How Does Special Relativity Affect the Perceived Angle of a Sailboat Mast?

In summary, the conversation discusses the angle at which an observer on a dock would see the mast of a sailboat moving perpendicular to their line of sight. The correct answer is tan \theta ' = \gamma tan \theta, and further discussion explores the case of a beam of light from a spotlight on the boat.
  • #1
In a sailboat, the mast leans at an angle of theta with respect to the deck. An observer stainging on a dock watches the boat go by at speed v. Assume the boats is perpendicular to the observers line of sight and that its motion is also perpendicular to the observers line of sight. What angle does the observer observe the mast at.

I got tan^-1( tan theta * gamma). However, that seems very wrong because I have never seen a tangent inside a tan^-1.
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  • #2

[tex]\arctan{(\tan{x})} = x[/tex]
  • #3
nicktacik said:

[tex]\arctan{(\tan{x})} = x[/tex]

if x is between pi/2 and -pi/2. :biggrin:

However, I cannot really make any simplifications like when the tan(x) is only one factor in arctan.
  • #4
Your answer, [itex]tan \theta ' = \gamma tan \theta [/itex] is correct. I don't get what your concern is.
  • #5
How would you do the problem if the mast were replaced with a beam of light from a spotlight mounted on the boat?

In the original case, I took an arbitrary point on the mast (x,y) with tan(theta) = y/x and performed a length contraction on the y.

You cannot really do that now that it is a beam of light, so I am having trouble finding an "arbitrary" point in the new problem.
  • #6
You didn't take an arbitrary point. You picked the end of the mast. For the beam of light, consider two events in the boats frame: the emission of a photon and the detection of said photon at the end of the mast. Transform these events to the stationary frame and find the angle made. Curious that they aren't the same isn't it?
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FAQ: How Does Special Relativity Affect the Perceived Angle of a Sailboat Mast?

How does special relativity affect the movement of a sailboat?

Special relativity explains how time and space are perceived differently by observers in different reference frames. In the context of a sailboat, this means that the measurements of time and distance may vary depending on the observer's perspective. For example, a person on the shore may perceive the sailboat to be moving at a different speed than someone on the boat due to their relative reference frames.

Does the speed of a sailboat affect the passage of time?

According to special relativity, time is relative and can be affected by the speed of an object. As the sailboat moves through space, its speed causes time to slow down relative to a stationary observer. This phenomenon is known as time dilation and has been confirmed through experiments with high-speed particles.

How does the shape of a sailboat impact its speed in relation to special relativity?

The shape of a sailboat can impact its speed in relation to special relativity in a few ways. First, the shape can affect the boat's aerodynamics, which can impact its speed through the water. Additionally, the shape of the boat can also affect its mass, and according to the theory of relativity, an object with a higher mass requires more energy to accelerate, resulting in a slower speed.

Can a sailboat ever reach the speed of light?

No, a sailboat cannot reach the speed of light. According to the theory of relativity, as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases infinitely, making it impossible to reach the speed of light. Additionally, as an object approaches the speed of light, time dilation also becomes infinitely large, making it impossible for the sailboat to reach the speed of light in a finite amount of time.

How does special relativity impact the navigation of a sailboat?

Special relativity does not have a direct impact on the navigation of a sailboat. However, it is important to consider the concept of relative reference frames when navigating a sailboat. For example, a sailor must take into account their own reference frame as well as the reference frame of other objects, such as the shore or other boats, in order to accurately navigate their course and account for any differences in perception due to relative motion.
