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Added radix sort to sort examples in:
Results on my system:
Previous threads:
Code for radix sort function example - it makes one pre-pass over the data array, generating an array of histograms (256 entries for each histogram), then coverts the histograms into the starting indices for each "bucket". Each pass places data into "buckets" based on the 8 bit value of the data, and the passes go from least signficant byte to most significant byte. In this example, 1 pre pass and 8 sort passes are used to sort an array of 64 bit unsigned integers. Only one temporary array (the same size as the original array) is required for the radix sort, using variable size "buckets".
Results on my system:
Time to sort 4,194,304 64 bit elements of psuedo random data:
radix sort rsortv.cpp 203 ms
hybrid (radix+merge) sort hsortv.cpp 265 ms
merge sort msortv.cpp 297 ms
microsoft sort sortv.cpp 344 ms
microsoft stable_sort sortv.cpp 375 ms
64 bit mode, Windows XP64, Visual Studio 2005 compiler.
Intel i7 2600K 3.4ghz, DP67BG motherboard, 4GB ram
Previous threads:
Code for radix sort function example - it makes one pre-pass over the data array, generating an array of histograms (256 entries for each histogram), then coverts the histograms into the starting indices for each "bucket". Each pass places data into "buckets" based on the 8 bit value of the data, and the passes go from least signficant byte to most significant byte. In this example, 1 pre pass and 8 sort passes are used to sort an array of 64 bit unsigned integers. Only one temporary array (the same size as the original array) is required for the radix sort, using variable size "buckets".
typedef unsigned __int64 UI64;
typedef unsigned __int64 * PUI64;
PUI64 RadixSort(PUI64 pData, PUI64 pTemp, size_t count)
size_t mIndex[8][256] = {0}; // index matrix
PUI64 pDst, pSrc, pTmp;
size_t i,j,m,n;
UI64 u;
for(i = 0; i < count; i++){ // generate histograms
u = pData[i];
for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){
mIndex[j][(size_t)(u & 0xff)]++;
u >>= 8;
for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){ // convert to indices
n = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++){
m = mIndex[j][i];
mIndex[j][i] = n;
n += m;
pDst = pTemp; // radix sort
pSrc = pData;
for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){
for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
u = pSrc[i];
m = (size_t)(u >> (j<<3)) & 0xff;
pDst[mIndex[j][m]++] = u;
pTmp = pSrc;
pSrc = pDst;
pDst = pTmp;
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