How Does Relativistic Force Affect the Movement and Speed of a Mass?

In summary, the mass moves a distance x behind a photon that was emitted at t = 0 from the starting position of the mass after a very long time.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a) A mass m starts at rest. Starting at t = 0 (measured in the lab frame), you apply a constant force f to it (lab frame). How long (in the lab frame) does it take for the mass to move a distance x (also measured in the lab frame)? Check that your answer makes sense in the non-relativistic limit.

After a very long time, the speed of the mass m will approach c. It turns out that it approaches c sufficiently fast so that after a very long time, the mass will remain (approximately, asymptotically) a constant distance (as measured in the lab frame) behind a photon that was emitted at t = 0 from the starting position of the mass. What is this distance?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

a) The force on the mass is given by [itex] F = \frac{dP}{dt}[/itex], Integrating w.r.t to time we get:

[itex]Ft = P[/itex]

Using relativistic momentum this is:

[itex]Ft = \gamma mv[/itex]

Now solving for t:

[itex]t= \frac{\gamma m v}{F}[/itex]

I'm not really sure where to go from here. Do I express v as dx/dt and then integrate, which is complicated as [itex]\gamma[/itex] is also a function of v.

Edit: Ok I tried solving for v instead and end up with:

[itex] v = \frac{Ftc}{\sqrt{c^2m^2+F^2t^2}}[/itex]

Using v = dx/dt and solving for x(t):

[itex]x(t) = \frac{c\sqrt{c^2m^2+F^2t^2}}{F}[/itex]

Squaring both sides gives and rearranging

[itex](\frac{Fx(t)}{c})^2 = m^2c^2+F^2t^2[/itex]

Not sure this helps with the question but I noticed that the energy of the object is just the work done, Fx(t), and the momentum is F*t. Using this we get

[itex](\frac{E}{c})^2 = m^2c^2+p^2[/itex]
[itex]E^2 = m^2c^4+p^2c^2[/itex]

As this is the invariant does this show that it makes sense in a non relativistic limit?
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  • #2
That looks good. What do you get when you integrate that?
  • #3
Sorry I accidentally clicked post before I finished typing everything up. The main post has been updated with how far I've got.
  • #4
You're getting there, but you need to include the constant of integration and apply initial conditions or, equivalently, use definite integrals. Note that with your result, when t=0, x isn't 0.

I think it makes things a bit clearer if you pull out the factor of (mc)^2 to get everything in terms of the dimensionless quantity Ft/mc:
$$\int_0^x dx = c\int_0^t \frac{\frac{Ft}{mc}}{\sqrt{1+\left(\frac{Ft}{mc}\right)^2}}\,dt = \frac{mc^2}{F}\left.\sqrt{1+\left(\frac{Ft}{mc}\right)^2}\right|_0^t = \dots$$ In the non-relativistic limit, the imparted impulse Ft is much less than mc.
  • #5
Thanks, I wrongly assumed the constants would be 0 because the object started at rest and I didn't think to check my result matched the initial conditions!

Ok, so after finding the constant I get:

[itex]x(t) = \frac{mc^2}{F}\sqrt{1+(\frac{Ft}{mc})^2} - \frac{mc^2}{F} = \frac{mc^2}{F}(\sqrt{1+(\frac{Ft}{mc})^2} -1)[/itex]

Rearranging for t:

[itex]t = ±\sqrt{\frac{v^2}{c^2}+\frac{2mx}{F}}[/itex]

Which reduces to what we expect in the non-relativistic limit!

So for part b),

[itex]x(t) = \frac{mc^2}{F}(\sqrt{1+(\frac{Ft}{mc})^2} -1)[/itex]

I'm thinking I should take the limit t → ∞ and then subtract this from the distance traveled by a photon cΔt, although surely the distance just goes to infinity as t → ∞.
  • #6
Just assume ##t## is large, not infinite.

FAQ: How Does Relativistic Force Affect the Movement and Speed of a Mass?

1. What is relativistic force on a mass?

Relativistic force on a mass, also known as relativistic mechanics, is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of objects in motion at speeds close to the speed of light. It takes into account the effects of special relativity, which includes time dilation and length contraction.

2. How is relativistic force different from classical force?

Relativistic force is different from classical force in that it takes into account the effects of special relativity, such as time dilation and length contraction, which are not accounted for in classical mechanics. At high speeds, these effects can significantly alter the behavior of objects in motion.

3. What is the formula for calculating relativistic force on a mass?

The formula for calculating relativistic force on a mass is F = γma, where F is the force, γ is the Lorentz factor (a measure of how much an object's mass increases at high speeds), m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration. This formula is derived from Einstein's famous equation, E=mc².

4. How does relativistic force affect the motion of an object?

Relativistic force can affect the motion of an object in several ways. First, as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases, making it more difficult to accelerate. Second, time dilation and length contraction can cause an object to appear to move slower and shrink in size, respectively. Finally, relativistic force can cause a change in an object's momentum, which is a measure of how difficult it is to stop or change its motion.

5. What are some real-life applications of relativistic force on a mass?

Relativistic force has many real-life applications, including in particle accelerators and nuclear reactors. It is also important in understanding the behavior of objects in space, such as spacecraft and satellites, which travel at high speeds. Additionally, relativistic force plays a crucial role in the functioning of technology, such as GPS systems, which rely on precise measurements of time and distance.
