Nv_0 \ll V, the dependence of \Omega(N,V,E) on V can be compared to equation (1.4.1) and it is shown that in the ideal-gas law (1.4.3), V is replaced by (V - b), where b is four times the actual volume occupied by the particles. To properly represent the situation, the expression to begin with is \Omega \propto \prod_{
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Homework Statement

In a classical gas of hard spheres (of diameter D), the spatial distribution of the particles is no
longer uncorrelated. Roughly speaking, the presence of n particles in the system leaves only a volume [itex](V − nv_0 )[/itex] available for the (n + 1)th particle; clearly, [itex]v_0[/itex] would be proportional to [itex]D^3[/itex]. Assuming that [itex]Nv_0 \ll V[/itex], determine the dependence of [itex]\Omega(N,V,E)[/itex] on V (compare to equation (1.4.1)) and show that, as a result of this, V in the ideal-gas law (1.4.3) gets replaced by (V − b), where b is four times the actual volume occupied by the particles.

Homework Equations

(1.4.1) [itex]\Omega (N,V,E) \propto V^N[/itex]
(1.4.3) [itex]PV=NkT=nRT[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Well I took
(V-Nv_0)^N \approx V^N - N^2 v_0 V^{N-1}+...
Then I tried to do something similar as to the construction of the ideal gas law by trying
\frac{P}{T}=k\frac{\partial \ln (\Omega)}{\partial V}\frac{\partial \Omega}{\partial V}
assuming [itex]\Omega \propto V^N - N^2 v_0 V^{N-1}[/itex] similar to the original derivation.
But to no success. So I'm stumped now. Please help.

Physics news on
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You got to [itex] \Omega \propto (V-Nv_0)^N [/itex], but when you think about it, this doesn't properly represent the situation - this actually represents putting a single particle into the remaining volume of the jar N times.

What you have to do is put one particle in, and then progressively add particles, one by one, with each successive particle having less and less space to occupy. Thus, the expression you need to begin with is [tex] \Omega \propto \prod_{n=0}^{N-1} (V-nv_0) [/tex]

You can then use a logarithm to turn the product into a sum, make any needed simplifying assumptions, do all necessary manipulations to express the sum algebraically, which then let's you get a simple expression for [itex] \Omega [/itex].

FAQ: How Does Particle Size Affect Gas Laws in Hard Sphere Models?

1. What is the concept of "marble like atoms in a jar"?

The concept of "marble like atoms in a jar" is a simplified way of visualizing the behavior of atoms in a contained space. It is based on the kinetic theory of gases, which states that gas molecules move randomly and collide with each other and the walls of the container. In this analogy, the atoms are represented as marbles bouncing off the walls of the jar.

2. How does this concept relate to the behavior of atoms in real life?

In real life, atoms exhibit random motion and collisions just like the marbles in the jar. This concept helps us understand the properties of gases, such as pressure and temperature, and how they change under different conditions.

3. What factors affect the behavior of "marble like atoms" in a jar?

The behavior of "marble like atoms" in a jar is affected by factors such as the number of atoms in the jar, the size of the jar, and the temperature of the atoms. These factors determine the speed and frequency of collisions between atoms and the walls of the jar.

4. Can this concept be applied to other states of matter besides gases?

Yes, this concept can be applied to other states of matter such as liquids and solids. In liquids, the molecules are still in constant motion and can slide past each other, similar to marbles in a jar. In solids, the molecules vibrate in place but can still collide and transfer energy, just like marbles in a jar.

5. How does this concept help us understand the properties of matter?

This concept helps us understand the behavior of matter at a microscopic level, which in turn helps us understand its macroscopic properties. By visualizing atoms as marbles in a jar, we can better understand concepts such as pressure, temperature, and volume and how they change in different states of matter.
