How Does Spring Coil Count Affect Shock Absorber Performance?

In summary: It sounds like you are having trouble understanding the problem. A more detailed description of your problem and a diagram that shows the relationship between your variables would be helpful.In summary, the author is trying to design a spring for a shock absorber for a college project but his calculations aren't making any sense. He is asking for help from other experts in the field. He found that more turns makes for a weaker spring. He needs to calculate strain energy and then size the spring to take the full shock load.
  • #1
Hi All,

I'm trying to design a spring for use in a shock absorber for a college project but my calculations aren't making any sense. I know this is a big ask, but if anyone knows about this stuff I'd appreciate a look.

The maximum load is 16.5kN and when it's sitting it will be 5.5kN The overall height is about 400mm and the rest can be anything needed to get the load value.

It looks like when I lower the number of coils (revolutions) the load needed to deflect the spring increases. This seems wrong, surely more material means more force to deflect?

I have an excel sheet I've been working on with values on there and the relevant pages on coils copied into it (bottom left hand side) if anyone cares to try it?!ArXz3GkpwfgW02B07v7QxRxfQI0m
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  • #2
The wire in a coil spring is subject to torsion when the spring is loaded. The spring wire twists under load. More turns makes for longer wire, which twists more under the same load. More twist under the same load means the spring deflects more. More deflection under the same load is a weaker spring.

A good way to verify your calculations is to look up some springs from a manufacturer such as Lee Spring ( and compare to your calculations. The catalog may not give the number of active turns, but you can calculate that from the solid height and number of end turns.
  • #3
Ok thanks I think I understand that part. I was using the formula for finding w but I should be finding strain energy.

If strain energy is measured in n/m how would I say it needs to absorb 16kN at that point? Would the moment of the spring at radius R to the mean of the wire be what takes the point load at the centre of the spring?
  • #4
It sounds like you are overthinking this problem. Start with your knowns and constraints: force at displacement, solid height, free length, max or min ID and/or OD, etc. Then use that information to calculate spring rate (kN/m) and free length.

Then, and only then, start designing your spring. Your variables can include wire diameter, number of active turns, and OD. Then check stress at peak load. Iterate as needed.
  • #5
I have a static reaction force of the wheel at 5.5kN. The shock load will be around 16.5kN. Even at 5.5kN and 200mm travel I'm getting:

k = 5.5kN / 0.2
k = 2.75kN/m
k = 2750N/m
k = 2750000N/mm

The largest spring I see is rated at 437N/mm here

Am I right to be sizing the spring to take the entire shock load? I was under the impression the spring takes the full load then the damper dissipates the energy to slow oscillation?
  • #6
It is unclear what problem you are really trying to solve. It's time for a diagram that describes the problem. Then describe in words, not equations, how you came up with your spring forces.
  • #7
The problem is a trailer with 2 wheels at the back and one at the front. I used statics to find the reaction force for each axle. The front comes in at 5.5kN. The G force then if hitting a bump I'm setting to 3 gs. 5.5kN * 3 = 16.5kN maximum load at the front axle.

The spring and shock being looked at is <400mm in length and can be any other variable.

So far all attempts at getting a realistic answer have not worked out, seems that the load 16.5kN is way too much and the even 5.5kN seems unrealistic for finding stock springs. Looks like I'm doing something wrong?

Static equation below:



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  • #8
If you are trying to design a suspension for a vehicle, the better approach is to define a speed and a bump, then design the suspension to absorb that bump with a defined peak displacement or peak acceleration of the vehicle. A very quick Google search using the terms road vehicle acceleration bumps came up with this: When designing a suspension, the peak acceleration of your vehicle is the result of a speed and a bump, not an input.

Your wheel load is roughly comparable to that of an American full size pickup truck. Take a look at some large cars or trucks to get an idea of the sizes of spring used, then measure up a few springs, and calculate their spring constants. That will give you a starting point and a sanity check.

FAQ: How Does Spring Coil Count Affect Shock Absorber Performance?

1. What is the purpose of designing an open coil spring?

The main purpose of designing an open coil spring is to provide a flexible and resilient mechanism for absorbing and storing mechanical energy. This energy can then be released or transferred to other parts of a machine or structure, allowing it to perform a desired function. Open coil springs are commonly used in a wide range of applications, including automotive suspensions, household appliances, and industrial equipment.

2. How is the design of an open coil spring determined?

The design of an open coil spring is determined by several factors, including the intended application, the required load and deflection, and the material properties of the spring. To design an open coil spring, engineers typically use mathematical equations and computer simulations to calculate the required dimensions and number of coils for optimal performance.

3. What are the different types of open coil springs?

There are several types of open coil springs, including helical, conical, and barrel-shaped springs. Helical springs have a constant diameter and are commonly used for compression or tension applications. Conical springs have a varying diameter and are often used for heavier loads or to provide a more gradual transition between two components. Barrel-shaped springs have a larger outer diameter and a smaller inner diameter, making them suitable for applications where a higher load capacity is required.

4. What materials are commonly used for open coil springs?

The most commonly used material for open coil springs is spring steel, which is known for its high strength and elasticity. Other materials used include stainless steel, which is more corrosion-resistant, and non-ferrous alloys such as bronze or titanium, which are used for specialized applications. The choice of material depends on the specific requirements of the spring, such as load capacity, durability, and environmental factors.

5. How can the performance of an open coil spring be optimized?

The performance of an open coil spring can be optimized by considering the design factors mentioned above, such as the material, dimensions, and number of coils. Additionally, proper heat treatment and surface finishing can also improve the performance and longevity of the spring. Regular maintenance and inspection are also important for ensuring the optimal performance of an open coil spring over time.
