How does the AutoPulse device help save lives during cardiac arrest?

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  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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In summary, the average medical team works to revive someone from a heart attack for around two weeks, though they may stop sooner if the heart problem is associated with extreme hypothermia. Most doctors work to revive someone for an hour and a half.
  • #1
How long does the average medical team work to revive someone from a heart attack? A couple weeks ago a professional footballer suffered a heart attack on the field and they worked on him for 78 minutes! When does staff call it quits? Do average medical teams stop too early? Do most doctors work to revive someone for an hour and a half?
Biology news on
  • #2
I wondered the same thing when I read about that story. Did this footballer get an extra long attempt because of his age and level of fitness? I can't imagine they would work for so long on an elderly person, but I could be wrong.
  • #3
Greg Bernhardt said:
How long does the average medical team work to revive someone from a heart attack? A couple weeks ago a professional footballer suffered a heart attack on the field and they worked on him for 78 minutes! When does staff call it quits? Do average medical teams stop too early? Do most doctors work to revive someone for an hour and a half?

Wonder if he got a "delay of game" penalty?? j/k

Generally, we're told to do CPR until a qualified medical person (doctor) says to stop, until help arrives, or until you are exhausted and can't continue. Having a family where heart desease has a long and fatal history (4 dead and 1 survivor), I lean towards this view.

With a little research, there are apparently rare cases > 2hrs. However, this paper isn't so positive about the outcomes.
  • #4
Greg Bernhardt said:
How long does the average medical team work to revive someone from a heart attack? A couple weeks ago a professional footballer suffered a heart attack on the field and they worked on him for 78 minutes! When does staff call it quits? Do average medical teams stop too early? Do most doctors work to revive someone for an hour and a half?

Can you post a link Greg?

The longest survival that I know about is about 90 minutes, but that was because he had a whole volunteer fire department working on him including paramedics (it was in a rural setting with a long time to the ED). He also maintained a shockable rhythm for that time, IIRC. I'm only an EMT, but I think local protocols would generally allow calling off the CPR if the EKG showed flatline for a reasonable period of time.

EDIT -- But that is only true for room-temperature emergencies. If the heart problem is associated with extreme hypothermia (like a cold-water drowning), then the patient needs to be back at room temperature before any calling off of CPR happens.
  • #6
Greg Bernhardt said:

It's not clear from the article whether he was transported or not. I suspect he was. 78 minutes in the field with a successful outcome would be hard to believe unless it was a cold water near drowning. I also think he must have had a breathing tube inserted (intubation) early on, before being transported, and he was well oxygenated. Given he was young and generally healthy, his chances would be better than most. In hospital he might have had a pacemaker inserted by vein. This may succeed where repeated attempts at electrical defibrillation fail (sometimes because you're not dealing with a fibrillating heart, but with flat line (asystole) or electro-mechanical disassociation.)
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  • #7
Greg Bernhardt said:

The article implies that Fabrice Muamba stated, "I had no pain whatsoever. No clutching at my chest or tightness like you see when people have heart attacks in movies ." According to Medlineplus, 'some people do not feel any chest pain during a heart attack' and 'this is especially true of diabetic people'.

I'm somewhat skeptical about that UK Guardian article though I am glad to know that Fabrice didn't die.
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  • #8
ViewsofMars said:
The article implies that Fabrice Muamba stated, "I had no pain whatsoever. No clutching at my chest or tightness like you see when people have heart attacks in movies ." According to Medlineplus, 'some people do not feel any chest pain during a heart attack' and 'this is especially true of diabetic people'.

I'm somewhat skeptical about that UK Guardian article though I am glad to know that Fabrice didn't die.

Pain or pressure sensations are typical of a myocardial infarction (MI) which involves starving cardiac tissue of oxygen because of a blocked artery. This may have been a cardiac arrest due to some defect in the heart possibly involving the conduction system. That's the more likely explanation for a young athlete who doesn't have the typical symptoms of an MI. BTW, an MI doesn't necessarily lead to a cardiac arrest. Most of them do not.
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  • #9
Like I earlier stated, I'm skeptical about the UK Guardian article. None of us posting to this topic were there. Furthermore, the article states, "The 24-year-old was "dead" for 78 minutes following his collapse but has already been discharged from hospital, having had an electronic device implanted in case his heart stops again." Obviously, Fabrice Muamba wasn't DEAD! If he were dead he wouldn't be alive today. What is that called, "A no brainer!":wink: And, I'm don't deny a code Blue didn't happen.
  • #10
SW VandeCarr said:
It's not clear from the article whether he was transported or not.

That time includes the time it took to get him to the hospital by ambulance AND the time it took to get his heart to beat properly once inside the trauma unit.
Also, his heart did not STOP for 78 minutes, from what I understand he had "severe arrythimia" (or whatever the medical term would be); his heart kept starting and stopping while they were working on him. The reason why he survived was -from what he doctors have said in the interviews- that they kept doing CPR and injecting him with drugs, this was apparently enough to keep the blood pumping into his brain.

