How Does the Gap Theory Unify Spacetime and Quantum Mechanics?

In summary, this theory is fundamental physics theory that tries to describe spacetime from a new approach. I linked General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics in order to develop the theory. I also tried to describe spacetime from a new perspective, and linked quantum mechanics with the principal function. The theory is not finished yet, but there are some predictions I have found so far.
  • #1
This theory is fundamental physics theory.I tried to describe spacetime from new approach.I also tried to link General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. I'm really sorry for the wrong translation in the first sentence of the manuscript ...
It should be:I think that spacetime behaves as diffraction pattern,which slit moves through superspace with speed of light.My conclusions becomes from Heisenberg's relations and spacetime characteristics-it is isotropic and homogenuos(that the reason why it has to be invariant for all inertial systems).
I developed new approach to black holes physics and spacetime quantization.This theory is fundamental physics theory.I tried to describe spacetime from new approach.I also tried to link General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. That link are black holes and spacetime quantas. The theory isn't finished yet,but there are given some predictions I have found till now. In context is given brief math I have used in the theory for better understanding.The theory isn't complete yet,but it would be great if You cold give some comments about the research.
I linked Quantum Physics and General Theory with principal function (S=mc Int ds) and S=int Ldt where L is lagrange function.ds is interval in Theory of Relativity.We have to calculate Lagrangian of perturbated 3D Harmonic Isotropic Oscillator. I did it and got it as some form of hypergeometric function 2F1(a,b,c,z).
Astronomy news on
  • #2
The other part of theory

Read attachment
  • #3
The third part of the theory

  • #4
The forth part-math of the theory



  • the gap theory22.doc
    53.5 KB · Views: 316
  • #5
How to actually READ the ATTACHMENT?
  • #6
What attachment?
  • #7
Who the hell are these wackos?

- Warren
  • #8
Info about attachment-really sorry

It seems that attachment option didn't work on the forum.I'll give You then web page on the other forum where the pdf is located.
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  • #9
I think you got the wrong forum.
  • #10
That doesn't work. Why don't you explain it here?
  • #11

I think you got the wrong forum.
Did you read the pdf file? If you were,I'll say yes there is a lot of math,but that math isn't the whole math I used.There is a lot of mathematics in solving the Lagrangian of perturbated 3D Harmonic Oscillator for first order perturbation in Gravity field.Do You think that this is for theoretical physics?
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  • #12
Passwords and username for the theory!

Originally posted by schwarzchildradius
That doesn't work. Why don't you explain it here?

Mr and Mrs here are the password and username to read the Theory:

I cannot explain it without proper math!
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  • #13

Originally posted by Radic
Did you read the pdf file? If you were,I'll say yes there is a lot of math,but that math isn't the whole math I used.There is a lot of mathematics in solving the Lagrangian of perturbated 3D Harmonic Oscillator for first order perturbation in Gravity field.Do You think that this is for theoretical physics?

It was in the theory development section of the old forum, was it not? It seems the "holes theory" has a name change, but as an alternative idea, it seems that theory development is where it is headed.
  • #14

Originally posted by Eh
It was in the theory development section of the old forum, was it not? It seems the "holes theory" has a name change, but as an alternative idea, it seems that theory development is where it is headed.
Yes it was on the old forum,but in the Gap theory ideas are outspead.
  • #15
off to T.D. this goes!
  • #16
How to write metric and math symbols like ratio and Sum

How Can I write ratio ans Sum here?I need it to show you metric I got
  • #17
This is the metric

Sorry but it's in attachment


  • metrics.doc
    19.5 KB · Views: 296
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  • #19
I hope that you can read format.If you don't understand any part of the theory please ask!
  • #20
The Gap Theory Basic Ideas

