How does the Fortran90 function floor not have a main type?

In summary, the Fortran compiler is complaining that the PLANET_DAY_RATIO thing in the call to the floor intrinsic doesn't have a type. A workaround might be to define it as a parameter.
  • #1
Gold Member
error #6404: This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit
type. [FLOOR]
tmd = day_earth/PLANET_DAY_RATIO - floor(day_earth/PLANET_DAY_RATIO)

I'm running Fortran 90 with the ifort compiler. As far as I can tell, floor is a function introduced in Fortran 90

Using Fortran compiler: ifort -O -I/home/disk/eos11/bitz/cam3.1/cam1/models/utils/esmf -I/home/disk/eos11/bitz/cam3.1/cam1/models/utils/esmf/src/include -I/home/disk/eos11/bitz/cam3.1/cam1/models/utils/esmf/build/linux_intel -I/home/disk/eos11/bitz/cam3.1/cam1/models/utils/esmf/include -I/home/disk/eos11/bitz/cam3.1/cam1/models/utils/esmf/src/Infrastructure/mpiuni
Fortran Compiler version:
Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Professional for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 11.1 Build 20091130 Package ID: l_cprof_p_11.1.064
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  • #2
The compiler seems to be complaining that the PLANET_DAY_RATIO thing in the call to the floor intrinsic doesn't have a type. A workaround might be to define it as a parameter.
  • #3
That's strange, it should recognize "floor()"

Can you test if int() and nint() work?
  • #4
I see - thanks very much for the reply!

Here is the subroutine. I defined PLANET_DAY_RATIO within the subroutine. Am I doing it wrong?

subroutine get_curr_date(yr, mon, day, tod, offset)

! Return date components valid at end of current timestep with an optional
! offset (positive or negative) in seconds.

   implicit none
! Arguments
   integer, intent(out) ::&
      yr,    &! year
      mon,   &! month
      day,   &! day of month
      tod     ! time of day (seconds past 0Z)

   integer, optional, intent(in) :: offset  ! Offset from current time in seconds.
                                            ! Positive for future times, negative 
                                            ! for previous times.

! Local variables
   character(len=*), parameter :: sub = 'get_curr_date'
   integer :: rc
   type(esmf_date) :: date
   type(esmf_time) :: off
   integer :: ymd
   integer :: leap_days
   integer :: yZero
   integer :: day_earth
   float :: PLANET_DAY_RATIO


   yr = ymd/10000
   mon = mod(ymd, 10000) / 100
   day = mod(ymd, 100)
	PLANET_DAY_RATIO = 0.5 !0.5 is for spinning twice as fast, or 43200 seconds
	yZero = start_ymd/10000
	leap_days = (yr -yZero)/4
   day_earth = day_earth + 365*(yr -yZero) + leap_days
	tmd = day_earth/PLANET_DAY_RATIO - floor(day_earth / PLANET_DAY_RATIO)
end subroutine get_curr_date
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  • #5
uart said:
That's strange, it should recognize "floor()"

Can you test if int() and nint() work?

mod() definitely works, so I'm pretty sure that floor() should work too
  • #6
Hi simfish. I'm not real big on Fortran but when I have used it I've generally had problems whenever I've tried to mix integers and reals in the same expression. Honestly I've given up on trying to figure out the whys and where-fores and now I simply assign all integers to a temporary real before using them in a mixed expression.

Something like

integer :: day_earth
real :: day_earth_tmp, PLANET_DAY_RATIO

day_earth_tmp = day_earth
tmd = day_earth_tmp/PLANET_DAY_RATIO - floor(day_earth_tmp / PLANET_DAY_RATIO)
  • #7
Ah okay - thanks for the suggestion! I'll try to see if that works tomorrow.

Related to How does the Fortran90 function floor not have a main type?

1. How is the Fortran90 function floor different from other programming languages?

The Fortran90 function floor is unique in that it does not have a main type. This means that it cannot be used as a standalone function and must be used within a larger program or subroutine.

2. Why does the Fortran90 function floor not have a main type?

The decision to not have a main type for the Fortran90 function floor was made by the designers of the language in order to simplify the syntax and make the code more readable.

3. How do you use the Fortran90 function floor without a main type?

In order to use the Fortran90 function floor, it must be called within a larger program or subroutine. This allows the function to be used as a tool within a larger computational process.

4. What are the advantages of not having a main type for the Fortran90 function floor?

The main advantage of not having a main type for the Fortran90 function floor is that it simplifies the syntax and makes the code more readable. This can also make it easier for programmers to understand and debug their code.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Fortran90 function floor without a main type?

One limitation of not having a main type for the Fortran90 function floor is that it cannot be used as a standalone function. It must be used within a larger program or subroutine, which may add complexity to the code.

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