How does the expansion of space affect the direction of time?

In summary: It talks about how there is no Newtonian "ticking clock" for the universe progression. Instead, it talks about time being the product of our brains, simply.
  • #1
Geordie Ross
Hi, I'm new to the forum, and didn't really know where else to ask some questions, and get good answers, I'm fairly poor at mathematics, and grammar, but I have a passion for physics, astrophysics and cosmology. I have some niggling ideas and hypothesis that I can't find answers for, and I hope I don't make myself look foolish, but Einstein said he "visualised" his ideas, and I had a... "visualisation", that the expansion of space, is somehow linked to "arrow of time", in the sense of one way direction of time in large scale, could it be directly linked to expansion? And could it be linked to time dilation? Or does mass have any effect on expansion?
I'd appreciate any response, and please correct any mistakes I've made.
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  • #2
Welcome to the forum.

Time dilation and expansion are not linked as per se. The expansion does not cause any time dilation. We do see how expansion affects the wavelength of light called redshift. However this is not the same as time dilation. Gravitational time dilation in terms of an overall average mass density isn't sufficient to cause dilation.
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  • #3
Thanks, I appreciate the reply.
Would mass and gravity have any affect on expansion? And does expansion relate in any way to time?
  • #4
Mass and gravity does affect expansion, so does the vacuum energy called the cosmological constant. The relation between the two are used to determine the rate of expansion. Time is only a measurement in expansion and not directly related to a direct effect on expansion

this link is related and has some further information.
  • #5
Also on time dilation, this is an observer dependant property. An outside observer will see the dilation and inside observer will see time flow normally
  • #6
Thanks for the clarification.
One more questions, could time exist without space and motion?
  • #7
Thats one question that has no clear consensus. There are models that say yes such as multiverse models. Others that say time started at the first moment of that space formed.

So I cannot give you a definitive answer
  • #8
Mordred said:
Thats one question that has no clear consensus. There are models that say yes such as multiverse models. Others that say time started at the first moment of that space formed.

So I cannot give you a definitive answer

Some adhere to the Hawking theory - time being the product of our brains, simply. That there is no Newtonian "ticking clock" for the universe progression.

Could time truly exist without objects? What do current astrophysicist/astronomers have to say about this? Could you ever get indirect evidence for any viewpoint?
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  • #10
Chronos said:
Time, space and motion are obviously connected. Gravity is also involved in this arrangement. See comments by Sten Odenwald at
What area would this be classified under in Astrophysics? That is; space, objects and motions?.. Not just the particles, and not just motion, but also space and time.

The link was quite interesting!

FAQ: How does the expansion of space affect the direction of time?

1. How does time relate to the expansion of space?

The expansion of space and the concept of time are closely related in the field of cosmology. According to the theory of general relativity, space and time are interconnected and can be affected by the presence of massive objects. As the universe expands, it also affects the rate at which time passes, causing time to slow down.

2. Can time itself expand?

While the concept of time expanding may seem confusing, it is not time itself that is expanding, but rather the space in which time exists. As the universe expands, the space between objects increases, causing the rate at which time passes to slow down.

3. How does the expansion of space affect our perception of time?

Since the expansion of space causes time to slow down, it can affect our perception of time in relation to the universe. For example, objects that are farther away appear to be moving slower than objects that are closer, which can make it seem like time is passing at a different rate for those objects.

4. Does the expansion of space mean that time is infinite?

The expansion of space does not necessarily mean that time is infinite. While the universe may continue to expand, there is still a finite amount of time that has passed since the Big Bang. However, the exact nature of time and its relationship to the expanding universe is still a subject of scientific debate.

5. How does the expansion of space affect the aging process?

As mentioned before, the expansion of space causes time to slow down. This means that objects that are farther away from us appear to be aging slower than objects that are closer. However, the effect of this on human aging is negligible and not noticeable in our everyday lives.

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