Hi,I'll try to give You better explanation.
As we know all physics laws that describes behaviour of some physical system are consequence of interections between physical system parts.So when we know or assume some properties of physical system parts and its interaction,we are able to form General Physical Theory for that system,which would give us all laws for that system.
Physical Theory which I'm representing should describe spacetime system,with these postulates:
1.Spacetime behaves as diffraction pattern
2.It is homogenuos and isotropic
3.Maximal speed is speed of light in vacuum
The first paragraph desribes why I've included the 1st postulate,and uses formula that descibes diffraction on one slit to approach new interparetation linking Quantum Mechancs basic ideas.
Other part gives explanation of spacetime and black hole analogy or equality,and products are black hole energy law,black hole evaporiation.
It is interesting to say that energy expression of black hole is same as Hawking's,but here is included too grade crossing from star to black hole.The main conclusion is that in the time of black hole forming energy frees,and black hole-spacetime build new linked structure(Like protons and neutrons build nucleus).Also the law of black hole evaporiation is almost same as Hawking's theory predicts,but there is difference when black hole radius reaches Planck's length.According to this model,black hole would explode.
This model also gives spacetime ground energy,and it predicts that space time emitts own virtual particles in Planck's time intervals,or in other words that are time quantas which spacetime emitts.That quantas could interact with other virtual pairs and product REAL particle,so this model in some way(not yet finished) view of Universe matter creation.
And the last part gives metrics,which is expressed like Gauss' hypergeometric function.
I hope that this would help to better understanding and folowing of the theory arguments,
  • #21
The hypergeometric Gauss function

I'll give you site where you can see graph of gauss hypergeometric function which in The Gap Theory defines metrics:
(1D case)
Best wishes S.V.Radic
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  • #22
The Gap Theory Basic Ideas

,I'll try to give You better explanation.
As we know all physics laws that describes behaviour of some physical system are consequence of interections between physical system parts.So when we know or assume some properties of physical system parts and its interaction,we are able to form General Physical Theory for that system,which would give us all laws for that system.
Physical Theory which I'm representing should describe spacetime system,with these postulates:
1.Spacetime behaves as diffraction pattern
2.It is homogenuos and isotropic
3.Maximal speed is speed of light in vacuum
The first paragraph desribes why I've included the 1st postulate,and uses formula that descibes diffraction on one slit to approach new interparetation linking Quantum Mechancs basic ideas.
Other part gives explanation of spacetime and black hole analogy or equality,and products are black hole energy law,black hole evaporiation.
It is interesting to say that energy expression of black hole is same as Hawking's,but here is included too grade crossing from star to black hole.The main conclusion is that in the time of black hole forming energy frees,and black hole-spacetime build new linked structure(Like protons and neutrons build nucleus).Also the law of black hole evaporiation is almost same as Hawking's theory predicts,but there is difference when black hole radius reaches Planck's length.According to this model,black hole would explode.
This model also gives spacetime ground energy,and it predicts that space time emitts own virtual particles in Planck's time intervals,or in other words that are time quantas which spacetime emitts.That quantas could interact with other virtual pairs and product REAL particle,so this model in some way(not yet finished) view of Universe matter creation.
And the last part gives metrics,which is expressed like Gauss' hypergeometric function.
I hope that this would help to better understanding and folowing of the theory arguments,
According to the Gap theory,spacetime pruduces real particles,with some probability of course...So,before Big Bang there could exist particles,and in the preBig Bang period number of particles per volume of the space would be very small,but they could aggregate anf form the first black hole,which would explode and that's actually the Big Bang.But this theory doesn't limit only to one Big Bang--->There could be more!(Temperature that develops at the moment of Black hole explosion is the same as predicted in Big Bang procces!).
1.According to the Gap Theory-->Spacetime without Real particle cannot exists in time greater of ~e-43s.
2.Spacetime is isotropic and behaves as 4D Quantum Harmonic Oscillator--->There has to be maximal speed in the field R.
3.There is possibility for spacetime travell,"faster" than light(spacetime jump-->bypass Special Theory--->spacetime bending).
4.There are not singularities and General Theory is consistent with Quantum Mechanics,because when the length L is L=0,there is SUBSPACE in our Universe,that cannot be measure or determined experimentally in which L>0=Planck' length.
5.Planck's length is the least distance in our Universe

  • #23

Originally posted by Radic

let us say that the universe is a threedimensional net.
In the beginning no direction was "the" direction.
If one origo moved, nothing said that all the others should
move in the same direction and nothing said that no
origo should move. The net was in a chaos, all over the universe.

As a consequence of this, net moves either from or against
points in the universe. Points the net move from are called source and points the net moves against are called source (instead of plus or minus). Therefore boblock's spring function is correct.
(see picture).


That two sources repell each other and two sinks repell each other is more advansed physic.

