How Does the Four Color Theorem Apply to Maps with Disconnected Regions?

In summary, the four color theorem only applies to maps with connected countries, as allowing disconnected countries may require more than four colors. By arranging the countries as "slices of pie" into circles, it can be shown that n different colors are needed to color the map.
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  • #2
Basically, what they mean is that the four color theorem only applies to maps that have all "countries" in one piece. If you allow disconnected countries, then you may need more than 4 colors, and the map given in that book is an example where you would need 5.
  • #3
I imagine there is no limit if you allow disconnected countries.

Let n be a natural number. Simple arrange all the n countries as "slices of pie" into circles in all the various combinations and orders. Then we will need n different colours to colour the map.

FAQ: How Does the Four Color Theorem Apply to Maps with Disconnected Regions?

1. What is the Four Color Theorem problem?

The Four Color Theorem problem, also known as the Four Color Map problem, is a mathematical problem that asks whether it is possible to color any map using only four different colors in such a way that no two adjacent regions are colored the same.

2. Who first proposed the Four Color Theorem problem?

The Four Color Theorem problem was first proposed by Francis Guthrie, a mathematician from South Africa, in 1852. However, it was not until 1976 that the problem was finally solved by Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken using a computer-assisted proof.

3. Is the Four Color Theorem problem still considered unsolved?

No, the Four Color Theorem problem is no longer considered unsolved. As mentioned earlier, it was solved in 1976 by Appel and Haken. However, there are still some mathematicians who question the validity of their computer-assisted proof.

4. How is the Four Color Theorem problem related to graph theory?

The Four Color Theorem problem can be translated into a graph theory problem, where the map is represented as a graph and the regions are represented as vertices. The question then becomes whether it is possible to color the vertices of the graph with four colors in such a way that no two adjacent vertices have the same color.

5. Has the Four Color Theorem problem been extended to more than four colors?

Yes, the Four Color Theorem problem has been extended to more than four colors. In fact, it has been proven that any map can be colored using five or six colors, but beyond that, there is no known general solution for any number of colors.

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