How Does Redshift Change Over Observational Time?

In summary, the conversation discusses the observed redshift of a light source in a flat, single-component universe and the equation for its rate of change. This includes introducing a simplified notation and differentiating equations with respect to time, ultimately leading to a result of zero. The question of whether the answer depends on holding t_e constant is also brought up.
  • #1
Greetings--this is from Ryden's Introduction to Cosmology, question # 5.2. Let me restate the question:

A light source in a flat, single-component universe has a redshift z when observed at a time [tex]t_0[/tex]. Show that the observed redshift changes at a rate

[tex]\frac{dz}{dt_0} = H_0(1+z) - H_0(1+z)^{\frac{3(1+w)}{2}}[/tex]

Here w is the equation of state parameter for whatever the universe is made of (e.g. w = 0 for matter, 1/3 for radiation).

Here is my best attempt so far:
Simplify notation by introducing [tex]y=\frac{2}{3(1+w)}[/tex]

Then (eq. 5.51 in Ryder):
[tex]1+z = \left(\frac{t_0}{t_e}\right)^y[/tex]
Where [tex]t_e[/tex] is the time at which the light was emitted.

Also (eq. 5.48 in Ryder):
[tex]t_0 = \frac{y}{H_0}[/tex]

So differentiating the first equation w/rt [tex]t_0[/tex], we get:

[tex]\frac{dz}{dt_0} = yt_0^{y-1}t_e^{-y} - y t_e^{-y-1}t_0^y \frac{dt_e}{t0}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{dz}{dt_0} = H_0(1+z) - y t_e^{-1} (1+z) \frac{dt_e}{t0}[/tex]

But [tex]\frac{dt_e}{t0} = (1+z)^{-1/y}[/tex] from our equation (5.51) above. Equation (5.52) in Ryder also tell us:

[tex]t_e = \frac{y}{H_0}(1+z)^{-1/y}[/tex]

So plugging these two in:
[tex]\frac{dz}{dt_0} = H_0(1+z) - y\left(\frac{H_0}{y}(1+z)^{1/y}\right)(1+z)(1+z)^{-1/y}[/tex]

Which becomes identically zero! Where am I making my mistake?

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  • #2
Is this one of those derivatives like you get in thermodynamics where the answer depends on whether you are holding [tex]t_e[/tex] constant? And you end up using something like

[tex]\frac{dz}{dt_0}\frac{dt_0}{dt_e}\frac{dt_e}{dz} = -1 ?[/tex]

These always confuse me.


FAQ: How Does Redshift Change Over Observational Time?

1. What is redshift and how does it change over time?

Redshift is a measure of how much the light from an object has been stretched as it travels through space. It is caused by the expansion of the universe and is often used to determine the distance and age of astronomical objects. Redshift can change over time as the universe continues to expand.

2. How is redshift related to the age of the universe?

The amount of redshift in an object's light is directly related to its distance from Earth and the age of the universe. The greater the redshift, the farther away the object is and the longer it has taken for its light to reach us. This allows scientists to use redshift to estimate the age of the universe.

3. How does the redshift of an object change as it moves away from us?

The redshift of an object increases as it moves away from us. This is due to the expansion of the universe, which causes the light from distant objects to stretch and appear redder. The farther an object is from us, the greater its redshift will be.

4. Can redshift be used to determine the speed of an object?

Yes, redshift can be used to determine the speed at which an object is moving away from us. This is known as the recession velocity and is calculated using Hubble's law, which relates the distance and redshift of an object to its velocity. However, redshift alone cannot determine the direction of an object's motion.

5. What can we learn from studying the change in redshift over time?

Studying the change in redshift over time can provide valuable information about the expansion rate of the universe and the properties of dark energy. It can also help us understand the formation and evolution of galaxies and the large-scale structure of the universe. Additionally, changes in redshift can indicate the presence of objects that are moving towards us, such as galaxies in the process of merging.