This is more stabile:
than this:

Let's say that length passes through every point with the speed c.
then c is the hypothenus of a triangle with one chatet "length passing" and the other the speed v

(in which the point moves in this case seen from a third reference system)

or else the length passing would be (c^2 + v^2)^0,5 which is a prediction.

this is also true for another point moving in the speed w
and we get
R1 (c^2 - v^2) = R2 (c^2 - v^2). We multiply this with length passing (LP) in the unit c m that in my theory is time messaured in c s and we get:

R2 (c^2(LP)^2 - x^2 - y^2 - z^2) = R2 (c^2(LP)^2 - x^2 - y^2 - z^2)

and thereby

R1 (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - c^2(LP)^2) = R2 (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - c^2(LP)^2)

That there are four coordinates does not mean that there are four dimensions.

But R1 s^2(1 + i) is still R2 s^2(1 + i) cause all distances
are not zero really.

I would not see time as an dimension, even if it is a coordinate.


låt oss säga att universum är ett tredimensionellt nät.
I början var ingen riktning riktningen.
Om ett origo rörde sig, sa ingenting att alla dom andra borde
röra sig i samma riktning och ingenting sa att inget
origo borde röra sig. Nätet var i ett kaos, över hela universum.

som en konsekvens utav det här rör sig nät antingen från eller emot punkter i universum. punkter nätet rör sig mot kallas brunn och punkter nätet rör sig ifrån kallas källor (istället för plus eller minus). Därför stämmer Boblocks källfunktion
(se bild).


Att två källor repellerar varandra och två brunnar repellerar varandra är mera avancerad fysik.

-+ --
Det här är mer stabilt: +- än det här: ++

Låt oss säga att längd passerar genom varje punkt med hastigheten c. Då är c hypotenusan av en triangel med en katet "den passerande längden" och den andra hastigheten v

(I vilken punkten rör sig i det här fallet sett ifrån ett tredje referenssystem)

annars skulle den passerande längden vara (c^2 - v^2)^0,5 vilket säger emot sig självt.

Det här är också sant för en annan punkt rörandes sig i hastigheten c och vi får
R1 (c^2 - v^2) = R2 (c^2 - v^2). Vi multiplicerar det här med den passerande längden (PL) i enheten c m som i min teori är tid mätt i c s och vi får:

R2 (c^2(PL)^2 - x^2 - y^2 - z^2) = R2 (c^2(PL)^2 - x^2 - y^2 - z^2)

och därmed:

R1 (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - c^2(PL)^2) = R2 (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - c^2(PL)^2)

Men R1 s^2(1 + i) är fortfarande R2 s^2(1 + i) för alla avstånd
är inte noll egentligen.

Jag skulle inte se tiden som en dimension,
även om den är en koordinat.
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  • #24
Understanding of the Gap Theory

If you understood the Gap Theory then you'll be able to answer these questions:
1.Why time arrow is dirreted to rise entropy?
2.How friction and other forces break(unbreak)spacetime symetry?
3.Creation of the universe?
4.What happens with black holes when their mass reaches small masses?
5.What is energy limit for unified theory,and does it depend of spacetime state?
6.Why there has to be limited speed?
7.Is space-time travell theoreticaly possible?
  • #26
The Gap Theory

The Gap Theory

S. Radic
Belgrade, Serbia

Today’s physics is outspread between macro and micro world. General Theory of Relativity very well describes Macroworld, while Quantum Mechanics very well describes probability in micro world. But problem occurs when we want to unify these two theories into the one that would be able to describe each phenomenon in the Universe.
General theory is deterministic theory, while Quantum Mechanics is statistically deterministic. Statistically deterministic means that this theory gives us as result of some phenomenon, probability, so the first obvious problem is how to unify something that could be theoretically infinite determined and something with a probability. In other words logic concepts of General Theory and Quantum Mechanics are different. In General Theory statement: ”A body has speed v at coordinate x” could be or not could be true. To determine its logical value (true, false) we have to make experiment, but according to Quantum Mechanics, and principle of uncertainty, every experiment will perturbate system, and it won’t be able to determine logical value as we used, we just may say that the statement is true with some probability.
Good examples are black holes. According to General Theory black hole will end in singularity. But according to Quantum Mechanics then we’ll have that all parts of the black hole has the same position, determined 100%, because Dx=0,so according to Heisenberg’s principle (and Pauli’s) all parts will have infinite indeterminate different velocities, which is again according to General Theory impossible, because the highest speed in our Universe is speed of light in vacuum.
The Gap Theory is a try to remove singularities from the unified theory, and to link General and Quantum Mechanics postulates.
If we want to link these two theories we have to study properties of space-time, make quantization of space-time and then use it on black hole to derive basic properties of them, find link between space-time and black hole.


