How Does the Depletion Zone Affect Current Flow in a P-N Junction?

In summary, the depletion zone in a p-n junction is created by the positively charged acceptor atoms and negatively charged donor atoms. It does not contain any holes or free electrons, but instead has a small concentration of both on the edges of the zone. When a potential difference is applied, electrons are fed in on the n-side and removed on the p-side to create a flow of current through the junction. Chemical bonds do not play a role in this process.
  • #1
I've been reading various explanations for a number of hours, and I'm still completely confused. I'll refer to an explanation from Wikipedia, but do point me to a better one if you know one.

What does the depletion zone have to do with current flow? Looking at Figure A (see link above), there are plenty of charge carriers throughout the depletion layer, mostly holes on the left and mostly electrons on the right. And they are in equilibrium, so there is no net force stopping them. If a potential difference is applied either way, why won't current flow through the depletion zone like in a normal conductor, with the oncoming electrons filling the oncoming holes?

In case it helps with pinpointing my source of confusion, I have (or should have) roughly high-school-level physics and chemistry knowledge (no such claims about understanding), I visualise free electrons as tiny charged balls that obey Newtonian physics and Coulomb's law and nothing more, and I don't understand how non-ionic chemical bonds work.
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  • #2
There are no holes or loose electrons in the depletion layer. What you see in figure A, are the negatively charged acceptor atoms, and the positively charged donor atoms, that have created the free electrons and the holes that have diffused to the other side of the junction. The donor/accpetor atoms can't move. The only way of getting the p-n junction to connect is feeding in electrons on the n-side to fill in the positively charged part of the depletion layer, and removing them to create holes to fill in the negatively charged part of the depletion layer.
  • #3
The negatively charged acceptor atoms and the positively charged donor atoms are the circled minuses and pluses, right? But what about the red and blue lines? I thought they show the free electrons and holes, which can move?
  • #4
mike2349 said:
The negatively charged acceptor atoms and the positively charged donor atoms are the circled minuses and pluses, right? But what about the red and blue lines? I thought they show the free electrons and holes, which can move?

They show the concentration of holes. Note that it's on a logarithmic scale, so the concentration both of holes and electrons at the point where the red and the blue line meets, is very small
  • #5

The p-n junction is a fundamental component in semiconductor devices, such as diodes and transistors. It is formed by bringing together two different types of semiconductor materials, one with excess of electrons (n-type) and one with excess of holes (p-type). This creates a junction between the two materials, with a depletion zone in between.

The depletion zone is created due to the difference in the number of free electrons and holes in the two materials. In the n-type material, there are excess of free electrons, while in the p-type material, there are excess of holes. When these two materials come into contact, the free electrons from the n-type material diffuse into the p-type material, and the holes from the p-type material diffuse into the n-type material. This creates a region in the middle where there are no free carriers, hence the name "depletion zone".

Now, let's consider what happens when a potential difference (voltage) is applied across the p-n junction. When a positive voltage is applied to the p-type material and a negative voltage is applied to the n-type material, the depletion zone widens. This is because the positive voltage repels the holes in the p-type material and the negative voltage repels the free electrons in the n-type material. This creates a larger region with no free carriers, increasing the depletion zone.

On the other hand, when a negative voltage is applied to the p-type material and a positive voltage is applied to the n-type material, the depletion zone narrows. This is because the negative voltage attracts the holes in the p-type material and the positive voltage attracts the free electrons in the n-type material. This reduces the region with no free carriers, decreasing the depletion zone.

So, how does this affect current flow? In a normal conductor, current flows due to the movement of free electrons. However, in a p-n junction, the depletion zone acts as a barrier for the free carriers. When the depletion zone is wide, it is difficult for the free carriers to cross it, hence reducing the flow of current. On the other hand, when the depletion zone is narrow, it is easier for the free carriers to cross it, increasing the flow of current.

In summary, the depletion zone plays a crucial role in the functioning of a p-n junction. It helps to control the flow of current by acting as a barrier for free carriers. Understanding the concept of depletion zone and its relationship with voltage is essential in understanding

FAQ: How Does the Depletion Zone Affect Current Flow in a P-N Junction?

1. How does a p-n junction create an electric field?

A p-n junction is formed by combining a p-type semiconductor, which has an excess of positive charge carriers (holes), with an n-type semiconductor, which has an excess of negative charge carriers (electrons). This combination creates a depletion region between the two materials, where the free electrons from the n-type material diffuse into the p-type material and the holes from the p-type material diffuse into the n-type material. This diffusion of charge carriers creates an electric field that opposes further diffusion, resulting in a potential barrier at the junction.

2. What happens when a voltage is applied to a p-n junction?

When a voltage is applied to a p-n junction, it can either be forward-biased or reverse-biased. In forward bias, the positive terminal of the voltage source is connected to the p-type material and the negative terminal is connected to the n-type material. This decreases the potential barrier at the junction, allowing current to flow through the junction. In reverse bias, the positive terminal is connected to the n-type material and the negative terminal is connected to the p-type material. This increases the potential barrier, preventing current from flowing through the junction.

3. How does a p-n junction act as a diode?

A p-n junction acts as a diode because it only allows current to flow in one direction. In forward bias, the potential barrier at the junction is lowered, allowing current to flow through the junction. In reverse bias, the potential barrier is increased, preventing current from flowing through the junction. This property of a p-n junction is used in electronic devices such as diodes, which are used to control the direction of current flow.

4. How does a p-n junction emit light?

A p-n junction can emit light when it is combined with certain materials, such as gallium nitride or indium gallium nitride. When a forward voltage is applied to the p-n junction, electrons and holes recombine at the junction and release energy in the form of photons. The color of the emitted light depends on the energy bandgap of the materials used in the p-n junction.

5. What is the role of doping in a p-n junction?

Doping is the process of intentionally adding impurities to a semiconductor material to change its electrical properties. In a p-n junction, doping is used to create regions of excess positive and negative charge carriers, resulting in the formation of the depletion region and the potential barrier at the junction. Without doping, a p-n junction would not be able to function as it relies on the difference in charge carrier concentrations between the p-type and n-type materials.