Moreover, this was a pretty unusual case. Hit team doctor started CPR almost immediately after his collapse, that doctor was then joined by the 2nd team's doctor AND the ambulance crew that was on standby (there is always an ambulance present at games). A few minutes later they were joined by a heart surgeon who happened to be in the audience who then took charge and worked on him in the ambulance.
The surgeon in question is actually the head of one of the trauma teams at the hospital where they brought him (which happens to be a specialist heart hospital, one of the best in the world).

Hence, he was given the best care possible. He had 3 doctors (including a heart specialist) PLUS a trauma team working on him within minutes of his collapse AND he was taken to a specialist hospital almost immediately.
This was probably pretty much state-of-the-art trauma care. If he had collapsed at home or while training he would have died, so in many ways he was very lucky.
  • #11
f95toli said:
That time includes the time it took to get him to the hospital by ambulance AND the time it took to get his heart to beat properly once inside the trauma unit.
Also, his heart did not STOP for 78 minutes

Now the situation is much more clear. The hallmarks justifying a prolonged effort at resuscitation are 1) witnessed cardiac arrest 2) immediate initiation of CPR 3) ability to move quickly to advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) 4) being able to maintain ACLS in transport to a proper facility. 5) some evidence of response to treatment. (Also, cold water near drowning or cardiac arrest in other cases of significant hypothermia).

The most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest in people under 30 is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (the heart muscle is too thick). It often goes undetected. Other causes are discussed here.
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  • #12
Our Chemistry teacher told us that he knows someone who has survived for two days :blushing:
is it theoretically possible?
  • #13
Two days without blood flowing to your brain is impossible. I think with coldwater drowning the record is about 4 hours - this is because the cold causes the sympathetic nervous system to kick in immediately shunting blood flow to your brain/core, as well the cold also slows your cellular metabolism limiting its need for oxygen. On the story... it's unlikely that the guy had a mechanical problem with his heart so you would continue to try. CPR with vasoconstrictive medications can be anywhere from 10% to 40% (with an autopulse) as effective at getting blood to your brain as the heart. There are stories of people who continue to open there eyes and look around hours after cardiac arrest so long as chest compressions continue, but there heart is dead, and unless a surgeon has an idea so are they
  • #14
How long does the average medical team work to revive someone from a heart attack? A couple weeks ago a professional footballer suffered a heart attack on the field and they worked on him for 78 minutes! When does staff call it quits? Do average medical teams stop too early? Do most doctors work to revive someone for an hour and a half?

In my experience two hours working a corpse is about right, one hour for the field one hour in hospital. A warm body on the other hand who responds to treatment, like within 78 minutes when they stabilized the pulse, no longer needs the same care. I don't think anyone stops early.
  • #15
I have heard from people involved with this Cardiac Arrest that the London Chest deployed a device called Autopulse on Fabrice. Apparently this kept the blood flow moving feeding his vital organs whilst he had no heart beat. This seems to explain why he survived for so long in Cardiac Arrest.
  • #16
medic 1 said:
I have heard from people involved with this Cardiac Arrest that the London Chest deployed a device called Autopulse on Fabrice. Apparently this kept the blood flow moving feeding his vital organs whilst he had no heart beat. This seems to explain why he survived for so long in Cardiac Arrest.
The AutoPulse is an automated, portable, battery-powered cardiopulmonary resuscitation device created by Revivant and subsequently purchased and currently manufactured by ZOLL Medical Corporation. It is a chest compression device composed of a constricting band and half backboard that is intended to be used as an adjunct to CPR during advanced cardiac life support by professional health care providers. The AutoPulse uses a distributing band to deliver the chest compressions. In literature it is also known as LDB-CPR (Load Distributing Band-CPR).
The AutoPulse measures chest size and resistance before it delivers the unique combination of thoracic and cardiac chest compressions. The compression depth and force varies per patient. The chest displacement equals a 20% reduction in the anterior-posterior chest depth. The physiological duty cycle is 50%, and it runs in a 30:2 or continuous compression mode, which is user-selectable.

FAQ: How does the AutoPulse device help save lives during cardiac arrest?

1. What are the common symptoms of a heart attack?

The most common symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, cold sweat, and discomfort in other areas of the upper body such as the arms, back, neck, or jaw.

2. What should I do if I suspect I am having a heart attack?

If you experience any of the symptoms of a heart attack, it is important to call 911 or your local emergency services immediately. Do not try to drive yourself to the hospital. Stay calm and try to rest while you wait for emergency help to arrive.

3. What can increase my risk of having a heart attack?

There are several risk factors that can increase your chances of having a heart attack. These include a family history of heart disease, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and monitor any risk factors you may have.

4. Can I prevent a heart attack?

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent a heart attack, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. This includes maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, managing stress, quitting smoking, and monitoring and managing any existing health conditions.

5. What should I do after surviving a heart attack?

After surviving a heart attack, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations for recovery, which may include lifestyle changes, medication, and cardiac rehabilitation. It is also important to attend regular check-ups and follow-up appointments to monitor your heart health and prevent future heart attacks.

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