How Does Pressure Change with Volume in an Ideal Gas Expansion Scenario?

In summary, the conversation discusses the expansion of an unknown number of Helium atoms in a 1 liter container at an unknown temperature. The gas is expanded to a final volume of 4 liters while the pressure rises in direct proportion to its volume. The conversation also involves calculating the work done on the gas and the change in internal energy, using equations such as P= aV and PV= NRT. The conversation concludes with the statement that if the work and change in internal energy can be calculated, the heat can be calculated as well.
  • #1
An unknown number of Helium atoms are in a 1 liter container at an unknown temperature. The gas is made to expand such that it's final volume is 4 liters and pressure rises 'in direct proportion to its volume'.

1. does 'in direct proportion to it volume' mean Pf = Pi * Vf/Vi or should there be a proportionality constant a?

2. I calculated the work done on the gas by using P(v) = a*V and using W = -[inte] aVdV = -a/2 * (Vf^2 - Vi^2) Comments?

3. I am having more trouble getting change in internal energy dU.

I tried PV = NkT so PfVf - PiVi = Nk( Tf - Ti) and
dU = 3Nk (Tf - Ti)/2 so that

dU = 3/2 * (PfVf-PiVi) = 3/2 * (4*4*aVi - Vi)

Is this even close?

4. If I can get 2 and 3 I can calculate Q myself!
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  • #2
"Pressure is in direct proportion to Volume" MEANS that P is some constant times V: P= aV where a is the constant of proportionality.

HOWEVER, if you write P1= aV1 and P2= aV2 for two different sets of pressure and volume, and then divide one by the other: P1/P2= V1/V2 (which is the equation you are using) does not involve a constant of proportionality because they cancel.

2) looks correct to me.

In 3) You use PV= NRT which says that for CONSTANT temperature, P is INVERSELY proportional to V. But the problem says P is directly proportional to V! Well, of course, that says that the temperature does NOT stay constant! You can use PV= NRT together with P= aV to find the change in temperature just as you did.
  • #3

1. "In direct proportion to its volume" means that the pressure and volume are directly proportional to each other, without the need for a proportionality constant. Therefore, the equation would be Pf = Pi * Vf/Vi.

2. Your calculation for work done on the gas seems correct. The negative sign indicates that work is being done on the gas, which makes sense since the gas is expanding and increasing in volume.

3. Your approach for calculating the change in internal energy is not entirely correct. The equation PV = NkT is for an ideal gas, but in this case, we do not know the temperature or number of particles. Instead, we can use the ideal gas law to relate the initial and final pressures and volumes: PiVi = NkTi and PfVf = NkTf. We can then subtract these equations to get PfVf - PiVi = Nk(Tf - Ti). We can then use the specific heat capacity of an ideal gas at constant volume (Cv = 3/2 Nk) to calculate the change in internal energy: dU = Cv(Tf - Ti). Therefore, dU = 3/2 * (PfVf - PiVi) = 3/2 * (4*4*aVi - Vi) = 9/2 * (a * Vi^2).

4. Now that you have the correct equation for change in internal energy, you can use it to calculate the heat transfer (Q) using the first law of thermodynamics: Q = dU + W. Plug in the values for dU and W that you have calculated to get the final answer for Q.

FAQ: How Does Pressure Change with Volume in an Ideal Gas Expansion Scenario?

1. What is an ideal gas?

An ideal gas is a theoretical gas composed of particles that have negligible volume and exert no intermolecular forces on each other. This means that the particles do not attract or repel each other, and they occupy no space in comparison to the container they are in.

2. What is the ideal gas law?

The ideal gas law is a mathematical equation that describes the relationship between the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of an ideal gas. It is written as PV = nRT, where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

3. How do you solve an ideal gas problem?

To solve an ideal gas problem, you need to have at least three of the four variables (P, V, n, T) given. You can then use the ideal gas law to solve for the unknown variable. Make sure to convert all units to the appropriate SI units before plugging them into the equation.

4. What is the difference between an ideal gas and a real gas?

Unlike an ideal gas, a real gas does have volume and experiences intermolecular forces between its particles. This means that the behavior of a real gas may deviate from the predictions of the ideal gas law, especially at high pressures and low temperatures.

5. How does temperature affect the behavior of an ideal gas?

According to the ideal gas law, temperature and volume are directly proportional, while temperature and pressure are directly proportional. This means that as temperature increases, the volume and pressure of an ideal gas will also increase. Additionally, at a constant pressure, the volume of an ideal gas will increase as the temperature increases.
