How does SU(5) explain proton-electron charge equivalence?

In summary, the conversation discusses the operation of SU(5) on a five component vector and how it explains the equal and opposite charges of protons and electrons. It also mentions the breakdown of SU(5) into the Standard Model, where electric charge is derived from weak isospin and weak hypercharge. The conversation also includes a list of unbroken elementary-fermion multiplets and their corresponding weak hypercharge values in the Georgi-Glashow SU(5) model. Ultimately, these values explain the observed charges of up quarks, down quarks, neutrinos, and electrons.
  • #1

In my notes it says that SU(5) operates on a five component vector. Fine. But the example given is (d d d e v)

ie. electron, neutrino and 3 down quarks (one for each colour) it says this explains why the proton charge is the equal and opposite to the electrons but why?

A proton is uud not ddd.

Physics news on
  • #2
Q(up) = Q(down) + 1. See e.g. chapter VII of Zee's QFT.
  • #3
Strictly speaking, the SU(5) GUT breaks into the unbroken Standard Model, and its multiplets have weak-isospin and weak-hypercharge degrees of freedom. Standard-Model breaking then makes electric charge out of them.

Q = I3 + Y
(electric charge) = (projected weak isospin) + (weak hypercharge)

Here are the Standard Model's unbroken elementary-fermion multiplets with (QCD, weak isospin, weak hypercharge) values. A c means charge conjugate:
  • L (left-handed electron, neutrino): (1, 2, -1/2) -- Lc: (1, 2, 1/2)
  • E (right-handed electron): (1,1,-1) -- Ec: (1,1,1)
  • N (right-handed neutrino): (1,1,0) -- Nc: (1,1,0)
  • Q (left-handed up, down quarks): (3,2,1/6) -- Qc: (3*,2,-1/6)
  • U (right-handed up quark): (3,1,2/3) -- Uc: (3*,1,-2/3)
  • D (right-handed down quark: (3,1,-1/3) -- Dc: (3*,1,1/3)

Here is where they are in the Georgi-Glashow SU(5) model (multiplet number, chirality, indices in asymmetric tensor,):
  • 1L (0): Nc
  • 5R (1): D + Lc
  • 10L (2): Q + Uc + Ec
  • 10R (3): Qc + U + E
  • 5L (4): Dc + L
  • 1R (5): N
In all of these multiplets, the weak-hypercharge values add up to 0. That's because the weak hypercharge is derived from a SU(5) operator, and SU(N) operators are traceless (diagonal components adding to 0). One can show that these are the only WHC values that are consistent with SU(5), to within a multiplicative factor.

This is what makes the up quark charged +2/3, the down quark charged -1/3, the neutrino charged 0, and the electron charge -1. Since quarks are confined as multiples of 3, antiquarks being negative quarks, that means that hadrons all have integer charges, just like the electron.

FAQ: How does SU(5) explain proton-electron charge equivalence?

1. How does the SU(5) theory explain the equivalence between the proton and electron charges?

The SU(5) theory is a proposed Grand Unified Theory (GUT) that attempts to unify the three fundamental forces of nature - electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force. According to this theory, the proton and electron charges are considered to be equivalent because they are both part of a larger fundamental force, called the unified electroweak force.

2. What is the evidence supporting the SU(5) theory's explanation of proton-electron charge equivalence?

One of the key pieces of evidence supporting the SU(5) theory is the observed similarity between the strong and weak nuclear forces at high energies. This suggests that at high energies, these two forces can be unified into a single force - the unified electroweak force - as predicted by the SU(5) theory. Additionally, the existence of particles such as the W and Z bosons, which are predicted by the SU(5) theory, further supports its explanation of proton-electron charge equivalence.

3. How does the SU(5) theory account for the difference in mass between the proton and electron?

The SU(5) theory does not directly explain the difference in mass between the proton and electron. However, it does predict the existence of a particle called the Higgs boson, which is responsible for giving particles their mass through interactions with the Higgs field. The difference in mass between the proton and electron can be attributed to the different strengths of their interactions with the Higgs field.

4. What are the implications of the SU(5) theory's explanation of proton-electron charge equivalence?

If the SU(5) theory is proven to be correct, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the fundamental forces of nature. It would provide a unified framework for understanding the interactions between particles and could potentially lead to a more complete theory of everything.

5. How does the SU(5) theory relate to other theories and models that attempt to explain the proton-electron charge equivalence?

The SU(5) theory is just one of several proposed GUTs that attempt to explain the proton-electron charge equivalence. Other theories, such as the SO(10) and E(6) theories, also make similar predictions. Additionally, the Standard Model of particle physics, which has been extensively tested and verified, also incorporates the idea of a unified electroweak force. While there are differences between these theories, they all share the common goal of unifying the fundamental forces and explaining the proton-electron charge equivalence.
