How does the distribution of mass affect the rotational inertia of a disc?

In summary, the conversation discusses the dynamics of a spinning disc and how to increase its rotational speed with the same input of energy. It is determined that adding mass closer to the center of the disc and decreasing the radius is the most effective way to achieve a faster spinning disc. The conversation also touches on the concept of moment of inertia and its relationship to speed and torque. Ultimately, the goal is to create a fast spinning disc with the most efficient use of energy.
  • #1
Hey all, I've been thinking about this all night because it been bothering me I need a proper answer for it...

Now I have a disc that has mass on each corner(N,W,S,E) it has a total mass of 1 Killo now with the small object spread on its edges. I want to increase the speed of that disc with the same amount of input energy I should put the object that weight on the disc on the center where the disc is being spinned? If so could I keep the objects at the same spot and just add equal mass on the center or double that?

lets we have a disc that weighs at 10 killo's and I added 14 metal bars on the edges of the disc that all weight at 0.50 killo's x 14 = 7Kilo's. Now the speed would be slower than if I added those bars in the center of the rotational axis.Now If I had those bars on the edges and got a 8Killo'd object and added it on the center rotational axis would it increase speed or not...?

My goal is to increase rotational speed from mass with the same amount of energy!


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  • #2
I wanted to add is that: If the speed is increased will the torque also increase?
  • #3
You can't increase speed by adding mass, you have to move mass inward, like a skater pulling in his/her arms during a spin. There is also no direct connection between the speed and the torque, torque increases the speed but the speed doesn't tell you the torque.
  • #4
Ken G said:
You can't increase speed by adding mass, you have to move mass inward, like a skater pulling in his/her arms during a spin. There is also no direct connection between the speed and the torque, torque increases the speed but the speed doesn't tell you the torque.

So adding weight on the center won't do anything but cause drag? The only was to increase speed of the disc is to bring the bars inward?
  • #5

If we added a 3rd wheel putting mass outward and inward together what would be the result?
  • #6
DreamChaser77 said:

If we added a 3rd wheel putting mass outward and inward together what would be the result?

If the total mass put is double the mass put on a single(original) wheel, it would be slower than both. The reason is, since you have mass both 'inward' and 'outward', the total moment of inertia of the wheel is higher that either of the two cases shown in that video. Meaning, more energy is going into rotation, and lesser into translational kinetic energy.

With similar reasoning, if the total mass put on the wheel is same as the first and second wheels, then its translational kinetic energy would be in between the two.
  • #7
Hey DreamChaser77! :smile:
DreamChaser77 said:
My goal is to increase rotational speed from mass with the same amount of energy!

if the axle is fixed:

KE = 1/2 Iω2,

so ω = √2KE/I,

so to increase ω you decrease I …

so put the mass as close as possible to the centre :wink:

(if the disc is rolling, KE = 1/2 (I + mr22 … same result)
  • #8
Infinitum said:
If the total mass put is double the mass put on a single(original) wheel, it would be slower than both. The reason is, since you have mass both 'inward' and 'outward', the total moment of inertia of the wheel is higher that either of the two cases shown in that video. Meaning, more energy is going into rotation, and lesser into translational kinetic energy.

With similar reasoning, if the total mass put on the wheel is same as the first and second wheels, then its translational kinetic energy would be in between the two.

So what... the disc will rotate more and more or will it be difficult to rotate it due to its mass?
I feel my disc if both mass is inward and outward it will be more of a flywheel because the kinetic energy...?

tiny-tim said:
Hey DreamChaser77! :smile:

if the axle is fixed:

KE = 1/2 Iω2,

so ω = √2KE/I,

so to increase ω you decrease I …

so put the mass as close as possible to the centre :wink:

I would probably try to make the radius less and bring the weight's more closer to the cenrtial axes how about that? Make it a smaller disc and add more weight if I needed to because the speed would increase is that good?
  • #9
DreamChaser77 said:
I would probably try to make the radius less and bring the weight's more closer to the cenrtial axes how about that? Make it a smaller disc and add more weight if I needed to because the speed would increase is that good?

Yes :smile:

You want the opposite of a flywheel …

a flywheel is intended to store as much energy as possible with minimum speed, so nearly all its mass is in the rim. :wink:
  • #10
tiny-tim said:
Yes :smile:

You want the opposite of a flywheel …

a flywheel is intended to store as much energy as possible with minimum speed, so nearly all its mass is in the rim. :wink:

Thanks Tim!

