How does r∪(-p∩q∩-r) simplify to r∪(-p∩q) ?

In summary, the expression r∪(-p∩q∩-r) simplifies to r∪(-p∩q) by using the associative and distributive laws. This is because r is already a subset of (-p∩q), so adding the intersection of -r does not change the set. This can also be shown by breaking up (-p∩q) into (-p∩q∩r) and (-p∩q∩-r) and simplifying the expression.
  • #1
Gold Member
How does r∪(-p∩q∩-r) simplify to r∪(-p∩q) ? The second expression is just the first with the "-r" gone at the end. I'm not seeing how to get from the first expression to the second using any of the basic laws like distribution, de morgan, tautology, etc. What am I missing?
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  • #2
Let ##U## be the set of which all these sets r,p,q are subsets, so that ##-r=U-r## and ##U=r\cup -r##.
Then we have:
r\cup(-p\cap q\cap -r)
&= r\cup((-p\cap q)\cap -r) \quad\textrm{[associative law]}
(r\cup(-p\cap q)) \cap( r\cup-r)
\quad\textrm{[distributive law]}
(r\cup(-p\cap q)) \cap U
\quad\textrm{[see preamble above]}
r\cup(-p\cap q)
\quad\textrm{[since $U\cap A=A$ for any $A\subseteq A$]}
  • #3
After you do distribution, you can represent ##(r \cup \neg r)## as "##T##" since its always true. Then ##(A) \cap T## is equivalent to ##(A)##.

Your text materials may use a different technique than the notation "T". They should have some rule equivalent to the effect of using "T".
  • #4
The second expression will include elements of ##(-p \cap q)##, whether they are in r or not. The first expression will only add elements of ##(-p \cap q)## that are not in r, but the others were in r already. So there is no difference.

To mathematically show that, you can break up ##(-p \cap q) = (-p \cap q \cap r) \cup (-p \cap q \cap -r)##.
So $$ r \cup (-p \cap q) = r \cup ((-p \cap q \cap r) \cup (-p \cap q \cap -r)) $$
$$ = (r \cup (-p \cap q \cap r)) \cup (r \cup (-p \cap q \cap -r)) $$
$$ = r \cup (r \cup (-p \cap q \cap -r)) $$
$$ = r \cup (-p \cap q \cap -r) $$
There may be more direct ways to do this, but I don't see any now.

FAQ: How does r∪(-p∩q∩-r) simplify to r∪(-p∩q) ?

What is the meaning of r∪(-p∩q∩-r)?

The symbol ∪ represents the union of two or more sets, where all elements from each set are included in the final set. The expression (-p∩q∩-r) means the intersection of the sets -p, q, and -r, where only elements that are common to all three sets are included.

How does the expression r∪(-p∩q∩-r) simplify to r∪(-p∩q)?

The expression simplifies to r∪(-p∩q) by removing the -r set from the intersection. This is because the intersection of any set with its complement (-r) results in the empty set, which has no elements. Therefore, the expression becomes r∪(-p∩q∩∅) which is equivalent to r∪(-p∩q).

What does the letter "r" represent in this expression?

The letter "r" represents a set in this expression. It is a placeholder for any set with elements that may or may not be included in the final set.

Can the order of the sets in the expression be changed?

Yes, the order of the sets can be changed without affecting the final result. This is because the union and intersection operations are commutative, meaning the order of the sets does not matter.

What is the significance of the parentheses in the expression (-p∩q∩-r)?

The parentheses are used to group the sets and clarify the order of operations. In this case, the intersection operation is performed first, and then the union operation is performed on the resulting set and the set "r". Without the parentheses, the expression would be evaluated as (-p)∩q∩(-r), which would result in a different set.