As it’s mentioned above there are two accepted theories of space-time-particle behavior: Quantum Mechanics and General Theory, and it is cream of physics. There is also M-theory, which is unification of strings theories, but as it isn’t solvable by today’s math, so that doesn’t help us very much.
According to this theory space-time quanta is equal to the collection diffraction pattern that move with speed of light through hyperspace. This conclusion becomes from Heisenberg’s relations. According to this principle we cannot determine precisely coordinates and momentum of any particle, so we may say that a particle is scattered in space-time, or diffracted on space-time pattern. (Diffraction becomes scattering for l>> d, where d is width of a slit in pattern, or in this case where we have “space-time pattern” wave length l>> of Planck’s length).
The first papers of the theory will have accent on diffraction on slits, and I’ll make link between diffraction on pattern, Heisenberg’s relations and the Special Theory. There would be given general equations of the Theory for a slit.
As the Theory was developing, I succeeded to link general “Holes theory” with space-time quanta and black holes physics. I’ll call space-time quanta: metrons and metron inner excitations: inertons.
The third part of the Gap Theory contains Riemann’s space theory and a new metrics that links Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.
Postulates of the Theory:
1.Spacetime behaves as diffraction pattern
2.It is homogenous and isotropic
From this two postulates, as I’ll show it below we get that there has to be finite maximum velocity in the Universe, but the postulate don’t give the value for the velocity.This would be brief results of the Gap Theory and I'll represent its effects:

1.Spacetime is isotropic and behaves as 4D Quantum Harmonic Oscillator--->There has to be maximal speed in the field R.
2.There is possibility for space-time travel, "faster" than light(space-time jump-->bypass Special Theory--->space-time bending).
3.There are not singularities and General Theory is consistent with Quantum Mechanics, because when the length L is L=0,there is SUBSPACE in our Universe, that cannot be measure or determined experimentally in which L>0=Planck' length.
4.Planck's length is the least distance in our Universe
5.Conservation laws could be "accidentaly" with some probability>0 broken and speed of light!
Some conclusions:
: i)
«Change of the body energy is propotional to its relative velocity in regard of the diffraction pattern slit«
Now it's obvious why from i) and why postulate (2) folows that there has to be maxial finite speed because if there isn't maximal finite speed ,then space-time in different inertial systems which have different relative speed in regard of the diffraction space-time pattern slit,wouldn't have the same properties and that is contradiction with postulate (2)!
A)!*Mass is measure of inertia.Inertia is characteristic of a body that resists to changes.There is no changes without space and time.So when there isn't space-time then there aren't changes,so we cannot determine inertia => mass doesn't have a sense.But according to law of energy conservation mass have to be transformed into energy.
Body that falls into BH is transformed into energy*! So it is equal to the slit(hole) that moves with speed of light.
Black hole creation is explosion that looks like on nuclear fusions.
If m0=0,we can see that black hole will radiate-that means black hole will lose own energy (vacuum fluctuations).
One quanta of space has energy of
E=mp*c^2 (2.25)
where mp is Planck’s mass.
Space can be described as field that consists of quanta with energy of
1.9563e+9 [J].The wave length of that quanta is 5.0770e-035 [m].
It means that space has energy and if it would be stopped it will transform in particle of mass mp.That particle would be a »mini black hole«.If we have more these particles that are very close each other they will form bigger black hole.

This is just some of textual part
of the theory,if you are interested in the whole mathematics beside it and more inside.I could send the theory through mail:
  • #27

I honestly don't know enough about physics to fully understand what your gap theory implies but it has some interesting features. Of all the models of the universe, a wave model in which all matter is some quantity of standing waves is the one that I believe to be the most accurate. What you seem to be stating is that some energy source exists and our universe is a slice of the refraction from some fourth dimensional energy source traveling through a difractor. This seems to me to bear a very strong resemblance to the harmonics theory. If our universe is indeed made up of energy waves than these waves would produce harmonics.