Well I want to achieve a fast spinning wheel/disc with the same input of energy so decreasing the radius is the solution, I will add more weight on the center so all in all I kinda made a perfect design to it now. If my disc current is going 100RPM's could you estimate how fast it would go with the weight inward very close to the central axis?
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  • #11
DreamChaser77 said:
If my disc current is going 100RPM's could you estimate how fast it would go with the weight inward very close to the central axis?

i don't understand … what is "disc current"? … how is it different from speed? :confused:
  • #12
tiny-tim said:
i don't understand … what is "disc current"? … how is it different from speed? :confused:

Ow sorry I ment if the disc was rotating @ 100rpms by bring the mass inward how fast do you it would increase?(just a simple guess)
  • #13
It depends on how you set up the system. If you are a skater, then you inject a given angular momentum into your body, and you pull your arms in. Since angular momentum is conserved, we have angular momentum J = I*omega, so omega is inversely proportional to I. Whatever you do to the moment of inertia, the opposite will happen to the rotation rate.

However, in your description it sounds like you are talking about building something first, and then injecting angular momentum and energy into it. If both angular momentum and energy are things that you are injecting, then the key relation is
omega = 2*E/J, and that is independent of I. If you can only put in so much E and so much J, then in that situation, omega does not care what the I is. So it depends on what you are doing.
  • #14
Ken G said:
It depends on how you set up the system. If you are a skater, then you inject a given angular momentum into your body, and you pull your arms in. Since angular momentum is conserved, we have angular momentum J = I*omega, so omega is inversely proportional to I. Whatever you do to the moment of inertia, the opposite will happen to the rotation rate.

However, in your description it sounds like you are talking about building something first, and then injecting angular momentum and energy into it. If both angular momentum and energy are things that you are injecting, then the key relation is
omega = 2*E/J, and that is independent of I. If you can only put in so much E and so much J, then in that situation, omega does not care what the I is. So it depends on what you are doing.

Thanks for that Ken.G

Thing is I thought if I had a disc rotating at certain speeds and got the mass inward I would maybe double or triple the speed that would be great! Because right now while I'm typing this down I'm rotating my chair while my arms are spread outward with mass then pull it back inward I nearly fell a few minutes ago and the push was AMAZING felt like something very very strong kicked the hell of the chair hahaha

But its really interesting so far and I have nothing to do so I'll research it more and more :)
  • #15
DreamChaser77 said:
Because right now while I'm typing this down I'm rotating my chair while my arms are spread outward with mass then pull it back inward I nearly fell a few minutes ago and the push was AMAZING felt like something very very strong kicked the hell of the chair hahaha

But its really interesting so far and I have nothing to do so I'll research it more and more :)
Yes, that's a favorite demonstration-- it works even better if you have barbells in your hands (but beware, you can hurt yourself if you fly off the chair!). In case you wonder where the rotational energy comes from, it takes work to pull in your arms or legs.
  • #16
Ken G said:
Yes, that's a favorite demonstration-- it works even better if you have barbells in your hands (but beware, you can hurt yourself if you fly off the chair!). In case you wonder where the rotational energy comes from, it takes work to pull in your arms or legs.

I WILL defiantly not do that lol its dangerous!
I'm aware of the inputed energy pretty well thanks for that!Dream,

FAQ: How does the distribution of mass affect the rotational inertia of a disc?

What is rotational inertia?

Rotational inertia, also known as moment of inertia, is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion. It is affected by the mass and distribution of the object's mass around its axis of rotation.

How is rotational inertia different from mass?

Rotational inertia is similar to mass in that it is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in motion. However, mass is a measure of an object's resistance to linear motion, while rotational inertia is a measure of its resistance to rotational motion.

What factors affect the rotational inertia of a disc?

The rotational inertia of a disc is affected by its mass, the distribution of its mass around its axis of rotation, and the radius of the disc. The greater the mass or the farther the mass is from the axis of rotation, the higher the rotational inertia will be.

How is rotational inertia calculated for a disc?

The formula for calculating rotational inertia of a disc is I = 1/2 * mr^2, where I is the rotational inertia, m is the mass of the disc, and r is the radius of the disc. This formula assumes that the mass of the disc is evenly distributed around the axis of rotation.

Why is rotational inertia important in science and engineering?

Understanding rotational inertia is important in science and engineering because it helps predict how objects will behave when subjected to rotational forces. It is also crucial in designing and building machines and structures that rely on rotational motion, such as wheels, gears, and turbines.

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