How does the cost of debt formula account for tax deductions?

In summary, the cost of debt formula is c = ib(1-T), where c is the cost of issuing debt that a firm incurs, i is the interest earned by the investor, and T is the tax rate a firm pays. The formula takes into account the tax benefits that a firm receives from deducting interest payments from their taxable income, resulting in an effective cost of debt that is lower than the nominal interest rate. This is because the company pays less in taxes due to the deduction. The formula can also be written as c = rb(1-T), where rb is the nominal interest rate and T is the tax rate, to calculate the after-tax cost of debt.
  • #1

There is a cost of debt formula that goes c = ib(1-T), where c is the cost of issuing debt that firm incurs ( a percentage like interest) i is the interest earned by the investor, and T is the tax rate a firm pays. The key is that the interest rate alone is not really the cost of taking on debt. Although the investor will obtain the interest rate i from the company, the effective rate being paid by the company is less than i. This is because at the end of financial period, a firm can always deduct interest payments on debt from taxable income.

I understand the logic that the effective cost of debt to the firm will be less than some nominal interest rate, but I don't understand the the mechanics of this formula. Can someone help? One thing that is confusing me is that the interest rate would get applied to one quantity, whereas the tax rate would be applied to another quantity. How can we establish a relationship between the two based on that while not referencing these quantities in the formula?

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  • #2
As long as the company has > ib income, the tax it would pay on some matching income would be ibT. Given the deduction, it doesn't pay this tax. Thus the cost of paying the interest has been reduced by this amount. Thus the given formula.

And if the company has inadequate income to pay the interest ... it is in big trouble. There is the possibility that it has enough income, but not enough taxable income. Then the benefit would be less. Such a special case is not captured in that formula.
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  • #3
I'm not following this :(

ib is the interest rate earned by the person providing the funds to the company. It's just an interest rate, not a tax rate.

I'll reword it maybe. c = ib(1-T)
c, is the cost of borrowing (like interest on a mortgage a homeowner pays)
ib, is the interest rate the investor is receiving
T, is the tax rate

Normally you would think that c should equal ib, but it is not the case for a business since they will always deduct the payments of interest from their taxable income, thus effectively guaranteeing a cost of debt, c, that is less than the nominal rate ib.

I'm expanding the formula and looking at it like this: c = ib - ibT. I dunno...I think it's better to look at this way but I'm still lost...

EDIT: I'm still looking into this and the concept surrounding this is called "tax shield", or "debt tax shield". Quickly googling some articles on this and I think it may be the right direction to take.
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  • #4
Just think about what I wrote. It is a complete explanation.
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  • #5
Hmm. Assuming you swapped symbols ib for income instead of interest rate, I think your first paragraph is saying the part which I understand. The second paragraph is basically describing bankruptcy, which I understand.

The point is that I am looking for the math for deriving the formula. I think I might have got it now, but I really had to approach it from a "totals" sense (meaning I multiplied the rates by the principal of a loan). It's too hard for me thinking about it only with percentages :( Any tips?

Total Cost of Debt = rb*P - rb*P*T...(1)
P, is the principal of the loan

I factor out P so that I am just left with
Total Cost of Debt/P = rb - rbT...(2)
c = rb(1-T)...(3)
c, is the after tax cost of debt rate
  • #6
No, I didn't mix up symbols. Your way of looking at it is ok, but not sure why you have trouble with the simple logic as given.

Suppose company X borrows money for which they pay investor 5%. As long as taxable income exceeds their obligations to investors, they will incur a tax benefit of T * (5% of principle). This means the actual cost to them of paying 5% interest, looking at their overall balance sheet, is only 5% * (1-T) [of principle]. Percentages avoids worrying about principle in every statement and describes the effective cost of money for the company: not 5% that investors want, but 5% *(1-T).
  • #7
But you see you are also naturally first thinking about it in terms totals (or at least when talking about it here).

"incur a tax benefit of T * (5% of principle)"
"looking at their overall balance sheet"
"5% * (1-T) [of principle]"

It's just not intuitive enough just start dealing with plain percentages. After all, they are meant to be applied to something. First look at totals. Once you have "5% * (1-T) [of principle]" and choose you don't want to deal with the whole dollar value, you can easily take it out of both sides of the equation, and you are left with a percentage. You may be very experienced with math so perhaps it comes more automatic to you and that's why I struggle with it.
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  • #8
Here's a more detailed explanation.

Income: X
Loan: L
Tax rate: T
Interest rate: ib

If they don't take the loan, they have to pay a tax of XT. The money they will have left after paying that tax is X-XT = X(1-T).

If they take the loan, they have to pay an interest of Lib. This effectively lowers their income to X-Lib, so now they now only have to pay a tax of (X-Lib)T. The money they will have left (not including the money they borrowed) after paying the tax and the interest rate is X-Lib-(X-Lib)T = (X-Lib)(1-T).

The cost of taking the loan is the difference between these two results, i.e. X(1-T)-(X-Lib)(1-T) = (X-(X-Lib))(1-T) = Lib(1-T). What percentage of the total loan is this? The answer is Lib(1-T)/L = ib(1-T).
  • #9
Thank you and Allen for your replies. I've cleared it up already :)
  • #10
In my judgement, there is nothing wrong with thinking about in terms of the total amounts, as you did. But, after you finished that, you saw how the equation derivation came about in terms of the interest rates. Do I think that it is intuitively obvious? Probably not, although people with some experience with this kind of thing would realize it immediately.

  • #11
Yes my thoughts exactly. Within the time of OP and now I've noticed myself playing out other scenarios like this in my mind , and the mental leap is becoming automatic.
  • #12
Right, once you're used to it, you can probably just think "the cost would be ib without the tax deduction, and the tax deduction is ibT, so it's ib-ibT=ib(1-T)".

Related to How does the cost of debt formula account for tax deductions?

What is the cost of debt formula?

The cost of debt formula is a mathematical calculation used to determine the cost of borrowing for a company or organization. It takes into account the interest rate on the debt, any fees associated with the borrowing, and the tax rate of the borrower.

How do you calculate the cost of debt?

The cost of debt can be calculated by taking the interest rate on the debt and multiplying it by 1 minus the tax rate. This gives the after-tax cost of debt. If there are any fees associated with the borrowing, they should also be included in the calculation.

Why is it important to calculate the cost of debt?

Knowing the cost of debt is important for financial decision making. It allows companies to compare the cost of different types of debt and make informed decisions about borrowing. It is also used in the calculation of a company's weighted average cost of capital (WACC), which is a key metric in determining the overall cost of financing for a company.

What are the limitations of the cost of debt formula?

The cost of debt formula does not take into account factors such as credit risk or market conditions, which can impact the actual cost of borrowing for a company. It also assumes that the tax rate remains constant, which may not be the case for some companies. Additionally, the formula may not be suitable for all types of debt, such as convertible debt or variable rate debt.

How can the cost of debt formula be used in financial analysis?

The cost of debt formula can be used to analyze the financial health of a company by comparing its cost of debt to other companies in the same industry. It can also be used to determine the impact of changes in interest rates or borrowing fees on a company's overall cost of financing.

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