How Does the Angle of an Incline Affect the Time of Descent?

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics practical investigation on the change in height of an inclined plane and the time taken to travel down it. The formula x=ut+.5at^2 is used to create a relationship between the height and time. The suggestion is made to plot t vs. (sin Φ)^1/2 to get a straight line. The possibility of using logarithms is also mentioned.
  • #1
Hi Guys,

For a physics practical investigation I will be investigating the change in height (angle) of an inclined plane and the time taken to travel down the incline.
Now for my hypothesis and results I am a bit stuck. For the hypothesis I will be using the following formula.


x=distance down the incline plane (meters)
u=Initial velocity (m/s)
t=time taken to travel down (seconds)
a=acceleration down the incline plane (m/s/s meters per second per second)

Now for our situation
a=gSinΦ (Φ varies with different heights)

So now I can build a relationship between the height (or the angle of inclination) and the time taken to travel.

Now I substitute values into the formula to get:

x=.5at^2 (because u=0)

Then transpose:

Now we know that the values of 2x and g (g = 9.8 = acceleration due to gravity) remain constant (well we assume they do). How do I create a direct proportionality between t and Φ ?? So I get a straight line graph when I plot the two?

Have I gone about things the wrong way?

Edit - Here is a graph of the angle versus time


  • Angle-Time.gif
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  • #2
You could simply plot t vs. (sin Φ)^1/2 to give you a straight line.
  • #3
Nylex said:
You could simply plot t vs. (sin Φ)^1/2 to give you a straight line.
Hi Nylex,
is t on the vertical axis or horizontal axis?

I ploted (sinΦ)^1/2 but that just gives me a curved graph. Then I ploted (sinΦ)^-1/2 which gave me a sort of straight graph. Have I found proportionality? I got the excel spreadsheet if anyone needs it?
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  • #4
Given x and g to be constants your function will become
t^2 = (2x/g) * sin(phi)
t = (2x/g)^.5 * sin(phi)^.5

(2x/g)^.5 is just a scalar coefficient, don't worry about it.

Your function is reflecting the relationship t = sin(phi)^.5, there shouldn't be a linear trend because the relationship si the square root of a periodic function, so at the least it will curve. You could try logarithms in which case

log t = (log sin(phi))/2, that should be somewhat linear.
  • #5
Hi whozum,

Is that log base to e or log base to 10?
  • #6
Any base will work just as long as you use the same base for both sides.

FAQ: How Does the Angle of an Incline Affect the Time of Descent?

1. What is motion down an incline?

Motion down an incline refers to the movement of an object on a sloped surface, under the influence of gravity.

2. How is motion down an incline different from motion on a flat surface?

Motion down an incline is different from motion on a flat surface because the force of gravity acts parallel to the incline, causing the object to accelerate down the slope.

3. What factors affect the motion down an incline?

The factors that affect motion down an incline include the angle of the incline, the mass of the object, and the force of friction acting against the object's motion.

4. How can I calculate the acceleration of an object moving down an incline?

The acceleration of an object moving down an incline can be calculated using the formula a = gsinθ, where a is the acceleration, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and θ is the angle of the incline.

5. What is the role of friction in motion down an incline?

Friction acts as a resistive force against the motion down an incline, causing the object to slow down and eventually come to a stop. The amount of friction depends on the type of surface and the force pushing the object down the incline.