Is it possible that your gap theory is a fourth dimensional view of the harmonics formed by the wave theory?

If this is the case it should be possible to create an entire mathematical construct from the relativity of harmonics and of the relativity of the waves. Both models would fully explain the behavior of the universe accept with a fourth dimension of rotation in which waves are projections.

To better explain, in your gap model the waves making up matter would be coming from a fourth dimensional source in which the wave structure of matter we percieve is now looked at as a projection from an external source. It appears that any difraction model could be reverse-engineered with harmonics into a wave model, and vice-versa. If this is the case the important question would be which model is more usefull.

A difraction model (gap theory) would be great to find usefull scales such as the possibility of galaxy clusters rotating around a central black hole, knowing where strong black holes are would make space travel more efficient because it would assist in locating significant gravity sources which could be utilized to decrease fuel consumption. A difraction model could also help identify the properties of things that are un-detectable yet still have an effect on our universe.

A wave model on the other hand is best for predicting interactions at small scales. For example in trying to create a quantum scale computing device. For example designing molecules which together could produce the entire range of logical operation when based on the incoming polarity of 2 electromagnetic waves arriving at pre-determined directions. This case would also require molecules which could keep the calculating molecule from moving, molecules which could detect and amplify quantum data to a useable scale, molecules which bring existing data down to the quantum level, and molecules which could store quantum data.

Most, if not all, physics formulas defining the behavior of the universe have left out the possibility for life and free will. I have every reason to believe I exist in this universe and I know I have some level of control over my nervous system. If free will does not exist all calculations would need to include the affect of something within that universe (ie. us) finding the properties of the universe which invariably leads to (us) manipulating them. My evidence of this is that Einstein figured out E=MC2 and soon after there was a neuclear bomb produced. There are no physics discoveries that I know of which haven't been used by humans to manipulate the environment. Currently the Heisenberg prinicple and the quantum-decisions theories appear to be the only physics theories which leave room for free will.

Even if the affect of free will is small, it would create a harmoic affect which could eventually affect the entire universe. A demonstration example would be the harmoics that lead to Einstein, and from Einstein to the first neuclear bomb. Your gap theory doesn't leave any room for free will, and I don't believe it will be able to explain or account for how the universe produced Einstein or how Einstein lead to the first neuclear bomb. Wave theory on the other hand leaves a little room for free will in that we accept a limitation on the levels of waves we can detect and assume that smaller waves exist, which leaves room for manipulation by "free will" and the larger scale harmonics from such manipulation.
  • #28
Free will in Gap Theory

The base of the Gap Theory is quantum meachanics and Heisneberg's Principle which leaves probability and free will.Spacetime quantas behave as Isotropic 4D Harmonic Oscillator,which in quantum mechanics has energy levels and probability wave function!

FAQ: How Does the Gap Theory Unify Spacetime and Quantum Mechanics?

What is the Gap Theory-spacetime theory?

The Gap Theory-spacetime theory is a scientific concept that attempts to explain the origins and structure of the universe. It suggests that there was a "gap" or pause between the first two verses of the Bible, during which time God created the universe and the laws of physics, including the concept of spacetime.

How does the Gap Theory-spacetime theory differ from other theories of the universe's origins?

The Gap Theory-spacetime theory differs from other theories, such as the Big Bang theory, in that it incorporates both scientific and religious beliefs. It acknowledges the scientific evidence for the universe's expansion and the concept of spacetime, but also incorporates the religious belief that God created the universe.

Is the Gap Theory-spacetime theory widely accepted by the scientific community?

No, the Gap Theory-spacetime theory is not widely accepted by the scientific community. While it attempts to reconcile science and religion, it is not supported by enough scientific evidence to be considered a mainstream scientific theory.

What evidence is there for the Gap Theory-spacetime theory?

The Gap Theory-spacetime theory is primarily based on a literal interpretation of the Bible, specifically the two verses in Genesis that suggest a gap between God's initial creation and the start of the seven-day creation story. There is also some scientific evidence, such as the expansion of the universe, that can be interpreted as supporting the theory.

Can the Gap Theory-spacetime theory be tested or proven?

No, the Gap Theory-spacetime theory cannot be tested or proven scientifically. It is based on religious beliefs and interpretations of ancient texts, rather than empirical evidence. As such, it falls outside of the realm of scientific study and cannot be tested or proven using the scientific method.
